In: Operations Management
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Measuring brand health begins with assessing the consumer influence of advertising and other forms of marketing communications such as sponsorship and public relations.
yes, it is true that Measuring brand health begins with assessing the consumer influence of advertising and other forms of marketing communications such as sponsorship and public relations because Brand health is associated with its customer's awareness about a particular brand and products or services it sells. Brand health can be said more strong and good when consumers instantle able to recognize brand name, brand tag line, slogans etc in advertisement either online or offline.
For example- If i see Logo of half eaten apple in any advertisement or newspaper or any sponsorship program like sports then i would instantly tell as consumer that its apple brand. This shows how apple's brand health is strong that consumers able to recognize and get influened by it.
Every brand tries to make thier brand healthier so they invest heavily in advertising like TV commercials, Billboards, TV and movie placements, Social media and public relations so that customers able to identify their brand at any place in the world.Brand can measure its brand healthy by knowing how many customers and potential customers able to recognize or recall its brand.
for example- If nike sponsor a sports league or to raise funds for charity work then customers will be able to recognize with its swoosh logo. this shows brand's health in marketing.