In: Psychology
For each lifespan development (e.g., infancy, childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood or aging)
You are to include the following:
1. The developmental stage
2. human development topic of that stage
3. what is a problem/issue of that topic
Infancy: Infancy is the period between 0-2or 3 year of age. A child is preequipped with a prediction for human face and human voice. An infant is capable of complex perceptual judgments such as distance, depth,shape and direction. Rapid development in cognitive process happens. This phase marks simple uncoordinated reflex movements to more coordinated reflexes. They start displaying surprise, distress, relaxation, excitement,anger, sadness, fear, love, trust, and depend. Major problem of this stage is neglect,toxiacation etc that leads to pyshological unstability.
Childhood: This period ranges from 2-12 years. A child staart to understand and start using language. They start displaying goal-directed behaviour. Tehy are capable enough to of solving new types of logical problems. This phase marks greater self-awareness. Many moral developments take place in this phase. Physical and pyschological disorders are main problems during this stage.
Adolescene: This period ranges from 12-20 years of age. In this period,A child start to formulate hypotheses or propositions, test them, and make rational observation. Sexual urges and the begining of the relationship marks thsi period. This stage of development is the most complex stage of all other stages. During, this stage a number of physical change within the body of an adolescence take place for example mensturation in girls , puberty etc. Mood disorders, anxiety disorders, thought disorders, psychosocial disorders etc are some problems faced during this stage.
Early Adulthood : This stage of development marks the realisation of a lot of responsibilities and a person learns to be independent on not just personal level but also financial level. During this stage a person realises hi/her choice of field and tries to excel in the same by crossing various hurdels of life. A person starts gaining maturity and learns decision making as well. This is the stage when falls in love and begins a relationship. In this stage, a person is at the peak of his/her strength. Age process also starts. Violence, eating disoders and depression are some problems faced during this stage.
Middle Adulthood : This stage involves the most responsibilities that a person has to take comparitive to all other stages. A person becomes responsible enough to take care of his/her family. During this stage many physical changes are also accompanied such as menopause in women , less sexual desires , less movement. The person has the responsibility to estabilish ethics and morals in his/her childern. Stagnation, self‐absorption, self‐indulgence and invalidism are some problems faced during this stage.
Old Age : This is the last stage of development and accompanies too many physcial changes within the body. The conditions of the body deteriorates hence the person's movements gets restricted. People in this stage usually start loosing their senses and devote their maximum time in doing activities involving minimum movements.