A car is traveling at 20 mi/h on good, dry pavement at 5000 ft elevation. The...

A car is traveling at 20 mi/h on good, dry
pavement at 5000 ft elevation. The front-wheel-drive
car has a drag coefficient of 0.30, a frontal area of 20 ft2
and a weight of 2500 lb. The wheelbase is 110 inches
and the center of gravity is 20 inches from the ground,
50 inches behind the front axle. The engine is producing
95 ft-lb of torque and is in a gear that gives an overall
gear reduction ratio of 4.5. The radius of the drive
wheels is 14 inches and the mechanical efficiency of the
drivetrain is 90%. What would the acceleration of the
car be if the driver was accelerating quickly to avoid a

a) 3.65 ft/s2
b) 15.53 ft/s2
c) 15.90 ft/s2
d) 3.48 ft/s2

In: Civil Engineering

Q 7. Explain Finite Elements Solution of Bean on Elastic Foundation.

Q 7. Explain Finite Elements Solution of Bean on Elastic Foundation.

In: Civil Engineering

Q3 (a) Figure Q3 (a) shows a cantilever beam which is carry a load P at...

Q3 (a) Figure Q3 (a) shows a cantilever beam which is carry a load P at point C.
(i) Sketch the deflection curve of the beam.
(ii) Derive the bending moment deflection, slope deflection and deflection equation at b-b using Double Integration Method.
(iii) Calculate the maximum deflection. Given: L= 10 m, a= 3m, P= 25 kN. EI is constant

(b) Figure Q3 (b) shows a solid steel spindle AB that has a diameter ??=38 mm. The allowable shearing stress of the spindle is 84 MPa, while sleeve CD is made of a brass with an allowable shearing stress of 50MPa. Determine the largest torque (T), that can be applied at A.

In: Civil Engineering

Explain why the stiffness of a discontinuous fiber composite is less than that of a continuous...

Explain why the stiffness of a discontinuous fiber composite is less than that of a continuous fiber composite with the same constituents and same proportion of reinforcement.

In: Civil Engineering

How to obtain peak deviator stress from the three triaxial tests plotted on a graph? HINT.

How to obtain peak deviator stress from the three triaxial tests plotted on a graph? HINT.

In: Civil Engineering

A monolithic reinforced concrete floor is to be composed of rectangular bays measuring 6 m x...

A monolithic reinforced concrete floor is to be composed of rectangular bays measuring 6 m x 7.5 m. The floor is to designed to carry a service live load of 5 KPa, floor finish of 1.5 KPa, and ceiling load of 1 KPa, in addition to its own weight.

Design the corner floor panel slab using fc’=21 MPa, fy = 400 MPa, and concrete unit weight of 23.54 KN/m3.

?? ?ℎ??? ???? ???????????, ?????? ?ℎ? ???? ????, ??? ??????? ?ℎ? ??????? ?????????y

In: Civil Engineering

A water treatment plant is designed for a constant flow rate of 3 MGD. The flocculation...

A water treatment plant is designed for a constant flow rate of 3 MGD. The flocculation system consists of three tanks, each having a water depth of 10 ft and an average hydraulic residence time (HRT) of 30 min.   
(a) Determine the dimension of each tank (i.e., width and length).

(b) Determine whether the flow through velocity is acceptable.

(c) The plant is planning to take one tank out of service for maintenance. Determine the increase in power requirement in the remaining two units to maintain the average velocity gradient (G) of 40 sec-1.

In: Civil Engineering

Summarise the cement production process.

Summarise the cement production process.

In: Civil Engineering

arrive the cross section of a plate girders for railway bridge with effective span of 30m...

arrive the cross section of a plate girders for railway bridge with effective span of 30m and dead load on the open floor 7.5 KN/m . equivalent total load for BM calculation per track is 2727KN and for shear is2927 kN

In: Civil Engineering

Compare the following risks: Preventable risks, Strategy risks, and External risks. subject : risk management is...

Compare the following risks: Preventable risks, Strategy risks, and External risks.

subject : risk management is construction

In: Civil Engineering

Based on the Engineering Case Study on Highland Towers Collapsed, answer the following questions; a) Explain...

Based on the Engineering Case Study on Highland Towers Collapsed, answer the following questions;

a) Explain the factors contributing to the collapse of the building.

b) Explain Highland Properties engineer’s misconduct and relate it to the BEM Code of professional conduct.

In: Civil Engineering

Explain what life cycle analysis means. What is the importance of this analysis with respect to...

  1. Explain what life cycle analysis means. What is the importance of this analysis with respect to material selection? Explain in detail.

In: Civil Engineering

Why it is important for engineers to have a basic understanding of contract law? Why is...

  1. Why it is important for engineers to have a basic understanding of contract law?
  2. Why is it important for constructors to have a basic understanding of contract law?
  3. Why is breach of contract the central focus of all of the parties to a contract?

In: Civil Engineering

Do only human interest matter morally, or is the natural world intrinsically valuable?

Do only human interest matter morally, or is the natural world intrinsically valuable?

In: Civil Engineering

You have been asked to review the performance of a combination solution gas, gas-cap drive reservoir....

You have been asked to review the performance of a combination
solution gas, gas-cap drive reservoir. Well test and log information show
that the reservoir initially had a gas cap half the size of the initial oil
volume. Initial reservoir pressure and solution gas-oil ratio were 2500 psia
and 721 SCF/STB, respectively. Using the volumetric approach,
initial oil in place was found to be 56 MM STB. As you proceed with the
analysis, you discover that your boss has not given you all the data you
need to make the analysis. The missing information is that at some point
in the life of the project a pressure maintenance program was initiated
using gas injection. The time of the gas injection and the total amount of
gas injected are not known. There was no active water drive or water
production. PVT and production data are in the following table:

a) At what point (i.e., pressure) did the pressure maintenance program

b) How much gas in SCF had been injected when the reservoir pressure is
500 psia? Assume that the reservoir gas and the injected gas have the
same compressibility factor.

In: Civil Engineering