What's is the role of the neurotransmitter glutamate in learning/memory

What's is the role of the neurotransmitter glutamate in learning/memory

In: Psychology

Think of a team you have been a part of and discuss how your team was...

Think of a team you have been a part of and discuss how your team was evaluated and rewarded for its successes? Was there a focus on evaluating the individual? The team as a whole? Both? Discuss why you think the chosen reward was or was not motivational to the team? If you were the manager or leader of that team, what would your chosen evaluation and reward methods have been? Explain why you would've done what you're proposing.

In: Psychology

What are some of the signs, features, and behaviours associated with schizophrenia? Have you ever known...

What are some of the signs, features, and behaviours associated with schizophrenia?

Have you ever known anyone with schizophrenia? Being as honest as you care to be, does being around someone with this illness create some anxiety or fear for you?

You now know that people who commit certain acts (perhaps violence) may suffer from psychosis, delusions, and hallucinations which is often associated with schizophrenia. How would you explain this phenomenon to your friends and family?

Reviewing some of your classmate's postings, what have you learned about other's who have the first-hand experience of schizophrenia. What are your thoughts about this? Are you surprised about any aspects? What do you know now, that you didn't know before reading about their experiences? Who Gets Me? Schizophrenia (Ontario) Fanshawe College film

Brief in 1200 words

In: Psychology

Please discuss the impact of Judaism and Christianity on Western Civilization: How did the Christian views...

Please discuss the impact of Judaism and Christianity on Western Civilization:

How did the Christian views of the world and human nature differ from those of the Greek and Roman societies?

In: Psychology

In clinical child psychology, What are risk factors (temperament, interpersonal conflict, physical abuse, sexual abuse and...

In clinical child psychology, What are risk factors (temperament, interpersonal conflict, physical abuse, sexual abuse and poverty) and protective factors during childhood, which increase or decrease the risk to develop psychological disorders? Discuss.

Please include a paragraph between 350 and 400 words. Explain and please it should be a paragraph, no short answer or no definition.

In: Psychology

Identify and explain the three steps in the process of addiction. How is the term drug...

Identify and explain the three steps in the process of addiction.

How is the term drug defined in this chapter? What are psychoactive drugs? How do medicines differ from drugs?

Differentiate among drug misuse, drug abuse, and drug dependence.

List the six general categories of drugs. For each category, give several examples of drugs, and explain the effects they would have on the user. What are designer drugs?

Identify and explain the various factors that influence the absorption of alcohol. Why is it important to be aware of these factors?

In: Psychology

Free association and dream analysis which are the techniques of psychoanalytic approach. Explain each of these...

Free association and dream analysis which are the techniques of psychoanalytic approach. Explain each of these clearly. It should be include;
-what is the aim of the technique?
-What is the idea behind it?
-How does it work?
Please include a paragraph between 350 and 400 words. Explain and please it should be a paragraph, no short answer or no definition.

In: Psychology

Can we track a common pattern with clear stages during the sexual response? Compare the EPOR...

Can we track a common pattern with clear stages during the sexual response? Compare the EPOR model with competing models. How do they differ? How are they the same? Do you think one describes the sexual response more accurately than the others?

In: Psychology

In clinical psychology, Explain the three levels of prevention clearly (tertiary prevention (indicated prevention intervention), secondary...

In clinical psychology, Explain the three levels of prevention clearly (tertiary prevention (indicated prevention intervention), secondary prevention (selective mental health prevention) and primary prevention (universal mental health prevention). ) Discuss especially their 'aims' / 'goals' and give examples to each of them.

Please include a paragraph between 350 and 400 words. Explain and please it should be a paragraph, no short answer or no definition.

In: Psychology

Explain how African mythology maintained a consistent set of values despite the vast expanse of the...

Explain how African mythology maintained a consistent set of values despite the vast expanse of the continent.

In: Psychology

Give an example of when you would use structural imaging versus functional imaging. Also, give an...

Give an example of when you would use structural imaging versus functional imaging. Also, give an example of when you would be interested in directly manipulating brain activity. (Think about the different neuroimaging methods).

In: Psychology

Consider John Allen Lee's styles of love. Which one do you think you are? What do...

Consider John Allen Lee's styles of love. Which one do you think you are? What do you think your partner should be to give that budding relationship a good chance? And when that relationship really gets going, and you've got your first fight, how are you going to establish a solid foundation for effective communication? What are the warning signs that this relationship is about to fail? How do you stop it?

I recommend that you use a single example from your own experience, and analyze it from the new point of view you should have developed from reading the chapter. If you cannot think of a relationship (or do not want to talk about an existing one), just imagine one (your chance to imagine your perfect partner if you'd like, and even here, there will be fights).

In: Psychology

Recall that children often overgeneralize grammatical rules at one language milestone. Describe how the behaviorist, nativist,...

Recall that children often overgeneralize grammatical rules at one language milestone. Describe how the behaviorist, nativist, and interactionist views would discuss this occurrence.

In: Psychology

Notice the “power position” for each dimension. From a social perspective, are you in the dominant...

Notice the “power position” for each dimension. From a social perspective, are you in the dominant or subordinate position?

I don't get this question at all. I need an example of ones' answer so I could answer it based on myself.

In: Psychology

Cognitive dissonance theory says a lot about cognition - what goes on inside the mind. Why,...

Cognitive dissonance theory says a lot about cognition - what goes on inside the mind. Why, then, is it in a communication theory textbook? What does communication have to do with dissonance creation or reduction?

In: Psychology