An existing rural 4-lane freeway (2 lanes in each direction) has 11-ft lanes and 2-ft lateral...

An existing rural 4-lane freeway (2 lanes in each direction) has 11-ft lanes and 2-ft lateral clearance. The freeway hasa peak-hour volume of 1,800 veh/h in one direction, 5% trucks in the traffic stream, and a PHF of 0.92. The freeway has 1 cloverleaf interchange within three miles of the midpoint of segment, and runs through level terrain. No recent field speed data is available.
a) Using HCS7, determine the LOS during the peak hour.
b) What is the capacity of this segment? (recall that capacity is the maximum flow possible; you can use the text)
c) Interpret the results – what, if anything, should be done next?

In: Civil Engineering

A rectangular channel 2 m wide has a bottom slope of 0.01 and a roughness coefficient...

A rectangular channel 2 m wide has a bottom slope of 0.01 and a roughness
coefficient of 0.017. A sluice gate 2 m wide is located in the channel. The sluice
gate has a contraction coefficient of 0.61 and a discharge coefficient of 0.58. The
depth of water just upstream from the gate is 2 m. The depth of water just
downstream from the gate is 0.5 m. Determine how far upstream from the gate
the depth of water will be within 1% of the normal depth.

In: Civil Engineering

List and explain at least three assumptionsthat are generally considered when using vertical photographs to derive...

List and explain at least three assumptionsthat are generally considered when using
vertical photographs to derive geometric information of the object space.

In: Civil Engineering

After the description has been written, the litmus test to a good description is that closes....

After the description has been written, the litmus test to a good description is that closes.



A plat is required if at least one tract of the subdivision is five acres or less.



In: Civil Engineering

A new suburban freeway is being designed. Estimated AADT is 40,000 veh/day, 60% of the peak...

A new suburban freeway is being designed. Estimated AADT is 40,000 veh/day, 60% of the peak flow traffic travels in the peak direction, the PHF is 0.85, and the terrain is rolling. There will be 3 ramps per mile, and traffic is expected to include 18% heavy vehicles (50% SUTs and 50% TTs). Lanes will be 12 feet wide with a lateral clearance of 6 feet. One segment of the road of the road has a 0.75-mile-long section with a 3.5% grade.
a) How many lanes are needed to provide level of service C during the peak hour using the 30th highest hourly volume (see Figure 6.8 in text and in lecture notes on design hourly volumes) on the road and how many lanes are required on the segment with the 3.5% grade?
b) Does the number of lanes change if you design for LOS D?

In: Civil Engineering

Using the rational method, determine the amount of runoff that would occur for a paved parking...

Using the rational method, determine the amount of runoff that would occur for a paved parking lot that is 100m * 50m and is uniformly sloped from one long edge to the other long edge at a rate of 2%. The time of concentration for this parking is 4 minutes. The five-year storm with duration of 4 minutes has an intensity of 10 mm/hr. The runoff coefficient for this parking lot is 0.80.آ [Q=0.166 CIA]
The runoff from part (a) is to be contained in a trapezoidal drainage ditch with the following properties: side slope = 2m horizontal run for every 1 m rise, width of invert = 2m, longitudinal slope = 0.005 m/m, and Manning's number = 0.08. If the maximum permittedآ depth of water is 100 mm, using Manning's equation for open channel flow, determine if the ditch will be able to accommodate the flow in part (a).

In: Civil Engineering

You are to carry out a research using the internet and identify at least five different...

You are to carry out a research using the internet and identify at least five different innovative ideas for intersection or road design to improve Road Safety and/or traffic flow. For each idea, provide a description of the idea, a photo or illustration of the design, where has it been used, advantages and disadvantages of the idea, and the source of the information (internet webpage/link will be sufficient).

In: Civil Engineering

In practicing their profession, engineers may cause safety and hazards to another party or environment as...

In practicing their profession, engineers may cause safety and hazards to another party or environment as a result of their unprofessional practices. Explain and assess the legal implications of these professional negligence in the engineering practices.

In: Civil Engineering

Describe any laws, regulations or policies that relate to the efforts of ensuring and governing low...

Describe any laws, regulations or policies that relate to the efforts of ensuring and governing low cabon, plastic free and green environment in Malaysia. Decide whether the existing laws in Malaysia are sufficient to regulate various issues pertaining to low carbon, plastic free and green environment. If yes, please explain why you think so and if not, please suggest any practicable enhancements to the existing laws or national policies in order to better improve the enforcement.

In: Civil Engineering

Q.In case of f(F,p,D,V,Mu,g), express F as a function of other physical quantities through Buckingam-pi method.

Q.In case of f(F,p,D,V,Mu,g), express F as a function of other physical quantities through Buckingam-pi method.

In: Civil Engineering

Sandstone pore of 20 mm in diameter and 100 mm long with porosity of 15% is...

Sandstone pore of 20 mm in diameter and 100 mm long with porosity of 15% is prepared for
core flood experiment. The sandstone pore is fully (100%) saturated with water by injecting
water with viscosity of 1cp at volumetric flow rate of 20 cubic mm/sec. A pressure drop of 1
atm was recorded across the pore during the injection process.
i. What is the absolute permeability of the sandstone pore sample in mD?
ii. What is the pore volume of sandstone sample?
iii. The sandstone pore sample is flooded by oil with viscosity of 2 cp until
water saturation reaching to 25%. Calculate the oil volume inside the pore
at the end of flood

In: Civil Engineering

Why did plantation labor transition from Amerindian and indentured labor to enslaved African labor? How did...

Why did plantation labor transition from Amerindian and indentured labor to enslaved African labor? How did each labor system work? What products magnified labor systems?

In: Civil Engineering

Combine the following aggregates in the right proportions to produce a blend with the given target...

Combine the following aggregates in the right proportions to produce a blend with the given target gradation.

Sieve size (mm)

CA7 % Passing

Washed Sand % Passing

Dry Sand & Passing

% Passing Target



















































In: Civil Engineering

A capped pile group consisting a rectangular grid of 7 by 3 spanning a total length...

A capped pile group consisting a rectangular grid of 7 by 3 spanning a total length of, 7.1 m in length. Piles are of size 400 mm diameter and spaced at 1.8 m interval. The soil profile at the site consists of 2.5 m of sand followed by clay soil below. Drive Method construction method would be used. Field and laboratory data on the soil profile indicates top layer shear strength of N = 25. Average and strength for bottom layer are Cu = 265 kPa and Cu = 290 kPa. Adhesion factor between soil and pile is 0.9. Would you recommend using the piles as a group or singles?

Part A: Show your working for the following

Pile Group Design

  1. Tip of base Area Ab (m2)=
  2. Base Perimeter P (m) =
  3. Ultimate bearing capacity qf =
  4. Tipt resistance (kN) =
  5. Layer 1 Shaft Resistance (kN) =
  6. Layer 2 Shaft Resistance (kN) =
  7. Ultimate Load Qf (kN) =

Part B: Show your working for the following

Single Pile Design

  1. Ultimate bearing capacity qf (kPa) =
  2. Tipt resistance (kN) =
  3. Layer 1 Shaft resistance (kN) =
  4. Layer 2 Shaft resistance (kN) =
  5. Ultimate Load Qf (kN) =
  6. Pile group efficiency (%) =
  7. Spacing criteria satisfied? (Yes/No)
  8. Use Piles as (Single/Group) =

In: Civil Engineering

what is the bed shear stress in hydrolics please explanation

what is the bed shear stress in hydrolics please explanation

In: Civil Engineering