Advantages of satellite remote sensing over other methods of data collection?

Advantages of satellite remote sensing over other methods of data collection?

In: Civil Engineering

Identify proper use cases in Systems Engineering for forward and backward chaining. Describe the application and...

Identify proper use cases in Systems Engineering for forward and backward chaining. Describe the application and anticipated professional impact.

In: Civil Engineering

Ex if std no: 1abcde, 161667 (a=6, b=1, c=6, d=6, e=7) In my case std 174702...

Ex if std no: 1abcde, 161667 (a=6, b=1, c=6, d=6, e=7)
In my case std 174702

Q1) Design a concrete mixture proportions which will be used for offshore concrete platform. Norway is a world leader on offshore concrete platforms with 1a of the world’s 30 larger offshore concrete structures located on the Norwegian continental shelf. The first of these platforms where the Ekofisk Tank installed in 1974 and the last was Troll gravity based structure installed in 1996. The Sakhalin project is located in a harsh and artic environment where concrete structures have proven excellent characteristics with a minimum of maintenance. 80 mm slump value is required for the Sakhalin project. 28-days concrete characteristic strength is 2b MPa. It is required that no more than 1 test result in 100 will fall below the specified strength. The fine aggregate has a fineness modulus of 2.60 and Zone 3. For Coarse Aggregate (Uncrushed): SSD Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.65, Absorption Capacity: 2.b %, Total Moisture: 1.c % and Dry Rodded Unit Weight: 1345 kg/m3. For Fine Aggregate (Uncrushed): SSD Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.70, Total Moisture: 3.d % and Free Moisture: 2 %. Cement: Portland Composite Cement, Specific Gravity: 2.97. For 0.e5 m3 of concrete, binder amount is calculated as 120 kg (Use ACI Method of Mix Design)

In: Civil Engineering

Mr. Joshua Lacey set the track record in a meet at LSU. For this achievement, he...

Mr. Joshua Lacey set the track record in a meet at LSU. For this achievement, he gets to choose
between a $250 cash prize paid immediately or $30 per year for 10 years. He already has
enough money for now so he decided on the 10 annual installments. However, he is considering
the following two investment options:
a. Save the winnings for the first 3 years and then spend every cent of the winnings in the
remaining 7 years that is collected.
b. Spend everything for the first 3 years then save the remaining 7 years of winnings collected.
i). Draw the cash flow diagram for each option (a) and (b).
ii). Also, if Bank plus is advertising that they can give him a savings ROR of 11% per year, how much
would each option (a) and (b) payout after the installments end? (10 pts)

In: Civil Engineering

Discuss, from a soil mineralogy standpoint, specific projects where it would be beneficial to have montmorillonite...

Discuss, from a soil mineralogy standpoint, specific projects where it would be beneficial to have montmorillonite versus kaolinite as the clay for the project.

In: Civil Engineering

1.Exposed concrete floors Purpose ,. Important characteristics ,. Main components 2.Linear wood ceilings Purpose, Important characteristics,...

1.Exposed concrete floors

Purpose ,. Important characteristics ,. Main components

2.Linear wood ceilings

Purpose, Important characteristics, Main components

3.Exterior and Interior wall tile

Purpose, Important characteristics, Main components

4.Millwork and Casework

Purpose, Important characteristics, Main components


Purpose, Important characteristics, Main components

In: Civil Engineering

Gypsum and anhydrite belong to carbonates group Select one: a. Both A and C b. True...

Gypsum and anhydrite belong to carbonates group

Select one:

a. Both A and C

b. True

c. False

d. I don't know

Oxide minerals are exploited as economic sources of many elements

Select one:

a. All of above stated in a, b and c.

b. iron

c. uranium

d. manganese

While of the following mineral look like gold

Select one:

a. pyrite

b. magnetite

c. hematite

d. All of above stated in a, b and c.

The hardness number of quartz is

Select one:

a. 7

b. 4

c. 9

d. 3

Which of the following minerals will stick with magnetic pen

Select one:

a. hematite

b. limonite

c. magnetite

d. goerthite

The no-silicate minerals are 10% of the crust layer

Select one:

a. True

b. False

c. Both A and B

d. I don't know

Calcite is also known as

Select one:

a. Calcium Carbonate

b. Iron Carbonate

c. None of above as stated in a, b and c.

d. Zinc Carbonate

The specific gravity of quartz and native gold is the equal

Select one:

a. I don't know

b. false

c. true

d. Both A and B

Calcite is a

Select one:

a. Silicate mineral

b. an Igneous rock

c. Non-silicate mineral

d. Sedimentary rock

The slope of the tetrahedral pyramids helps to determine the cleavage angle of the pyroxenes at nearly

Select one:

a. 70 Degree

b. 90 Degree

c. 60 Degree

d. 80 Degree

In: Civil Engineering

Describe the process flow of sand casting to make flanges

Describe the process flow of sand casting to make flanges

In: Civil Engineering

Suppose you observed vehicle arrival flows in a single approach for two consecutive cycles at a...

Suppose you observed vehicle arrival flows in a single approach for two consecutive cycles at a signalized intersection. The signal has a 60 sec. cycle time with a 30 sec. green interval and a 30 sec. red interval (ignore yellow interval). The arrival rates are assumed to be constant in both cycles. The arrival rate was 720 veh/hour. Assume that the vehicles in the queue formed on red pass through the intersection during the subsequent green interval at the saturation flow rate of 1800 veh/hour immediately after the start of the green interval.

(a) Draw the queuing diagram for the approach during the two cycles

(b) Calculate the total uniform delay per cycle.

(c) Calculate the average delay per vehicle.

(d) Calculate the maximum queue length (i.e. maximum number of vehicles in the queue).

In: Civil Engineering

You have a 5 acre commercial development, where flow drains into a gutter. Assume that the...

  1. You have a 5 acre commercial development, where flow drains into a gutter. Assume that the travel time is 15 mins. The rainfall intensity can be determined by the following equation: i=10t-0.4.

For the curb and gutter have the following design parameters: n = 0.015, cross slope of 40:1 and longitudinal slope is 3.0%.

  1. Determine the gutter flow depth, curb design depth and spread necessary to contain the 10 year peak flow.
  2. Determine the size of the catch basin for both submerged and unsubmerged flow conditions.
  1. Determine the area of the watershed, which drains to a road with a curb and gutter. The roadway information is as following: spread of flow is 10 feet, roughness is 0.013, longitudinal slope is 0.008, cross slope is 30 and curb height is 5 inches. The runoff coefficient time the rainfall intensity is 5.5 inches/hr.
    1. Find the Flowrate in the road?
    2. Determine the area of the watershed?

In: Civil Engineering

What is the purpose of Good Samaritan laws?

What is the purpose of Good Samaritan laws?

In: Civil Engineering

in a table format do a Checklist for inspecting steel reinforcement and electric works of slabs...

in a table format do a

  1. Checklist for inspecting steel reinforcement and electric works of slabs (right before pouring)
  2. Checklist for inspecting formwork of slabs (from above)

In: Civil Engineering

22a.        What would be the peak runoff rate by the NRCS Soil-Cover-Complex method for a 100...

22a.        What would be the peak runoff rate by the NRCS Soil-Cover-Complex method for a 100 year return period for a watershed in coastal South Carolina with the following practices? Use the NRCS curve number method to find the time of concentration.


Land use

Soil quality

Soil Class

Length ft

Slope %


Small grain, contoured,






Golf course, with 80% grass cover





In: Civil Engineering

Question 3.0 Write a detailed and comprehensive literature review on the "suitability of coal-waste aggregates (which...

Question 3.0
Write a detailed and comprehensive literature review on the "suitability of coal-waste
aggregates (which are unsuitable for power generation) potential use in granular pavement

NB: Well researched and properly referenced (Harvard system) will attract maximum points!

you can email me at [email protected] the word document of this questions solution thank you.

In: Civil Engineering

Eighty five percent of the bits used in deep rock marble drilling endure rock resistance and...

Eighty five percent of the bits used in deep rock marble drilling endure rock resistance and 95% survive after the exposure to drilling. 80% can be pressure treated to go for one shift or more of drilling and only 10% of those which are not can be used for one shift or more. a) Draw the reliability chart of these drill bits b) What is the likelihood that a bit would last one or more lap?

In: Civil Engineering