In: Finance
1.Comparative balance sheets are used to analyse the trend and performance of two companies by comparison of balance sheets of two companies of two different perioids .It is helpful in workplace when you have to find out the rate of growth and comparative ratios or trend of a company or an investments .It is highly used in finding out the variations between two different periods.
2.Trend Analysis- Trend analysis is analysis of past data of a company to arrive at a present trend. It is finding out a direction in which the particular company is moving into.It is helpful at workplace in estimation of a future price while doing valuation in respect to a particular trend.It can also be used in finding out a projected growth rate
3.Sensitivity analysis- This analysis is used to measure the sensitivity of a stock or an investment in regards to the overall market or market events .This is helpful at workplace in finding out the rate of volatility of a particular investment in regards to benchmarks. This is used in investment decision according to the risk taking ability of an individual.