Outline the health hazards of ROAD WORKS

Outline the health hazards of ROAD WORKS

In: Civil Engineering

Assume you are the Design/Build Contractor for a CVS Pharmacy in Logan, OH. The building is...

Assume you are the Design/Build Contractor for a CVS Pharmacy in Logan, OH. The building is 11,945 square feet in size with construction scheduled to commence on January 18, 2017. Use the progress completion schedule from a similar CVS Pharmacy in Athens, OH, to organize the overall schedule for the project by weekly progress for a completion date (turn over to owner) on May 23, 2017.
1. Progress in one week: awnings, landscaping, permanent electrical power, gas service
2. Progress in two weeks: compactor pad poured with concrete, drive through poured with concrete, water line, dumpster pad
3. Progress in two weeks: drywall finishing, painting, electrical rough-in, glass and glazing
4. Progress in two weeks: pharmacy window and pneumatic tube, flooring, lights, ceiling tiles
5. Progress in three weeks: demolition, clear and grub site, excavation and erosion control
6. Progress in two weeks: block cleaning, transformer set, base coat of paving
7. Progress in two weeks: exterior wall block, irrigation, grading, demo for turning lanes
8. Progress in one week: footers, column pads, curb layout, parking lot layout, site grading
9. Progress in two weeks: interior framing, doors and hardware, window frames, electrical rough-in, plumbing rough-in
10. Progress in two weeks: interior slab, block work, storm sewer
11. Progress in one week: landscaping, exterior signage, parking lot striping, site clean-up, project completion
12. Progress in one week: millwork, lights, electrical finish, plumbing finish, HVAC finish
13. Progress in two weeks: sanitary pump station, service panels set, sidewalks poured, stone base for pavement
14. Progress in two weeks: steel erection, exterior framing, HVAC roof curbs, roofing, concrete curb, sanitary sewer, relocate telephone lines, parking lot light conduit

In: Civil Engineering

A 30 ft long beam (W24x68) supports a 5 kips/ft uniformly distributed live. Loading due to...

A 30 ft long beam (W24x68) supports a 5 kips/ft uniformly distributed live. Loading due to self-weight of the beam is negligible, The beam is laterally supported at its ends and at third points. What is the flexural strength (kip/ft) of the section based on lateral torsional buckling (FLB)  failure mode?

units should be in kip/ft

In: Civil Engineering

Your client is a small community of 5000 people. They want to begin a municipally operated...

Your client is a small community of 5000 people. They want to begin a municipally operated refuse collection and disposal program and ask your advice on the purchase of collection vehicles.  They want to collect refuse once a week. What would you recommend? (you are asked to provide recommendation regarding type of vehicles as well as a rough estimate on numbers, make appropriate assumptions).

In: Civil Engineering

a. A symmetrical rectangle box section prestressed concrete beam of external width of 300 mm and...

a. A symmetrical rectangle box section prestressed concrete beam of external width of 300 mm and external depth of 600 mm with a uniform thickness of 40 mm is prestressed with 7 numbers straight steel wires of 7 mm diameter located at a distance of 15 mm from the bottom of the soffit and 5 number of 5mm diameter of the steel wires located at the 575 mm from the bottom of the beam . The wires were initially tensioned on the prestressing bed with an initial
prestress of 1500 N/mm . The beam is subjected to point load of 48 + 0.2 (35) kN at the center of the beam and a uniformly distributed load of 20 kN/m entire length
of the beam with a length of 10 m. Calculate the resultant stresses at the end and mid span
section with neat stress distribution diagram. Assume the density of the concrete is 24 kN/m^3.

b. In the above problem, how to control the resultant stresses such that they do not exceed 25 N/mm2 at mid span section.
kN/m .

In: Civil Engineering

a. An unsymmetrical I section prestressed concrete beam of top flange (350 X 40 mm) in...

a. An unsymmetrical I section prestressed concrete beam of top flange (350 X 40 mm) in size, bottom flange of (200 X 40 mm), 30mm thickness of web and overall depth of 400 mm is prestressed with 19 numbers straight steel wires of 7 mm diameter located at a distance of 15 mm from the bottom of the soffit and 9 numbers of straight steel wires of 6 mm diameter located at a distance of 15 mm from the top of the beam. The wires were initially tensioned on the prestressing bed with an initial prestress of 1.2 + 0.01 (35) GPa. The length of the beam is 10 m. Calculate the total percentage loss of stress in the wires at top and bottom. Assume the beam is post tensioned beam and all the wires stressed simultaneously by using the following data:

Relaxation of steel stress= 4.5% of initial stress
Shrinkage strain in concrete for post tensioning = 200 x 10-6
Creep Coefficient ɸ=1.6
Friction coefficient for wave effect=0.0015 + 0.001 (35) per metre Slip at anchorage= 1.5 mm
Modulus of elasticity for steel = 210 GPa
Modulus of elasticity for concrete= 35 GPa

b. In the above problem, how to control the resultant stresses such that they do not exceed 25 N/mm2 at mid span section.

b. What are the measures that are suggested to be taken to reduce the losses in prestressed concrete members for the above problem?

In: Civil Engineering

explain two new personal insights on persons 65 plus. Also, discuss two ways that foresee learning...

explain two new personal insights on persons 65 plus. Also, discuss two ways that foresee learning about age differentiation and the aged helpful to your current or future career field.

In: Civil Engineering

. A prestressed road bridge of span 16 + 0.01 (35× 2) m consists of a...

. A prestressed road bridge of span 16 + 0.01 (35× 2) m consists of a concrete slab of 420 mm thick with parallel post-tensioned cables, in each of which the force at transfer is 440 kN. If the bridge is required to support a uniformly distributed applied load of 38 + 0.01 (135) kN/m , with tensile stress in the concrete not exceeding 0.85 N/mm2 at any time. Calculate the maximum horizontal spacing of the cables, their distance from the soffit of the slab at mid-span and their lowest possible position at
supports. Assume 15 % loss of prestress after transfer. Also calculate the number of steel wires used in each cable with the permissible stress of 1200 N/mm2 for 7 mm diameter steel wire. Assume the density of the concrete is 24 kN/m

In: Civil Engineering

manufacturing questions: a. Estimate the number of particles in a 500-g sample of iron powder if...

manufacturing questions: a. Estimate the number of particles in a 500-g sample of iron powder if the particle size is 50 microns.

b. Describe the differences and similarities in processing metal powders vs. ceramics.

In: Civil Engineering

1- Bring out their significance of evaporation, transpiration and evapotranspiration. (i) in arid region, and (ii)...

1- Bring out their significance of evaporation, transpiration and evapotranspiration. (i) in arid region, and (ii) in humid region.

2- Explain various factors, which affect infiltration? And using sketches/diagrams explain Horton's method of determining the infiltration capacity of a soil surface.

c)- What are the most important 5 methods of estimating runoff from a catchment?

In: Civil Engineering

Two concentrated loads each 10kN are applied vertically on an elastic, homogenous and isotropic single layer...

Two concentrated loads each 10kN are applied vertically on an elastic, homogenous and isotropic single layer flexible pavement. The distance between the left and right wheel is 350mm. Calculate the radial stress at point A, which is located 70mm horizontally, 90mm tangentially and 100mm vertically from the left wheel load.

In: Civil Engineering

1)What is the advantages of gypsum? a)fire proofing ( X )       b)heat treatment ( )         c)cheap...

1)What is the advantages of gypsum?

a)fire proofing ( X )       b)heat treatment ( )         c)cheap ( )      d)disintegrate in the moisture ( )

2) Where can use the hydraulic lime?

a)bridge ( )               b)building ( X )          c)under sea ( )           d)roads ( )

3) Why alkali oxides (Na2O and K2O ) in cement are harmful ? because they:

a) increase heat of hydration ( )    b)decrease strength of cement ( )   c)react with alkali of aggregates ( )

d)retard the setting time of cement ( )

4)Loss Of Ignition (LOL) indicates _____ or _____ due to prologned or improper storage:

a)prehydation or oxidation ( )      b)prehydration or carbonation ( )   c)oxidation or carbonation ( )

d) non of them ( )

5)which oxide of cement hydrates later than others:

a)SiO2 ( )             b)Fe2O3 ( )         c)K2O ( )         d) CaO ( )

6)Which components of cement hydrates faster:

a) C3S ( )              b)C2S (   )         c)C3A ( )             d) C4AF ( )

7) Which rock is not an ingnious rock:

a)shale ( )      b)pumice ( )       c)Quartz ( )     d)basalt ( )

8)Whrere can use the “specific gravity” of aggregates in concrete? To calculate:

a)mix design ( )     b) abrasion resistance ( )    c)compressive strength ( )   d)splitting tensile strength ( )

9)Which test is usefull for determining the workability of “Fiber Reinforced Concrete” ?

a)slump test ( )    b)compacting factor ( )   c)flow table ( )    d) Vebe test ( )

10)Which factor does not have affecting on drying shrinkage?

a)size and shape of structure ( )                                        b)amount of distribution of aggregates ( )                                            c)amount of distribution of reinforcement ( )                  d)humidity of enviroment (   )

11) Which type of shrinkage occur before concrete has set?

a)carbonation shrinkage ( )   b)plastic shrinkage ( )   c)autogenous shrinkage ( ) d)drying shrinkage ( )

12) Which factor is related to Internal Durability ?

a)permeability ( )         b)volume change of aggregates ( )            c)alkali reaction ( )                                             d)attack of industrial liquids ( )

13)Which factor has been affected on workability of concrete?

a)W/C ratio ( )       b)shape of aggregates ( ) c)grading of aggregates ( )   d)all components ( )

14) The chemical reaction between water and cement known as ___________?

a)oxidation (   )    b)hydration (   )     c)carbonation (   )     d)calcination ( )

15) During slaking of lime heat evolves and _______?

a)burn lime ( )     b)volume expands ( )   c) hydration strated ( ) d)react with water ( )

16)Which fault occur due to the improper vibration of concrete?

a)shrinkage ( )   b)compation ( )    c)segregation ( )    d)bleeding ( )

17)What kind of aggregate can reacti with cement?

a)fine aggregates ( )   b)coarse aggregates ( )   c)alkali aggregates ( )    d)methamorphic rocks ( )

18) during the handiling of fresh concrete, what are the most important factors affecting on selection method?

a)econimic ( )        b) maintained the quality of concrete ( )               c)increase strength of concrete ( )    d) a and b ( )

19) __________ in the pure state is white but combined with impurities it may grey, brown or reddish brown?

a)gypsum ( )       b)lime (   )          c)cement ( )      d)sedimantary rocks ( )

20)which type of cement is suitable for concreting in cold wheater ?

a) Ordinary PC( )    b)rapid hardening PC ( )    c)low heat PC ( )    d)sulfate resistance PC ( )

21) which type of cement is used for concerting in sea water?

a)Ordinary PC ( )     b)sulfate resistance PC ( )      c) high aluminum Cement ( )                                                    d) white portland cement ( )

22 ) which type of cement is used in dam constructions?

a) masonary cement( )    b)rapid hardening PC ( )         c)low heat PC ( )     d)sulfate resistance PC ( )

23) Which type of cement is only used for architectural purpose?

a) ground granulated blast furnance slage ( )   b)natural cement ( )     c)wihte portland cement ( ) d)portland pozzolan cement ( )

24)which test is used for low workable concrete?

a) slump test (   )     b)compacting factor ( )    c) flow test ( )      d) kelly ball test ( )

In: Civil Engineering

Design the flexible pavement using Group index method and California bearing ratio method using the following...

Design the flexible pavement using Group index method and California bearing ratio method using the following data and compare the pavements.

Soil portion passing 75 micron sieve = 60%

Liquid limit = 43% and plastic limit = 28%

Area of the plunger = 19.6 cm2

Load at 2.5 mm penetration = 45kg

Load at 5 mm penetration = 68kg

Sub-base CBR = 30%

Base course CBR = 70%

Expected traffic = 900 vehicles per day.

In: Civil Engineering

An existing 2-lane (in each direction) multilane divided highway. The speed limit is 50 mi/h, the...

An existing 2-lane (in each direction) multilane divided highway. The speed limit is 50 mi/h, the lanes are 11-ft wide and lateral clearance is 2-ft. The peak hour volume is 1,800 veh/h in one direction, there are 5% trucks, a PHF of 0.92, but 1 access point per mile.
a) Determine the LOS during the peak hour.
b) Compare your result with the freeway in situation 1.

In: Civil Engineering

6-lane freeway (3 lanes in each direction) in level terrain has a current one-directional volume of...

6-lane freeway (3 lanes in each direction) in level terrain has a current one-directional volume of 5000 veh/h; it is estimated that in 3 years, volume will have increased to 5600 veh/h. The traffic mix includes 10% trucks. The free-flow speed has been measured at 70 mph and the PHF is 0.95.
a) Determine the current LOS.
b) Determine the LOS in 3 years.
c) After the initial three years, traffic grows at 4% per year, when will capacity be reached?

In: Civil Engineering