A multilane highway has two northbound lanes. Each lane has a capacity of 1500 vehicles per...

A multilane highway has two northbound lanes. Each lane has a capacity of 1500 vehicles per hour. Currently, northbound traffic is consists of 3100 vehicles with 1 occupant, 600 vehicles with 2 occupants, 400 vehicle with 3 occupants, and 20 buses with 50 occupants each. The highway’s performance function is

t = t0 ( 1 + 1.15 (x/c)6.87 )

where t is in minutes, t0 is equal to 15 minutes, and x and c are volumes and capacities in vehicle per hour. An additional lane is being added with 1500 veh/h capacity. What will the total person hours of travel be if the lane is

(a) open to all traffic,

(b) open to vehicles with two or more occupants only, and

(c) open to vehicles with three or more occupants only? (Assume that all qualified higher-occupancy vehicles use only the new lane, no unqualified vehicles use the new lane, and there is no mode shift.)

In: Civil Engineering

Which would be the best sound insulator for filling opening the concrete wall opening - wood,...

Which would be the best sound insulator for filling opening the concrete wall opening - wood, fiberglass insulation or steel and why?

In: Civil Engineering

A hazardous material spill on Interstate I-76 caused the eastbound traffic 20-minute delay. Traffic flow is...

A hazardous material spill on Interstate I-76 caused the eastbound traffic 20-minute delay. Traffic flow is completely shut down on a three-lane section creating a jam density of 160vpm/lane. If the arriving flow on this roadway section is 3300vph at a density of 35 vpm/lane, determine the following:

a) the total number of vehicles in the queue and the queue length (miles) after 20 minutes.

b) spacing (in ft/Veh) between vehicles in the jammed traffic.

c) if the roadway is re-opened after 20 minutes and the releasing flow at the bottleneck is 1800vph/lane at a density of 60vpm/lane, how long will it take for the releasing wave (moving upstream from the bottleneck) to catch up with the jam density shockwave?

In: Civil Engineering

1. A) Describe Moody’s chart and its importance in your own words. Also explain how do...

1. A) Describe Moody’s chart and its importance in your own words. Also explain how do you find the friction factor by using the chart?

B) If the friction factor is 0.04 and the relative roughness is 0.004 then find the type of flow? (1 mark)

In: Civil Engineering

What happens if the following are not installed in the lifts: i) Balancing weights or counter...

What happens if the following are not installed in the lifts:

i) Balancing weights or counter weights

ii) Energy absorbing buffers

In: Civil Engineering

explain each step of design process separately: 1-Recognizing the Need for a Product or a service...

explain each step of design process separately:
1-Recognizing the Need for a Product or a service
2-Problem Definition and Understanding
3-Research and Preparation

In: Civil Engineering

1-) There are several factors and constraints that could affect constructability. Discuss at least such factors...

1-) There are several factors and constraints that could affect constructability. Discuss at least such factors and two constraints on constructability.

Plz don’t write for hand on papper and thank you :)

In: Civil Engineering

Consider a rectangular channel with a variable width b and horizontal channel bottom, a) Obtain the...

Consider a rectangular channel with a variable width b and horizontal channel bottom, a) Obtain the equation of water surface profile (dy/dx) as function of Froude number and channel width change (db/dx) in a channel transition assuming that over a short distance x, the energy losses can be neglected. b) Using the equation you have obtained, draw the water surface profile if flow is subcritical and if there is an enlargement in channel cross section b in downstream section (2) and show your results on the graph of specific energy curve (E versus y curve).

In: Civil Engineering

You are considering buying a vehicle to use in your daily errands. A used vehicle will...

You are considering buying a vehicle to use in your daily errands. A used vehicle will cost EGP85,000 and have a EGP20,000 market (salvage) value after a 5 years useful life, and consumes 2 liters of fuel per 10 km travelled. A new vehicle will cost EGP130,000 and have a EGP40,000 market value after a 6 years useful life. The new vehicle is expected to reduce fuel consumption compared with the used vehicle. You expect to drive the vehicle 18,000 km per year. Fuel costs EGP8/liter and the interest rate is 15% per year.

a) If the new vehicle is expected to reduce fuel consumption by 10% compared with

the used vehicle, which vehicle should you buy?

b) What is the percent reduction in the fuel consumption by the new vehicle that

would reverse the decision you made in part (a)?

c) Determine the percentage change in the salvage value of the new vehicle that

would reverse the decision made in part(a)?

In: Civil Engineering

1. Give five (5) reasons why a developer would embark on an Infrastructure development project. [10]...

1. Give five (5) reasons why a developer would embark on an Infrastructure development project. [10]
2. State and briefly explain the different stages of a complete Infrastructure development life cycle. [20]
3. What are the Quantity Surveying roles and responsibilities at each stage in 2 above? [10]
4. What would be the roles and responsibilities of the Civil/Structural Engineer if appointed as
Engineer and Project Manager for a road development project?

In: Civil Engineering

thesis of capstone proposal : best topic for thesis related to structural engineering thesis or capstone...

thesis of capstone proposal : best topic for thesis related to structural engineering

thesis or capstone proposal ***

In: Civil Engineering

Lifting is a manual or mechanical handling process of raising a load above its level for...

Lifting is a manual or mechanical handling process of raising a load above its level for the purpose of changing its location and improper lifting causes accidents in oil and gas industry. In order to avoid the accidents how proper manual lifting (4marks) is done if not done what happens (1mark).

In: Civil Engineering

7: What is the basic principle underlying in solar water heaters? Explain the types of solar...

7: What is the basic principle underlying in solar water heaters? Explain the types of solar water heaters and
thier applications.??

In: Civil Engineering

Explain in your own words, any five stages in "life cycle of marketing plan".

Explain in your own words, any five stages in "life cycle of marketing plan".

In: Civil Engineering

Explain the various types of excavation then analyse the purposes of using each type.

Explain the various types of excavation then analyse the purposes of using each type.

In: Civil Engineering