3. Compare the repairing rules of potholes for different standarts.

3. Compare the repairing rules of potholes for different standarts.

In: Civil Engineering

1. Do research on the Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) in Malaysia. Find out what the department...

1. Do research on the Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) in Malaysia. Find out what the department is about, the function, its roles, and contributions in the curriculum development of Malaysia or your homecountry.

2. Select only ONE education level (pre-school, primary, secondary, tertiary) in Malaysia and explain the Curriculum Development in chronological history until the present day.

3. Write your findings in a 4- pages report (Not inclusive of diagrams or pictures) and include your reflection at the concluding paragraph.

In: Civil Engineering

Q2. Explain the order in which tenant objectives should be prioritized. Q3. Explain why the Sohar...

Q2. Explain the order in which tenant objectives should be prioritized.

Q3. Explain why the Sohar Industrial Area should or should not be allowed to have gross leases.

In: Civil Engineering

Explain how a business in Oman can benefit from ‘profit’. The answer should include: i. A...

Explain how a business in Oman can benefit from ‘profit’. The answer should include:
i. A brief description of ‘profit’ as an encumbrance.
ii. A detailed example showing at least one (1) benefit.
iii. A brief description of any problem that may occur in this arrangement.

Q9. Explain your agreement or disagreement with the following statement: “Cyclical decoration should be restricted to rich areas only”. The answer should include a brief description of:
i. Cyclical decoration.
ii. The relevance of cyclical decoration various tenants.
iii. The items to be replaced.
iv. The procedure to be carried out

In: Civil Engineering

Case Study N. Got, P.Eng., has been hired recently as the chief engineer, as well as...

Case Study

N. Got, P.Eng., has been hired recently as the chief engineer, as well as his assistant, James Lo, C.E.T., by a gold mine near a remote town in Northern Ontario. The mining company is the main employer in the region. Immediately upon starting the new job, N. Got spent some time reviewing the mining company’s operational procedures. No Got discovered that, for several years, tailing ponds at the mine have been releasing toxic and corrosive substances into the environment in violation of the law. N. Got also found in the company’s file a recent report prepared by an engineering consulting firm in Toronto. The report concerned an economic feasibility study for updating the mine’s facility. In the report, the engineering consulting firm specifically urged the mining company to undertake a number of expensive capital improvements necessary to ensure compliance with environmental law. N. Got also learned that the mining company could not afford the necessary improvements. N. Got found nothing in the mining company’s files that indicated that any governmental authorities were aware of the illegal discharges.

1. Discuss N. Got’s obligations with respect to the mining company

2. Discuss N. Got’s obligations with respect to the public. What is the public interest in this case? How would the public interest be impacted by N. Got’s actions? How should a potential mine closure and the resultant loss of a large number of jobs affect N. Got’s professional duties?

3. Discuss N. Got’s obligations with respect to the engineering consulting firm.

In: Civil Engineering

A class I two lane highway is on level terrain with passing permitted throughout. The highway...

A class I two lane highway is on level terrain with passing permitted
throughout. The highway has 11 ft lanes with 4 ft shoulders. There are 16 access points
per mile. The base FFS is 60 mi/h. The highway is oriented north and south, and
during the peak hour, 440 vehicles are going northbound and 360 vehicles are going
southbound. If the PHF is 0.87 and there are 4% large trucks, 3% buses, and 1%
recreational vehicles, what is the level of service.
ET= 1.2 ET= 1.1
ER= 1.0 fG=1.0 ER= 1.0 fG=1.0`
when it is level terrain, 600<vp<1200

In: Civil Engineering

A two-lane highway is currently operating at its two-way capacity in rolling terrain. The traffic stream...

A two-lane highway is currently operating at its two-way capacity in
rolling terrain. The traffic stream consists of cars and trucks only. A recent traffic
count revealed 720 vehicles (total, both directions) arriving in the most congested 15-
min interval. What is the percentage of trucks in the traffic stream based on the ATS
service measure?
fG=0.99 when it is rolling terrain, vp>1200
ET= 1.5
when it is rolling terrain, vp>1200

In: Civil Engineering

A rectangular beam carrying a uniform load of 26 KN/m including its own weight is limited...

A rectangular beam carrying a uniform load of 26 KN/m including its own weight is limited in cross section to 300 mm x 500 mm. The beam is simply supported in a span of 6 m. Using fc = 7 Mpa, fs = 124 Mpa, n = 12, ?? = 40 ???, ?? = 1.7 ???, ?????? ?ℎ? ????. Allow 65 mm distance from centroid of steel bars to extreme fibers.

In: Civil Engineering

During the construction of a building, what are the main environmental considerations which you should address?

During the construction of a building, what are the main environmental considerations which you should address?

In: Civil Engineering

use the tables of compound interest to look up the value of the factors. Do not...

use the tables of compound interest to look up the value of the factors. Do not use the interest formulas.

Two mutually exclusive alternatives are being considered. Both have lives of 5 years. Alternative 1 has a first cost of $2,500 and annual benefits of $746. Alternative 2 costs $6,000 and has annual benefits of $1,664. The minimum attractive rate of return (MARR) is 8%.

  1. Use present worth analysis to determine which alternative should be selected.
  2. Use annual cash flow analysis to determine alternative should be selected.
  3. Use rate of return analysis to determine alternative should be selected.

In: Civil Engineering

Give at least 10 transportation and structural engineering topics for Capstone proposal or Thesis.

Give at least 10 transportation and structural engineering topics for Capstone proposal or Thesis.

In: Civil Engineering

Given : M=150kN-m , fc'=21Mpa , Fy=420Mpa , fs allowable = 0.4fy Design a doubly reinforced...

Given :

M=150kN-m , fc'=21Mpa , Fy=420Mpa , fs allowable = 0.4fy

Design a doubly reinforced concrete beam section , give the b , d , d' , As' , As of the concrete section.

In: Civil Engineering

Referring to Conflict management, identify the five major steps involved in managing a conflict situation with...

Referring to Conflict management, identify the five major steps involved in managing a conflict situation with the help of an example detailed for each step. Type into the text box below:

In: Civil Engineering

Q9. Explain your agreement or disagreement with the following statement: “Cyclical decoration should be restricted to...

Q9. Explain your agreement or disagreement with the following statement: “Cyclical decoration should be restricted to rich areas only”. The answer should include a brief description of:

  1. Cyclical decoration.

  2. The relevance of cyclical decoration various tenants.

  3. The items to be replaced.

  4. The procedure to be carried out.

In: Civil Engineering

Distinguish between hot mix asphalt patching and crack seal used for the maintenance treatment for flexible...

Distinguish between hot mix asphalt patching and crack seal used for the maintenance treatment for flexible pavements.

In: Civil Engineering