In: Operations Management
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In the current global scenario where coronavirus is emerged as a pandemic and has almost throughout the globe, nonessential businesses like airlines should firstly focus on its ethical obligations.
First of all, they should focus on the safety and health of their customers and try their level best to not spread the disease any further by any means, by performing any kind of activity which can do so.
Though travel restrictions have been put up by many governments throughout the world who are facing this pandemic, but still there are some airlines that are working.
The working airlines should make sure that their passengers are COVID negative, they should be allowed to board on a plane only if they have got themself tested within 1 or 2 days, and they are negative for the coronavirus. Moreover, there is a need to make sure that they didn't meet any person who's corona positive after getting themselves tested. The passenger should have no symptoms, and there is a need to adopt a proper scanning system too regarding the same.
Proper hygiene and sanitation should also be maintained in the airlines and they need to impose masks and sanitizers as a mandatory requirement for their passengers.
AIRLINES CAN BE USED TO DELIVER NECESSARY ITEMS where there are travel restrictions by the government. This can be done for domestic flights as well as for international flights. It can be used to transfer or deliver medicines and PPEs from one place to another.
In this manner, they can work even in this global crisis