A three storey structure having a square footprint of 225 m2 is constructed on a clayey deposit. The structure is planned to be supported by square isolated footings having a width of 2m and spaced at 5m center to center. A typical borehole indicates that the soil consists of 2m fill layer at the top (g=17KN/m3) followed by a very stiff clay layer 2m thick (gsat=18.5KN/m3) underlain by a normally consolidated soft clay layer of 4.5m thickness (gsat=17KN/m3) followed by a rock layer extending down to the bottom of borehole. The foundations are laid on top of the stiff clay layer. Water table is located at the top of the stiff clay layer. Undisturbed samples were taken from the middle of each clay layer and consolidation tests done on undisturbed samples indicated the following:
Stiff Clay: Cc=0.15; Cs = 0.02; Pc = 120 kPa; e0=0.9
Soft Normally Consolidated Clay: Cc=0.38; Cs = 0.06; e0=1.0
a) Draw a sketch representing the various problem components.
b) The isolated foundations are subjected to a stress of 140 kPa. Calculate the consolidation settlement. Consider the very stiff clay as one layer and divide soft clay layer into two equal sub-layers. Calculate settlement under one typical foundation.
c) What would be the maximum additional stress applied on a central foundation from two neighboring foundations (situated at the left and right sides of the central foundation). Is it necessary to consider the additional stresses from neighboring foundations in the settlement calculations?
d) A concern is the differential settlement between isolated adjacent footings. It was decided to change the design to have the structure founded on a raft foundation subjected to a stress of 45 kPa. Compute the consolidation settlement and comment on the results.
In: Civil Engineering
A one-way solid concrete slab is to be used for a simple
of 18 ft. In addition to its own weight, the slab carries a
superimposed dead
load of 50 psf and a live load of 75 psf. Using the strength method
f ′c = 4 ksi and fy = 60 ksi, design the slab for minimum overall
(account for weight of slab)
In: Civil Engineering
It is desired to use a 12-in.W-shape for a column to support a beam. Select a trial size for the column for the following data: column factored axial load from above is 485 kips, factored beam reaction is 100 kips, and unbraced column height is 18ft.
* Check the section found to see if it complies with
the AISC interaction equations for axial compression plus bending.*
(Interaction Formula Check)
In: Civil Engineering
Explain the differences and similarities between City Beautiful, Modernism, Post-Modernism, and Post Post-modernism, cite examples and show examples. What period are we entering now?
In: Civil Engineering
Explain why change orders can result in an issue of ethics in construction. Essay format
In: Civil Engineering
A series of vertical curves connect a 3% upgrade, a 2%
downgrade, and another 3% upgrade moving west to east. These curves
are designed such that they connect directly to one another (i.e.,
the PVT of the first curve is the PVC of the second curve). If the
design speed of the alignment is 60 mi/h, what is the elevation
difference between the two road segments (i.e., the vertical
difference between the PVC of the first curve and the PVT of the
second curve)? (20 points)
In: Civil Engineering
A horizontal curve along a two-lane highway with 12-ft lanes is designed with a central angle of 29.93 degrees and a superelevation rate of 8 percent. The station of the PC and PI are 100+00.00 and 103+22.36, respectively. Given this information:
a. Determine the design speed of this curve. (12 points)
b. Calculate the distance that must be cleared from the center of the inside lane in order to provide sufficient stopping sight distance (8 points)
In: Civil Engineering
Direct shear tests were performed on a dry, sandy soil. The size of the specimen was 50 mm x 50 mm x 20 mm (LxWxH). Test results are given in the following table. Find the shear stress parameters. Estimate the major and minor principal stresses, and the orientation of the principal stresses at failure for Test 2
Test No. | Normal Force (N) | Shear force at failure (N) |
1 | 90 | 55 |
2 | 135 | 80 |
3 | 315 | 190 |
In: Civil Engineering
Rainfall rates for successive 20-min periods of a 140-min storm are 1.5, 1.5, 6.0, 4.0, 1.0, 0.8, and 3.2 in/hr, totaling 6.0 in. Determine the rainfall excesses for successive periods by the Green-Ampt model and then report the cumulative storm runoff [in] below. Assume a saturate hydraulic conductivity of 0.8 in/hr, a porosity of 0.62, an initial moisture content of 0.28, and an average capillary suction of 7.2 in. The depression storage is 0.5 in.
In: Civil Engineering
In: Civil Engineering
. In three sentences or less, explain why traffic density and speed are related.
In: Civil Engineering
2. A pump delivers 30o C water from a supply reservoir to an elevated storage tank at a discharge rate of 120 litres/sec. At this discharge the manufacturer’s data indicates the net positive suction head (NPSH) for the pump is 6.0 m. The water surface elevation difference between the reservoir and the tank is 45.0 m. The total length of pipe between the two is 150.0 m, 10.0 m of which is located on the suction side of the pump. Minor loss coefficients in the 10.0 m suction pipe total to 3.7. The pipe material is ductile iron and has an inside diameter of 35.0 cm. If the pump is located 1.0 m to 3.0 m above the water surface in the supply reservoir (the height of the pump above the water surface varies because the water surface in the reservoir can vary), will the pump be susceptible to cavitation?
In: Civil Engineering
In: Civil Engineering
In: Civil Engineering