
In: Psychology

Deviance/Global Stratification Choose a piece of popular fiction—novel, short story, graphic novel, or comic book—and research...

Deviance/Global Stratification

Choose a piece of popular fiction—novel, short story, graphic novel, or comic book—and research the material through the lens of popular culture and its effect on society.

Prepare a 500- to 750-word analysis that includes a critique of that work and a commentary on the influence of the work in popular culture. Address the following:

• Identify the literary production you chose to focus on. Provide a brief overview of what the piece is about, the author’s background, and how the piece fits or does not fit with other literature of that genre.

• What is the cultural significance of the work Reflect on whether the piece is considered economically successful or if it has fan followings.

• What cultural values are reinforced or challenged in the work?

Consider the following examples:

• How the Harry Potter novels are encouraging young adults to read

• Does the Twilight series reinforce or challenge traditional gender roles?

• The quest for truth in the novels of Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons


Expert Solution

The literary piece we are choosing is a novel called Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. She is an Indian American author Born in Kolkata In1956 .She has won american book award and Crawford award . The book portrays the hindu epic Mahbharatha from the Draupadi's point of view who was the wife of Five Pandavas kings . Originally Mahabhartha is portrayed from a male dominated perspective but the novel challenged the patriarchal practices and portrayed it from a female patriarchy .It shows the ordeals of Draupadi in a patriarchal society . The novel sheds light on the present patriarchal culture which is prevalent in the Indian society and who women are subordinated and treated like objective in the society .It highlights the misogynistic attitudes prevalent in the ancient times .It acts as a bridge between both present and the past . The book ghas many feminist elemnets insed it and strikes the blot of patriacrthy and male domnation from a multidiemnsional persppective . It has clearly influenced the youth of the society which are more progressive . It has shown the ortohdox patriarchal practices which were prevalent in the ancient time and which can also be found in the hindu scriptures . It portrays the different aspects of how society caste class together in an integrated form create hindrances for women and treat them in a discriminated way . It also shows male gender privileges over women . it shows how the identities of women are related or we can say bound to men . It shows women have equal status like men in the society but their role is always overshadowed by men. It also connects the vulnerability level that women have in the present day world. It is more humanistic and realistic in nature while the original version of Mahabharata is more concerned with men , gods and kings . The novel has strong fan base .It is one of the best selling novels. It chanlleds the patriarchal culture of the Indian society and highlights the various aspects of it which affect women in everyday life. The only criticism about the novel is that it follows a pure feminitic approach and fails to appreciate the good deeds of men . It has put all the blame on men only .It also questioned the gender roles of the society as women are meant to be kept to the four walls and are only capable of doing household work . The traditional ideas which are embedded in society are clearly challenged in the novel. But it has somehow failed to strike the balance between ancient myths and the present society .

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