
In: Psychology

TASK This task is an individual assignment. Choose ONE of the types of speech below and...


This task is an individual assignment. Choose ONE of the types of speech below and prepare a speech on the topic:

EDUCATION 1) Informative OR 2) Persuasive

Delivering an effective speech is a skill that needs to be developed especially for those with job tasks involving speeches like teachers, sales person, lawyers and many others. Either you are delivering an informative speech or a persuasive one, you will need to prepare your speech text.


Expert Solution

A good persuasive speech must have an introduction, body of speech and a conclusion.

In the introduction it is mandatory to have the following;

a) Attention getter

b) Reason to listen

c) Thesis statement

d) Credibility statement

e) Preview of main points

Body of speech

The need for the discussion of the topic. The benefits, merits and demerits of the topic.


a) Review of main points

b) Restate of thesis

c) Closure

Title:      Education


At present our nation has one of the most crimes by teenagers against females, old people and other people. One of the greatest nation on Earth ranks 50th in crime rate in the world. This nation also has one of the largest youth population who are independent and unemployed. We also have one of the largest homeless population in the world. Being homeless is one problem, while crimes by the homeless and crime against the homeless is another population. We are going down in world happiness index too. We are surrounded by technology, yet most of the population aren’t familiar with the technology and how it functions and also how the cybercrime, hacking are affecting people. There are so much more and all of them have one common root cause ‘The Lack of Quality Education’

Had there been a quality education, had there been a teacher in everybody’s life, had there a class room full of friends and memories for an individual, then the every single moment in his life would be following compassion, being righteous, etc., just for the sake of all those individuals who had been part of his school life.

All those attain the preliminary education or advanced education, they all build a life that is worth sharing with others and being helpful to many others. They live by contributing to the society by being a good person and by bringing a change each day they live.

Body of Speech

Education is all about making a son and a daughter of a family into a brother to strangers, son to unknown people, friend to everybody, grandchildren to old people. It teaches the children the importance of being a person and being useful to the society. It also teaches the students to approach life by making a career for themselves by choosing the disciplines they like. Education sorts out the ethics, importance of morale and being honest. Education in all forms and all stage of life teaches the technology, social life, our own economy, world economy around us. Education is school and college serve as the training grounds for the battle called life.

All the training in the schools and college through education shall guide individuals in doing what is right and ethical as well morale. This in turn shall help in reduction of crime, increase of entrepreneur, philanthropist, etc.


A quality education when provided shall give rise to the growth and development of responsible individuals, citizens who follow ethics and morals. Individuals shall be capable to make their key decisions of their lives and their well-wishers life. They tend to become good person over time and shall contribute to the lives of other youngsters by guiding them in person or by being a role model as well as inspiration. It shall also help in reducing the increase of crime rates and create a safe environment for young, youth and old aged people. Importantly, the individuals will have the insights about their life and tend to make the environment a safe place for everybody pursuing their dreams.

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