
In: Nursing

Habilitation and rehabilitation have two different goals form the perspective of both the nurse educator and...

Habilitation and rehabilitation have two different goals form the perspective of both the nurse educator and the learner with a disability. Discuss a teaching scenario for both habilitation and rehabilitation; use an assistive technology in at least one of the examples. Be certain to include all aspects surrounding the education: environment, audience, materials, etc.


Expert Solution

As without the adequate habilitation and rehabilitation services , the person with disabilities may not be able to work , or go to school or participate in cultural , sports or leisure activities . At the same time the barriers to other human right s can prevent persons with disablities from claiming the right to habilitation and rehabilitaion .  The habilitation and rehabilitation are are two different mean things ;-

HABILITATION ;- the habilitation refers to a process aimed at helping a disabled people attain and keep or improve the skills and functionally for the daily living , its services include physical , occupational and speech language therapy , various treatments related to pain management and audiology and other services that are offered in both hospital and outpatient location . For example ;- the therapy for the child who is not walking or talking at the expected age or teaching the adults with developmental disabilities the fine motor coordination required to groom and dress themselves . The benefits of these therapies can include for example ;- improved socialization skills which reduces developmental delays for the children with developmental disabilities .Adults and older people with the certain disabilities can also benefit for example ;- from therapies that prevent muscle loss and thus mobility or that increase the fine motor coordination so that independent living tasks such as dressing and bathing are made easier .

REHABILITATION ;- the rehabilitation refers to regaining the skills , abilities or the knowledge that may have been lost or compromised as a result of acquiring a disability or due to a change in one's disability or circumstances . for example ;- the rehabilitation robotics are designed to produce the highly intensive upper limb training that is quantifiable , easily graded , and cognitively challenging and also goal directed .

So, for the certain patient who need equipment so that they can benefit from from habilitation or rehabilitation therapy services or that meet other clinical or functional needs for example ;- it includes walkers , canes and the crutches , glucose monitor and the infusion pump as well as the prosthetics and orthotics , low vision aids , augmentative communication devices and the complex rehabiliation technologies such as motorized wheelchairs and assistive breathing machines . These are the devices that we might need to aid in their recovery after an injury or illness , that maintain the function or prevent its loss , sustain their health or help in their gaining new skills for the independence

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