
In: Economics

t/f/u. The point of a job search is to find the person who is “ good...

t/f/u. The point of a job search is to find the person who is “ good enough ” to fill a role. To support your answer, explain the goals of the employer and the potential employee as well as the costs each has to consider in engaging in the job search. Also, do you believe improved job search technology exacerbates or alleviates the costs and benefits


Expert Solution

An employer can terminate or change the job descriptions under at-will employment without notice only if it is not illegal. The illegal activities may include the acts based on discrimination based on race, gender, age, and nationality. If the employer has acted against the employee based on discrimination it is illegal. Suppose if John is employee at will and 50 years old and his job description was altered based on the firm’s decision to reduce the responsibilities on aged workforce. The decision would be discrimination based on age and the employer will be liable for their actions.

Another example for illegal activity can be the situation where the employee’s job description was changed or employee was terminated when he refused to carry out an illegal activity suggested by the employer. For example consider John is a truck driver and the employer suggested him to drive the truck in more than permissible limit to reach the destination faster. John disagrees and the employer removed him from the responsibilities of that particular profit making division. This would be considered as illegal.

Another kind of illegal act by employer can be the situation where the employer break the promise of employment where the employee relied on his promise and got injured. Consider the case of an employee who quit his current job based on the promise from the employer and relocate to the new location for employment at will, but he was not given the position promised. The case would come under promissory estoppel and the employer can be liable.

In my opinion the at will employment is bad as it helps the employer to terminate the innocent employees also without any reasons. Though there are certain exceptions, they are not sufficient to protect the’ at will’ employees as the employers can show some other reasons for termination and escape from their liability. There should be more predictability for the employee employer relationship to avoid wrongful utilization of the policy and increase employee trust and commitment towards the organization.

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