
In: Psychology

How might the study of the brain contribute to a better understanding of how we make...

How might the study of the brain contribute to a better understanding of how we make decisions, especially when we consider analysis, and identifying and solving problems?


Expert Solution

Answer is as follows:

"The brain is the monstrous,beautiful mess,Its billions of nerve cells called neurons -lie in a tangled web that displays cognitive powers for exceeding any of the silicon machines we have built to mimic it."-WILLIAM F.ALLMAN -SCIENCE WRITER

Every day, we face thousands of decisions both major and minor -whether to eat apple or doughnut or to take a decision in our professional life i.e to deal with the opposite party or not.So all this process of decision making occurs in our brain.Scientists have identified a specific region of the brain called the amygdala that is responsible for immediate reactions including fear and aggressive behavior . However, the frontal cortex, the area of the brain that controls reasoning and helps us think before we act, develops later. So it continue to mature our mind in making decisions .Ther are number of nerve cells called neurons that help the brain in making decisions.Many of the decisions we make are made as part of a group. Brain neuroscience is providing greater insight into the influence of emotions when choosing in a social context. Insights coming from the research include:

MISTAKES-Mistakes are the most critical element for becoming a better decision maker.It makes our level of the mind conscious and let us modify our decisions to make it better.

RESULT AND PUNISHMENT- Neuroscience is showing that powerful reward and punishment mechanisms influence social decision making.As it deals with the emotions of our mind that influence decision making process'

PRIOR EMOTIONAL STATE-If our prior mood is negative then our desion can also fluctuate according to our mood.So for making better decisions our mood should be positive.

Our awareness towards our changing behaviour can also let us think about better decision making .As adolscents have different way to think .In their stage they make wright and wrong decisions so that they can be more better problem solvers in their future life.The differences in adolscents like act on impulse,misinterpret social cues,get involved in fights etc .So it is their brain functioning affected by the environmental factors .On the other side adults understand the situation according to their mature level like-

  • think before they act
  • pause to consider the consequences of their actions
  • change their dangerous or inappropriate behaviors

So all kind of decisions changing with the level of brain's maturity level. How we can make our decision better by analyse,identifying the problem,can be explained with an example i.e  analyzing the differences in neuropsychological performance on financial decision making based on the effects of age and gender.So for doing this we should consider the following suggestions-

Consider social values when deciding -We should consider the values while making decisions that can fit to our social decision.

Clarify intent-As we make strategical decisions,we need to face intention detection process that results to correct relative positions and agreement

Learn how you react-We should regulate ourself while making decisions.

Acknowledge biological Limits-Recognize human cognitive limitations and construct and manage decision tasks within those boundaries.

Increase social intelligence-Increase social awareness by monitoring other people's responses and reactions during change.

Thus ,we can only make good decision individually as well as in group,if we are well aware about our actions of the cognitive level .Brain is in our control,it is all matter of behaviour and emotions.

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