Do you think flying blimps are safe?

Do you think flying blimps are safe?

In: Civil Engineering

Hazardous wastes exist in the household in the form of common products used every day. Identify...

Hazardous wastes exist in the household in the form of common products used every day. Identify 4 products in your home that meet one of the 4 characteristics for hazardous waste (one product for Ignitability, one for Corrosivity, one for Reactivity, and one for Toxicity). For example, a can of hairspray is ignitable. Describe each product (what it is, the manufacture or producer, what it’s used for, and how it meets the characteristic of hazardous waste by identifying the component or chemical compound responsible). Describe the proper mode of disposal if the product could not be disposed in the household trash and where in the local area disposal of the product would be accepted. Collect the label from each product and attach to the assignment (if unable to remove the label, a picture is acceptable).

In: Civil Engineering

For a residential building with 5000W of heating demand, estimate: a)     the number of required vertical...

For a residential building with 5000W of heating demand, estimate:

a)     the number of required vertical ground heat exchangers (borehole heat exchangers) to fulfill the heating demand (round up the number).

b)    the heat exchange rate for each ground heat exchanger if boreholes are 30m deep (W/m).

Design parameters and assumptions:

The circulating fluid in the pipes is water with a temperature difference of 5°C between inlet and outlet pipes (Tout - Tin= 5°C) and Reynolds number of 5,000. Pipe outer diameter is 25mm with 1.8mm wall thickness. Circulating fluid density is 1000 kg/m3, the heat capacity is 4180 J/(kgK) and dynamic viscosity of 0.001 Pa.s.

In: Civil Engineering

A long footing supports a wall carrying a load of 260 kN per m. The soil...

A long footing supports a wall carrying a load of 260 kN per m. The soil at the
site is saturated clay having a undrained shear strength of 117 kPa. The unit
weight of the clay is 22 kN/m³ and it is suspected that occasionally the water
table rises to the ground surface. What width in m (1 dp) of footing should be
used if a minimum factor of safety of 2.4 is required? The footing depth is 1.2 m

In: Civil Engineering

For a trapezoidal-shaped, concrete-finished gravel bottom channel along a 0.5% slope, with a bottom width of...

For a trapezoidal-shaped, concrete-finished gravel bottom channel along a 0.5% slope, with a bottom width of 8 feet, a top width of 32 feet, and side slopes of 4:1, calculate:
a. the channel’s full capacity discharge,
b. velocity at full capacity discharge, and
c. discharge and velocity when stream flow is 0.5 feet from the top of the channel.

In: Civil Engineering

Q1: How would you explain the “Duty of Care” of the Design Engineer to a marketing...


How would you explain the “Duty of Care” of the Design Engineer to a marketing executive, or to a legal representative, or to a business manager? Is there one explanation that all could understand and agree?

Q2: Why is it important to follow the Engineers Australia Code of Ethics in your engineering design work? Is there less need to abide by the Engineers Australia Code of Ethics if you are not a member of Engineers Australia?

In: Civil Engineering

A prototype torpedo 6m long travels at 35 knots well below the ocean surface at 20°C....

A prototype torpedo 6m long travels at 35 knots well below the ocean surface at 20°C. A model is to be tested in a wind tunnel 15°C air. What should the velocity, in m/s, of the model be avoid compression effects?

In: Civil Engineering

In a soil investigation for a construction project, two soil types were identified with the following...

In a soil investigation for a construction project, two soil types were identified with the following parameters (g = 9.81 m/s2):

Soil Type

Depth below ground level (m)

Unit weights (kN/m3)

Other parameters

Soil 1 (sand)


g = 17 and gsat = 17.5

E =15000 kN/m2

Soil 2 (overconsolidated clay)


gsat = 20

e0=0.69, Cc=0.25, Cs=0.05

If the ground water level is at 2.5 m below the ground level, and the initial void ratio of the overconsolidated clay layer is 0.69, find the expected settlement in the clay layer only due to a proposed foundation that should imposes a pressure of 60 kN/m2 on the mid-depth of the clay layer. The overconsolidation pressure is 125 kN/m2. What is the the total settlement due to both the sand and clay layers (to the mid-height of the clay layer)?

In: Civil Engineering

Problem 1 (Concepts of safe distances): In lecture 7 and 8, we discussed five (5) types...

Problem 1 (Concepts of safe distances): In lecture 7 and 8, we discussed five (5) types of safe distances, such as braking distance, deceleration distance, stopping sight distance, decision sight distance, and passing sight distance. Explain what they are in terms of definition, situation of concern, and possible applications for analysis, design and management (at least one example for each

In: Civil Engineering

Could someone give me an example of how to find net uplift wind pressure on a...

Could someone give me an example of how to find net uplift wind pressure on a wall or gable roof?

In: Civil Engineering

Toronto City Council is about to make a (another?) decision on the future of the Gardiner...

Toronto City Council is about to make a (another?) decision on the future of the Gardiner

Expressway, Eastern Section (From Jarvis Street to the Don River and Don Valley Expressway).

As a CONSTRUCTION MANAGER you are required to prepare a PRELIMINARY RISK


the options that are being considered

2: Eliminate the expressway and create a new, wider road at ground

i need risk analysis table and executive summary

my subject is Risk management

In: Civil Engineering

Jakes on the Water is planning to expand their restaurant to a larger restaurant called Jakes...

Jakes on the Water is planning to expand their restaurant to a larger restaurant called Jakes on the Bay. The existing septic tank has a volume of 5.0 m3 and the existing tile field has a trench area of 200.0 m2 . If the anticipated wastewater production from the Jakes on the Bay is 4,000 L/d, will they have to expand either the septic tank or the tile field or both? Assume the soil is sandy loam.

In: Civil Engineering

Explain the summary in details about the “Journal of Materials Processing Technology 106(2000) 173-183, Advances in...

Explain the summary in details about the “Journal of Materials Processing Technology 106(2000) 173-183, Advances in materials applied in civil engineering K. Flaga. These explanations should be 1000 words or more

In: Civil Engineering

Provide 3 types of construction permits may be required in a construction project and elaborate on...

Provide 3 types of construction permits may be required in a construction project and elaborate on their impact on the construction schedule.

In: Civil Engineering

what is the primary difference between a forced air system that provides both heating and cooling,...

what is the primary difference between a forced air system that provides both heating and cooling, and one that just provides heating?

In: Civil Engineering