Devolution in Kenya was touted as a solution to development inequalities in the country. The citizens...

Devolution in Kenya was touted as a solution to development inequalities in the country. The citizens believed in the constitution that the creation of the county governments would bring services closer to them, enhance access to leaders and ultimately achieve development at a faster rate. The performance of the counties has recently become a subject of discussion by every Kenyan. It has been over three years since, but tangible results are not evident with blame between National and County governments and institutions thereof increasing by the day. County governments have not established their foot in revenue collection, legislative agenda is yet to take root with the county assemblies having been grounded by the pull and push for higher pay by the members, minimal capacity of the MCAs to legislate and debate Bills and county residents developing apathy towards their county leaders. The Council of Governors is concerned with this and has instituted a research in which you are the lead person.   

Suggest an appropriate title that this research can take                                         

Outline any four specific research objectives for the study                                  

Draw a schematic diagram of a conceptual framework that the research should adopt clearly indicating the various types of variables.                                                        

Briefly explain any four ethical considerations that you would bear in mind while conducting your research.                                                                                         

In: Psychology

Although no inference to the best explanation is deductively valid, some such arguments are inductively strong....

Although no inference to the best explanation is deductively valid, some such arguments are inductively strong.



In: Psychology

Wearing a tie to look "professional" is a example of a:

Wearing a tie to look "professional" is a example of a:

In: Psychology

How do the locations of the centers of industrialization today compare with those during the Industrial...

How do the locations of the centers of industrialization today compare with those during the Industrial Revolution, and how do you account for any differences?

In: Psychology

Which is more prevalent in younger children, assimilation or accommodation? How about in adults

Which is more prevalent in younger children, assimilation or accommodation? How about in adults

In: Psychology

Some may argue that the findings of the Solomon Asch experiment are not terribly valuable because...

Some may argue that the findings of the Solomon Asch experiment are not terribly valuable because conformity is being assessed on a relatively innocuous task (i.e., choosing line sizes). What kind of situation might you use to test conformity that would be immune to this criticism? Can you think of a way to test conformity in the real world in a way that would be both useful and ethical?

In: Psychology

TASK This task is an individual assignment. Choose ONE of the types of speech below and...


This task is an individual assignment. Choose ONE of the types of speech below and prepare a speech on the topic:

EDUCATION 1) Informative OR 2) Persuasive

Delivering an effective speech is a skill that needs to be developed especially for those with job tasks involving speeches like teachers, sales person, lawyers and many others. Either you are delivering an informative speech or a persuasive one, you will need to prepare your speech text.

In: Psychology

Briefly discuss why Thomas Jefferson's words "all men are created equal" in the Declaration of Independence...

Briefly discuss why Thomas Jefferson's words "all men are created equal" in the Declaration of Independence were not accurate for that time in American history.

In: Psychology

Define temperament and gives examples of temperament in infants. How similar or different in temperament would...

Define temperament and gives examples of temperament in infants. How similar or different in temperament would identical twins be compared to fraternal twins. How do you explain these differences or similarity? Does this make you think people are born ‘blank slates’ or are ‘products of their environment’?

In: Psychology

1. During ancient times people often attributed mental illness to: diet evil spirts poor attachment germs...

1. During ancient times people often attributed mental illness to:
evil spirts
poor attachment
2. _____, a physician, is credited for efforts to reform mental institutions, encouraging the documentation of case history, treatment notes, and labels for psychological illnesses.

The term ____ BEST describes the use of medication and medical procedure that treat psychological problems by directly changing the biology of the brain.

biomedical therapy
4. Characteristics commonly associated with those who enter psychotherapy include all EXCEPT:
above-average income
minimal education
5. All of these are behavioral therapy techniques EXCEPT:
token economy.
systematic desensitization.
aversive conditioning.
6. Which two therapy approaches tend to be short-term?
cognitive and behavioral
humanistic and psychodynamic
humanistic and cognitive
psychodynamic and behavioral
7. MOST therapy groups include between _____ people.
twelve and fifteen
five and ten
eight and twelve
two and six
8. The primary goal of family therapy is to:
promote collectivistic family dynamics.
improve how family systems function in order to benefit its members.
gather information about the person of concern for more effective treatment.
holistically address the person or problem from which the dysfunction stems.
9. Which of these is LEAST likely to be used as part of family therapy sessions?
cognitive restructuring
deep brain stimulation
psychodynamic interventions
person-centered goals
10. Effectiveness studies typically demonstrate how well psychotherapy works in:
sessions with voluntary motivated clients.
sessions with court order or involuntary clients.
typical treatment settings such as clinics.
controlled situations or lab environments.
11. Yahaira and Hillary are both diagnosed with depression. They are both college educated, of comparable age, and experience similar family dynamics. Based on research, which of these statements MOST accurately predicts psychotherapy outcomes?

Hillary, who engages in motivational interviewing, will benefit more than Yahaira who receives rational-emotive therapy.

Yahaira, who engages in person-centered therapy, will benefit more than Hillary who receives psychodynamic therapy.

Both Yahaira and Hillary are likely to benefit from psychotherapy regardless of therapeutic approach.
Both Yahaira and Hillary will benefit if they both receive medications.
12. Yoko is participating in psychotherapy. Initially she was fearful of the process, worried that the therapist would judge her negatively, and reluctant to ask questions. After a few sessions with the therapist, Yoko has discovered that her opinions are valued and she is responsible for contributing to the establishment of treatment goals. She is surprised by the trust that she has established with the therapist. Yoko's experiences BEST illustrates the principal of:
cognitive distortion.
therapeutic alliance.

Wilhelm is a therapist in a diverse community. He frequently works with clients who are Greek and Somalian. Wilhelm is sensitive to, and knowledgeable of, the impact of the heritage, norms, and traditions of the clients he serves. The skill that Wilhelm possesses when working with clients in a diverse community is MOST commonly known as:

cultural competence.
unconditional positive regard.
14. Dione is a devout Seventh Day Adventist who has been working with Margret, a Catholic therapist. Margret meets with clients in the evenings. When scheduling appointments with Dione, Margret is mindful of the Seventh Day Adventist Sabbath, which begins at sundown on Friday. Margret's awareness of Dione's religious observance BEST illustrates the concept of:
cultural competence.
unconditional positive regard.

Bart, a psychology student, was raised in the Catholic church. The tenents of his faith prohibit abortion. During his training practicum Bart was assigned to a pregnant client who was considering an abortion. Bart recognized that his perspective on the issue of abortion is different than that of his client. Bart's awareness of this dynamic and its potential impact in the therapeutic process BEST illustrates:

therapeutic alliance.
cultural autonomy.
ethical misconduct.
cultural self-awareness.

Akio is a therapist treating a rape victim. The client reveals that he has located the assailant and discloses a plan to injure or kill the assailant in order to prevent other rapes. Akio values ethical practice and would MOST likely:

warn anyone who may be at risk.
seek to have the client committed.
maintain confidentiality.
have the client sign a behavior contract.
17. Dr. Jones is a trained industrial and organizational psychologist. She has worked with large corporations for her entire career. As Dr. Jones approaches retirement, she decides to take a part-time consulting position where she administers and interprets IQ and personality assessments for residents of a youth group home. The scenario BEST illustrates the ethical issue of:
multiple relationships.
informed consent.
boundaries of competence.
18. Jason is a psychologist. While attending a parent teacher conference for his child, the teacher expresses a desire to schedule martial therapy with Jason. Based on the information provided, which ethical issue is of MOST concern?
multiple relationships
boundaries of competence
cultural competence
19. Cybertherapy differs from other forms of psychotherapy in that it:

relies on software programs or artificial intelligence.

is not subject to the same ethical standards.
is facilitated solely by videoconferencing.
takes place via technological devices and the internet.

Weaknesses of cybertherapy include all EXCEPT:

the higher cost as compared to typical psychotherapy
the risk of clients engaging the services of illegitimate therapists
therapists may lack the technological skills and acumen
lost capacity for understanding emotional state during communication
21. Sebastian has a fear of spiders (arachnophobia). After mastering some relaxation techniques, Sebastian is exposed to computer-generated images of spiders. The presentation of the spider images increase in proximity and intensity until Sebastian no longer responds with fear. The treatment used to treat Sebastian is BEST described as _____ therapy.
virtual reality exposure
22. Medications prescribed to reduce the frequency and intensity of delusions, hallucinations, and bizarre behavior are collectively known as _____ drugs.
mood stabilizing
23. Martha, who received counseling many years ago for a gambling addiction, was recently diagnosed with anxiety. Martha has misgivings about taking antianxiety medications as part of the treatment for anxiety. Which is the MOST plausible explanation for Martha's misgivings?
some people become addicted to antianxiety medications
taking the medication would require admission to a hospital
she believes that changing her diet would be more effective
her impulse to gamble may increase
24. Lithium is a common mood stabilizer prescribed for the treatment of:
obsessive compulsive disorder.
bipolar disorder.

In: Psychology

What are some potential ethical, legal, political, and social implications of taking positions to say that...

What are some potential ethical, legal, political, and social implications of taking positions to say that race is real and race is not real? (etc: affirmative action, meritocracy....) Why must one consider history to be able to understand current events?

In: Psychology

What justifications did America give for going to war in Vietnam? Were those reasons justifiable? Why...

What justifications did America give for going to war in Vietnam? Were those reasons justifiable? Why or why not?

In: Psychology

How do we prevent wrongful convictions? Are plea bargains a necessary evil? Why or why not?...

How do we prevent wrongful convictions? Are plea bargains a necessary evil? Why or why not? "Please type response instead of writing."

In: Psychology

what are the advantages and disadvantages of using interviews and behavioural assessments in personality testing.

what are the advantages and disadvantages of using interviews and behavioural assessments in personality testing.

In: Psychology

write 1000 words about how mental health impact social media?

write 1000 words about how mental health impact social media?

In: Psychology