In: Psychology
Instructions: For each of the following research designs, identify the dependent and independent variables.
1. To investigate the effects of exercise on mathematical
problem-solving ability, a researcher assigned subjects to one of
two groups. One group did 50 jumping jacks and the other group did
200. After exercising, both groups did a set of math
2. A researcher hypothesized that talking to plants enhances their
growth. To test her hypothesis, she gave two plants the same amount
of food, water, and sunlight, but she talked to one plant and not
the other.
3. In order to study the relationship between neonatal exercise and
motor development, a professor randomly assigns 50 one-week-old
infants to Group A or Group B. The 25 infants in Group A
participate in a daily 15-minute exercise program. The infants in
Group B are not exposed to anything beyond their normal daily
activities. Twice a month for an entire year, subjects from both
groups are given a motor-skills test.
4. An experimenter wants to study the relationship between
breast-feeding and Infant Formula X in underdeveloped countries.
She randomly assigns 300 infants to Group A or B and weights the
infants every three days for the first four weeks of life.
5. Two groups of subjects were told they were going to receive
electric shocks as part of a learning experiment. One group was
told that the shocks would be relatively painful. The other group
was told that the shocks would be mild and produce a gtickling
sensation.h The subjects were then asked if they wished to wait
individually or with a group while the shock machinery was being
set up.
6. One half of the General Psychology students completed
computerized instruction exercises. The remaining half spent an
equal amount of time reviewing the text and lecture notes. Both
groups were tested on the course information.