While working for a client, an engineer learns confidential knowledge of a proprietary production process being...

While working for a client, an engineer learns confidential knowledge of a proprietary production process being used by the client’s chemical plant. The process is clearly destructive to the environment, but the client will not listen to the objections of the engineer to release information that was gained in confidence. Is it ethical for the engineer to expose the client? Why?

In: Civil Engineering

I used my catchement area to calculate my runoff using the national method. how will i...

I used my catchement area to calculate my runoff using the national method.
how will i go on calculating the volume needed for storage?
which equations will i use ?
i want to have a storage tank that is pumped to the wetland. how will i distribute the volume and calculate the sizing for each.
Can you explain with an example if you can?

In: Civil Engineering

Which of the following is true about hydraulic jump? - A reduction in slope can cause...

Which of the following is true about hydraulic jump?

- A reduction in slope can cause a hydraulic jump

- in increase in manning's roughness can cause hydraulic jump

- An increase in slope can cause a hydraulic jump

- A smoother steeper channel will cause a hydraulic jump

- A hydraulic jump results in a reduction of total head

- A hydraulic jump results in an increase of total head

In: Civil Engineering

A car is traveling up a 1.5% grade at 65 mi/hr on good, wet pavement. The...

A car is traveling up a 1.5% grade at 65 mi/hr on good, wet pavement. The driver brakes to try to avoid hitting a cone on the road that is 300 ft ahead. The driver’s reaction time is 1.5 second. When the driver first applies the brakes, a software flaw causes the braking efficiency to lower to 0.8 for 100 ft. After the initial 100 ft, the braking efficiency returns to 1.0. How fast will the driver be going when the cone on the road is hit if the coefficient of rolling resistance is constant at 0.015? (Assume minimum theoretical stopping distance and ignore aerodynamic resistance.)

In: Civil Engineering

USING UNITED STATES IBC CHAPTER 7: 1. Roofing inter-layment shall have a minimum width of ____...


1. Roofing inter-layment shall have a minimum width of ____ inches.

A. 12                           B. 18                           C. 34                           D. 36

2. What is the minimum roof covering classification for a roof assembly on a building of Type IA construction?

A. Class A                   B. Class B                   C. Class C                   D. Non-classified

3. Roof assemblies consisting of metal sheets of shingle are considered ____ as roof assemblies.

A. A                            B. B                             C. C                             D. Special purpose

4. Double underlayment application is required beneath asphalt shingles on roofs having a maximum slope of ______.

A. 2:12                        B. 3:12                        C. 4:12                        D. 5:12

5. In areas subject to high winds, underlayment beneath asphalt shingles shall be fastened along the overlap at a maximum spacing of ____ inches.

A. 12                           B. 18                           C. 24                           D. 36

6. Define the following terms as per code:
     a. Built-up roof covering:

     b. Positive roof drainage:

     c. Scupper:

     d. Roof recover

7. List the test(s) that are used to measure the wind resistance of asphalt shingles.

8. Describe a product that meets the material requirements for wood shingles in roof

9. For built-up roofs, what test standard is used for the use of asphalt in roof?

10. Describe the code requirement in an area where there is a history of ice-forming along the eaves.

In: Civil Engineering

A driver is traveling 70 mi/hr on a road with a -2% downgrade. The driver’s vehicle...

A driver is traveling 70 mi/hr on a road with a -2% downgrade. The driver’s vehicle has a braking efficiency of 90% and has anti-lock brakes. There is a stalled car on the road 500 ft ahead of the driver. The road is in good condition and is initially dry, but is wet for a 200 ft stretch just before the stalled car. What is the maximum allowable perception-reaction time of the driver such that she can still stop before hitting the stalled car? (Assume theoretical stopping distance, ignore air resistance, and let frl = 0.013.)

In: Civil Engineering

Question A) Find by point and data impact of climate change on water resource in jordan...

A) Find by point and data impact of climate change on water resource in jordan
B) how you can put a plane to reduce impact change on jordan
C) how to help in control of climate change in home

In: Civil Engineering

Explain concisely the physical meaning of total stress, pore water pressure and effective stress

Explain concisely the physical meaning of total stress, pore water pressure and effective stress

In: Civil Engineering

2) What is “NFPA 704 hazard diamond”? Provide the image, and explain briefly.

2) What is “NFPA 704 hazard diamond”? Provide the image, and explain briefly.

In: Civil Engineering

An I-section joist 450 mm x 250 mm x 20 mm is used as a strut...

An I-section joist 450 mm x 250 mm x 20 mm is used as a strut with one end fixed and the other end free carrying a buckling load of 200 × 106 N. Suggest the changes to be made in the length of the strut for a constant flexural rigidity by considering both the ends to be hinged, both the ends to be fixed and one end fixed but the other end hinged. Compare the values of the safe buckling load for all end conditions. Given modulus of elasticity of the material, E = 210 GPa and consider factor of safety = 5.
If the least radius of gyration of the column was found to be 25.96 mm, determine the values for the slenderness ratio for all four end conditions of the column. State and verify the validity of the Euler’s column theory based on the slenderness ratio for all the four end conditions.

In: Civil Engineering

What factors must be considered and what limitations exist for the following loops Slinky: Pond: Horizontal:...

What factors must be considered and what limitations exist for the following loops





In: Civil Engineering

1) While drilling a well, a kick was detected at 10100 ft depth, the driller immediately...

1) While drilling a well, a kick was detected at 10100 ft depth, the driller immediately closed in the well and recorded following data was data:
Hole diameter = 8 1/2 inch
Mud weight = 13.2 ppg
Shut in drill pipe pressure (SIDPP) = 530 psi
Shut in casing pressure (SICP) = 800 psi
Pit gain =14 bbls
Assuming that the slow pump rate @30 SPM = 360 psi and the
Annular pressure loss (APL) = 210 psi
Calculate each of the following:
i. Dynamic hole pressure (DHP)
ii. Killing mud weight (KMW)
iii. Equivalent circulating density (ECD)
iv. Maximum allowable annular surface pressure(MAASP)

2- Calculate the volume and density of a fluid composed of 50 lbm of bentonite, 100 lbm of barite, 0.2 gallon of additives and 2 bbl of fresh water.

3- For laboratory purposes, it is desired to mix one liter of bentonite-fresh water mud having a solid content is 3%.
i. Calculate the resulting mud density.
ii. How much of each material should be used? ​

answer all please TnkQ?   

In: Civil Engineering

A section of a multilane highway is to be reconstructed to improve the level of service....

A section of a multilane highway is to be reconstructed to improve the level of service. The section being considered is on a 5.0% upgrade that is 3/4 mile long. The highway currently has 4-lanes (2 in each direction – all are 12-ft lanes) with a two-way left-turn lane in the middle and 4 foot shoulders on the right side. It is to be reconstructed into a 6-lane facility (3-lanes in each direction) undivided facility but, due to commercial development surrounding the highway, must remain in the current 72 foot right of way. There are currently 35 access points per mile and the free flow speed is determined to be 50 mi/h. It is known that the road currently operates at capacity with 420 trucks/buses (no recreational vehicles) during the peak hour, a peak hour factor of 0.95 and all-commuter traffic.

The redesign is to reduce the number of access points per mile to 10 and to reduce the grade to 4.0% for 3/4 mile. It is estimated that the new design will increase traffic by 13%.

  1. Determine the lane width and shoulder width combination that will maximize capacity given that the 3 lanes (each direction) must fit within 36ft?
  2. For the maximum-capacity lane/shoulder combination chosen above, determine the new design's level of service and density.

In: Civil Engineering

During construction, field tests were conducted to assess the suitability of the column to withstand a...

During construction, field tests were conducted to assess the suitability of the column to
withstand a safe buckling load of 2.5 kN assuming a factor of safety 4 using two different hollow
columns made up of steel and concrete. Both columns have same cross section but varying length
and different support conditions. Steel column of length 3 m having external diameter 40 mm was
tested with one end fixed and the other end hinged, when subjected to a compressive stress of
0.0045 MN/cm2 shortens by 3.6 mm.
If the concrete column was tested under similar loading conditions with one end fixed and other
end free considering modulus of elasticity of concrete equal to 128 GPa, what will be the
corresponding length of the column required? As a design engineer how do you choose the values
for the thickness of both columns and the length of the concrete column? What will be your
interpretations regarding the relationship between the support conditions and the buckling load
based on the test results?

In: Civil Engineering

Results obtained from a tension test on a bar of uniform cross section 10 mm x...

Results obtained from a tension test on a bar of uniform cross section 10 mm x 10 mm
subjected to an axial pull of 8000 N were tabulated. The lateral dimensions of the bar were found
to be changed to 9.9985 mm x 9.9985 mm while using a material having modulus of rigidity equal
to 0.8 x 107 N/cm2. By determining the values for different moduli, identify the properties of
material and establish the relationship between them. What changes will happen to the volume if
the length of the bar is equal to 2.5 m? Based on the results obtained discuss how the elastic
constants are related to the deformation of the bar?

In: Civil Engineering