A) What was philosophy and what was a philosopher, for the Ancient Greeks? B) List three...

A) What was philosophy and what was a philosopher, for the Ancient Greeks?

B) List three common characteristics of a philosophical question and explain them.

In: Psychology

please provide a detailed explanation of the social learning theory (Bandura) and examples

please provide a detailed explanation of the social learning theory (Bandura) and examples

In: Psychology

Write a journal entry (approximately 200 words). Your journal entry should present your views on the...

Write a journal entry (approximately 200 words). Your journal entry should present your views on the value & usefulness of one or more of the ethical theories discussed in the reading assignment.

Your entry should also share your personal ethical reflections in relation to the reading assignment.

Issue present - Ethics and ethical reasoning

In: Psychology

Write a high school (9th grade) level story correctly using the following words: Unprecedented, Delegate, Tacit,...

Write a high school (9th grade) level story correctly using the following words: Unprecedented, Delegate, Tacit, Clandestine, Allegation, Advocate, Nebulous, Recur, Poignant,Tirade

For the words advocate and delegate, use the verb form of the word.

In: Psychology

What is the influence of our social schemata on our self-schemata? What is the relationship between...

What is the influence of our social schemata on our self-schemata? What is the relationship between self-schemata and our social functioning? Does the individuation result from a differentiation from social schemata and the self? Justify your conclusions.

In: Psychology

According to Nakano Glenn (2010) “How is skin lightening interwoven into the world economic system and...

According to Nakano Glenn (2010) “How is skin lightening interwoven into the world economic system and its transnational circuits of products, capital, culture, and people?” This question asks to critically and conceptually analyze the above quote and discuss it is a human rights issue.

In: Psychology

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Compare & contrast leadership styles between the education...

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Compare & contrast leadership styles between the education system of the USA china and Mexico using the Four frame model. give specific examples

In: Psychology

Describe three beliefs key beliefs of Jainism and/or Sikhism. How similar are these beliefs to those...

Describe three beliefs key beliefs of Jainism and/or Sikhism. How similar are these beliefs to those found in Hinduism?

In: Psychology

1. Read the case study below, and put yourself in Maria's position to answer these questions:...

1. Read the case study below, and put yourself in Maria's position to answer these questions:

What is the ethical issue that Maria faces?

Who benefits/loses if she decides to do as Hans says?

What would you do if you were in her shoes? What does this decision reveal about you?

Cosmetic Applications

Topic: Package Labeling and Advertising


Hans, Cosmetics Group Product Marketing Manager

Maria, Assistant Marketing Communications Manager

Maria is an Assistant Marketing Communications Manager with TruBlush Cosmetics, a

manufacturer of facial cream and other skin moisturizing products. She is relatively new to

the cosmetics industry, being a recent college graduate with limited “real world” experience.

As part of her orientation, however, she recently had the opportunity to spend one week with

the TruBlush marketing research group, sitting in on several focus group discussions with

regular cosmetics users.

Today Hans stopped Maria in the hallway and told her to coordinate the artwork on both

the new package label design and the storyboards for an upcoming advertising campaign, to

reflect an increase in the recommended application of a facial cream product from one to

three applications daily. While delighted with the opportunity to finally be assigned

something substantive where she can demonstrate what she is capable of doing, she is

troubled by the directive.

Maria recalls that in each of the four focus group sessions the week before, the majority of

consumers interviewed revealed that just one application of this product “did the job.” While

changing the recommended usage would dearly contribute to additional sales volume, what

she knows about the product indicates that such an increase would not significantly benefit

consumers. On the other hand, Hans is the Group Product Marketing Manager, and he makes

the decisions on promoting recent hires for this product.

Author: Richard F. Belhamini, Associate Professor of Marketing and Advertising, Arizona State University.

In: Psychology

#2 I post this twice, please don't duplicate answer I need two different views. If you...


I post this twice, please don't duplicate answer I need two different views. If you upload a photo please make sure it is clear handwriting, Thanks

Discussion: Skin Color is an Illusion

What to do:

Please watch the TED Talk Skin Color is an Illusion Links: and also review the site Understanding Race Links: from the American Anthropological Association and post what you thought was the most interesting thing that you learned.

In: Psychology

EEOC v. Red Robin Review Assignment) 1. Why was the employee in the case fired? 2....

EEOC v. Red Robin Review Assignment)

1. Why was the employee in the case fired?

2. What was the basis of the employee’s claim against Red Robin?

3. Which party was successful in the claim?

4. What was the basis for the success of the prevailing party in the case?

5. Do you agree or disagree with the ruling? Why?

In: Psychology

Erikson believed that during middle childhood we go through the crisis of Industry vs. Inferiority (make...

Erikson believed that during middle childhood we go through the crisis of Industry vs. Inferiority (make sure you understand what industry means in this context). Do you think this still is relative with elementary school-aged children today? Why or why not?

What is different about today's elementary school-aged child's experiences compared to your experiences when you with this age?

In: Psychology

QUESTION 12 To get back at her sister, Tess steals her sister's sweater. Unfortunately, her sister...


To get back at her sister, Tess steals her sister's sweater. Unfortunately, her sister has so many clothes that she didn't even notice. According to Skinner, is this an example of punishment?


No, because it didn't change the sister's behaviour.


Yes, because the act of removing the sweater was intended to punish.


Yes, because the sweater is still missing even if not noticed yet.


No, because removal of a stimulus is negative reinforcement.


According to the Law of Effect, which of the following behaviours should become more common?


A dog blinking its eyes after a flash of light is presented


A child throwing a tantrum after being ignored for throwing a tantrum


A child doing her homework after she was praised for her last homework assignment


A rat eating after it got a shock for pressing a lever


John has to give his cat Garfield a pill every day. He always opens up the pill bottle (which makes a popping sound) and removes one pill before giving it to Garfield, and he follows this by giving him a treat as a reward. After a while, John notices that when he opens up the pill bottle, Garfield comes running to him right away. In this example, the __________ is the unconditioned stimulus.






sound of the pill bottle opening


cat running to John


Use of operant conditioning techniques and applied behaviour analysis (ABA) have been applied extensively to treating which disorder?




Post-traumatic Stress Disorder






Carla asked a question in class, and her teacher made a fuss about what a great question it was. After that, Carla never asked another question in class again. This is an example of operant concept?


negative reinforcement


negative punishment


positive punishment


positive reinforcement



Which of the following is an example of positive reinforcement?


Giving a child candy for completing their homework


Taking away privileges if a child does not follow classroom rules


Removing a child's chores when he or she complete homework


Giving students a night off from homework if they work hard during class


Miranda notices that her cat salivates as soon as her cat hears the sound of the electric can opener. In this example, the sound of the can opener is the


secondary reinforcer


positive reinforcer


conditioned stimulus


primary stimulus


Dan wants to teach his young son to help with chores. He knows that the little boy isn't ready to do a lot on his own, so Dan just praises his son for small tasks like putting a toy in the toy box or helping to feed the cat. Over time, Dan's standards will get higher as his little boy can handle more complex work. This is an example of which operant concept?






negative reinforcement




__________ is any relatively permanent change in behaviour brought about by experience or practice.






Memory enhancement


Muscle memory


Which of the following is an example of operant conditioning?


Learning to like a new band because your best friend likes it


Feeling nervous when you hear spooky music during a horror movie


Encouraging a child to do his chores by giving him a cookie when he has completed them


Reducing a patient's fear of spiders by associating spiders with relaxation


Which of the following helps to explain the maintenance of problem behaviours, like staying in an abusive relationship?


positive punishment


spontaneous recovery


partial reinforcement



In: Psychology

Select one contemporary ethical, social, or political issue. How would a utilitarian approach that issue? How...

Select one contemporary ethical, social, or political issue. How would a utilitarian approach that issue? How would a Kantian approach the issue? (You may

consider Kant’s Principle of Universalization or his Principle of Humanity, or both.) With which approach, if either, do you agree and why?

You’ll want your answer to convey that you understand both the utilitarian and Kantian approaches to ethics, and can apply these approaches to a particular issue. Be sure you don’t sell short the last part of the question: you’ll need to explain why we should favor one approach over the other (or favor neither approach).

In: Psychology

What was the premise behind eugenics? How did eugenics explain race? What is the problem with...

What was the premise behind eugenics? How did eugenics explain race? What is the problem with this explanation?

In: Psychology