Importance of channel depth in harbor layout.

Importance of channel depth in harbor layout.

In: Civil Engineering

hello, I am having an issue with a question in my highway engineering course. the question...

hello, I am having an issue with a question in my highway engineering course.

the question is:

An equal tangent sag vertical curve has an initial grade of –2.5%. It is known that the final grade is positive and that the low point is at elevation 82 m and station 1 + 410.000. The PVT of the curve is at elevation 83.5 m and the design speed of the curve is 60 km/h. Determine the station and elevation of the PVC and PVI.

In: Civil Engineering

(a) For the soft-contact lithography process, the usual application methods of the resist of shallow structures...

(a) For the soft-contact lithography process, the usual application methods of the resist of shallow structures is by using a spinner. Suggest alternative choices for resist application for deep (e.g. MEMS) features.
(b) Explain the options for a zero gap distance in contact lithography.
(c) Using schematics where necessary, describe;
(i) How diffraction effects modify the resist profile for positive and negative resist.
(ii) Methods by which an ideal resist profile for a lift-off processes may be realised.
(d) A resist is applied by spinner giving a particular thickness. Describe possible strategies to double the resist thickness for this resist.

In: Civil Engineering

2. Design an all-bolted double-angle connection for a W24x146 A992 beam to carry a dead load...

2. Design an all-bolted double-angle connection for a W24x146 A992 beam to carry a dead load reaction of 25 kips and a live load reaction of 75 kips. Use 5/16 in. angles and ¾ in A325N bolts in standard holes. The uncoped beam is connected to the flange of a W14x132 column. Design by both LRFD and ASD method.

In: Civil Engineering

Talking with a scheduler, review construction schedule and answer the following questions: How log did it...

Talking with a scheduler, review construction schedule and answer the following questions:

  1. How log did it take to complete the schedule?
  2. When in the design/build process was the schedule prepared?
  3. How is the schedule organized?
  4. How is the schedule coed? By subcontract? By responsibility?
  5. What activities fall on the critical path?
  6. How often is the schedule updated?
  7. Is the schedule being used for any advanced project management activities such as resource leveling, cash flow projections, and so on?

In: Civil Engineering

Q2)What would be the maximum aggregate size used for the given mixture properties by using ACI...

Q2)What would be the maximum aggregate size used for the given mixture properties by using ACI Method of Mix Design. 28-day specified concrete strength is 12 Mpa, standard deviation is choosen as 3.7Mpa and it is required that no more than 1 test result in 200 will fall below the specified strength.

Project Title:Detoration of wood column of a commercial building

Project summary:Wood deterioration at the lower level of a heavy timber column, which supports five floor levels, was remedied by removing a section of column and the construction of a new concrete pier and footing.

For Coarse Aggregate (Uncrushed):SSD Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.60, Absorption Capacity: 1.8 %, Total Moisture: 2.3 % and Dry Rodded Unit Weight: 1430 kg/m3.

For Fine Aggregate (Crushed):SSD Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.70, Total Moisture: 3.4% and Free Moisture: 1.4%. FM= 2.65, Zone II.

Cement:Portland Composite Cement, Specific Gravity: 3.01. For 1,4 m3cement is calculated as 48 kg.

Q3) use the data in question 2 and determine the amount of chemical admixture required for 0.4%

In: Civil Engineering

Q1) Designa concrete mixture proportions which will be used for offshore concrete platform.Norway is a world...

Q1) Designa concrete mixture proportions which will be used for offshore concrete platform.Norway is a world leader on offshore concrete platforms with 7 of the world’s 30 larger offshore concrete structures located on the Norwegian continental shelf. The first of these platforms where the Ekofisk Tank installed in 1974 and the last was Troll gravity based structure installed in 1996. The Sakhalin project is located in a harsh and artic environment where concrete structures have proven excellent characteristics with a minimum of maintenance. 80 mm slump value is required for the Sakhalin project. 28-days concrete characteristic strength is 8 MPa. It is required that no more than 1 test result in 100 will fall below the specified strength. The fine aggregate has a fineness modulus of 2.60 and Zone 3. For Coarse Aggregate (Uncrushed):SSD Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.65, Absorption Capacity: 2.4%, Total Moisture: 1.4% and Dry Rodded Unit Weight: 1345 kg/m3.  For Fine Aggregate (Uncrushed):SSD Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.70, Total Moisture: 3.4% and Free Moisture: 2 %. Cement:  Portland Composite Cement, Specific Gravity: 2.97. For 0.5 m3of concrete, binder amount is calculated as 120 kg(Use ACI Method of Mix Design)

In: Civil Engineering

The laboratory analysis of 25 mL sample after filtration gave the following data: Weight of the...

  1. The laboratory analysis of 25 mL sample after filtration gave the following data:
  • Weight of the filter disk after drying at 103 oC and 550 oC = 5.31g
  • Weight of the filter disk and sample after drying at 103 oC = 5.374g
  • Weight of the filter disk and sample after igniting at 550 oC = 5.339g

Determine the concentrations (in mg/L) of: a) Total suspended solids (TSS), b) Volatile suspended solids (VSS), and c) Fixed suspended solids (FSS) of the water sample.

In: Civil Engineering

Determine the lightest W14 section to carry LRFD factored compression load of 900 kips and LRFD...

Determine the lightest W14 section to carry LRFD factored compression load of 900 kips and LRFD factored strong axis moment of 600 foot-kips.

In: Civil Engineering

There are several things you need to know before you attempt to select the proper pump....

There are several things you need to know before you attempt to select the proper pump. List at least three points about "How to select the right pump for the job" with brief discussion for each item. Refer to the Pump Application Manual.

In: Civil Engineering

use double integration method. consider a simply supported beam with uniformly distribution of load of w....

use double integration method.
consider a simply supported beam with uniformly
distribution of load of w. compute the deflection at midspan and at L/4 . Draw the deoformed structure.

use L=8 meters, W=8

In: Civil Engineering

Q2) In a roofless elevator, which rises vertically at the constant speed of 2m / s,...

Q2) In a roofless elevator, which rises vertically at the constant speed of 2m / s, a stone is thrown upward at the initial speed of 17.6 m / s relative to it. calculate what the elevator has gone up when the bass falls again in it.

step by step plis

In: Civil Engineering

Describe the SlutWalk. What is the purpose? What interventions do its participants seek to accomplish? Summarize...

Describe the SlutWalk. What is the purpose? What interventions do its participants seek to accomplish? Summarize the critiques that Theresa Ann Hunt makes in “A Movement Divided: SlutWalks, Protest Repertoires and the Privilege of Nudity.” Why does Hunt find the SlutWalk problematic?

In: Civil Engineering

Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant force. Show your work. A. R = 80.3...

Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant force. Show your work.


R = 80.3 lb, = 106.2°


R = 80.3 lb, = 73.8°


R = 72.1 lb, = 63.6°


R = 72.1 lb, = 116.4°

In: Civil Engineering

How is Pumzi dystopic and Afrofuturist? How is Pumzi both allegorical and speculative? Use examples. Taking...

How is Pumzi dystopic and Afrofuturist? How is Pumzi both allegorical and speculative? Use examples. Taking all that you know about both current realities and this film, what year could the setting of Pumzi take place? Explain.

In: Civil Engineering