An unconfined aquifer made up of silt loam has an initial piezometric surface of 40 m....

An unconfined aquifer made up of silt loam has an initial piezometric surface of 40 m. If wells 28 m and 15 m away from the pumping well have drawdowns of 4 m and 8 m, respectively, what is the pumping rate (m3/d) of the well?

Based on this, if you wanted to keep the same drawdowns at the observation wells, but needed a drawdown of 10 m in your pumping well, what diameter would the pumping well casing need to be?

In: Civil Engineering

3:Why batteries are needed in stand alone wind turbine? Explain the type of batteries used in...

3:Why batteries are needed in stand alone wind turbine? Explain the type of batteries used in wind turbine.

In: Civil Engineering

A. An earthwork contract requires to cut and move excavated rocks. The site is a typical...

A. An earthwork contract requires to cut and move excavated rocks. The site is a typical limestone rock formation in a cut section, which is 15,000 ft long, 85 ft wide, and 3 ft deep. Seismographic tests indicate a seismic wave velocity of 5,000 fps for the rock layer material. The contractor proposes to rip the rock with a 370-hp crawler tractor. Answer the following questions.

(a) Calculate the production in bcy per hour, for full-time ripping, with efficiency based on a 45         -min hour. Assume that the ripper is equipped with a single shank and that ripping conditions are average (i.e., intermediate between extreme conditions). This is classified as heavy ripping.

(b) Estimate the ripping unit-production cost in dollars per bcy using your calculated hourly production. The normal O&O cost per hour, including operator, for a tractor w/ ripper $130.00. The operator’s wage with fringe is $33.00 per hour.

(c) What is the total direct cost of the cut quantity?

(d) What is the total duration of the rock cut project assuming 10 hours per day work?

B. As a Construction Manager for this site development project, prepare detailed cost estimate for the project, and bid documents.

      Assume 10% time value cost of money, bonds, insurance, and storage over total direct cost, contingency at 2% of total direct cost, indirect overhead cost at 5% of total direct cost (additional on top of the equipment and operator costs), and 10% fee (on subtotal total of direct and indirect cost).

In: Civil Engineering

A horizontal Venturimeter with inlet diameter 300 mm and throat diameter 150 mm is used to...

A horizontal Venturimeter with inlet diameter 300 mm and throat diameter 150 mm is used to measure the flow of water. The pressure at inlet is 24 N/cm2 and the vacuum pressure (p2)at the throat is 320 mm of mercury. Find the discharge and velocity through the pipe .The value of Cd may be taken as 0.98.

In: Civil Engineering

1. What does the Best Operating Point (BOP) of a pump represent? 2. Predicted system curves...

1. What does the Best Operating Point (BOP) of a pump represent?

2. Predicted system curves and measured system curves don’t always match. Manufacturer provided pump curves and measured pump curves can also differ. What are some reasons why?

In: Civil Engineering

Relate aggregates, concrete, asphalt, cement materials individually, and relate each material to the other materials. For...

Relate aggregates, concrete, asphalt, cement materials individually, and relate each material to the other materials. For example, how do they relate to a concrete or asphalt mixture? The goal is to demonstrate a thorough understanding of each material and their relationships to each other. Focus on a discussion and the significance of individual material groupings (aggregates, concrete (including Modulus Of Elasticity), asphalt, and cement), and explain in detail their importance to quality concrete and asphalt mixtures. Talk about “What, How, and Why.” Demonstrate a thorough understanding of each material.

In: Civil Engineering

Discuss using the continuity equation why culverts change flow capacity Explain why having pressurized culvert flow...

Discuss using the continuity equation why culverts change flow capacity

Explain why having pressurized culvert flow can be problematic for natural channels

Explain what channel conveyance is and the effects culverts have on it

Describe the basic concepts of open channel flow around using culverts

In: Civil Engineering

A flyover was proposed for a heavy traffic area in order to channelize the traffic. How...

  1. A flyover was proposed for a heavy traffic area in order to channelize the traffic. How do you want to propose the location of storm water inlets to be connected to the sewers? Also, justify the need of the inlets on flyover. In case if they are not needed, justify the same as well.

In: Civil Engineering

3. Give an example of a real component or structure in which fatigue is an important...

3. Give an example of a real component or structure in which fatigue is an important factor to consider during design. (2 points) 4. From the answer to problem 3, if your design were not economically limited, what factor that affects fatigue resistance, would you be willing to reinforce for the integral good of the part? (4 points) Prepare your answer judiciously.

In: Civil Engineering

An RO facility is being designed to treat groundwater containing the ions given below. Calculate the...

An RO facility is being designed to treat groundwater containing
the ions given below. Calculate the allowable recovery before scaling
occurs and identify the limiting salt. Assume 100 percent rejection, a
concentration polarization factor of 1.08, and T = 25◦C, and ignore
the impact of ionic strength. The water contains calcium = 105
mg/L, strontium = 2.5 mg/L, barium = 0.0018 mg/L, sulfate = 128
mg/L, fluoride = 1.3 mg/L, and silica = 9.1 mg/L as Si.

In: Civil Engineering

Use Figure 1 and Table 1 for the following: Compute the vertical effective stress (σ'v) in...

  1. Use Figure 1 and Table 1 for the following:
    1. Compute the vertical effective stress (σ'v) in kN/m2 at the center of the clay layer prior to the construction of the footing.
    2. Assuming a load of 1150 kN, use the Boussinesq procedure to determine increase in the vertical stress (Δσ) in kN/m2 at the center of the clay layer below the center of the footing.
    3. Assuming the values that you computed in (a) and (b) are representative for the entire thickness of the clay layer, calculate the ultimate primary consolidation settlement (ΔHfinal) in mm that will occur in the clay layer from placement of the footing. Use an empirical relation to estimate the compression index.
    4. A consolidation test was performed on a 25 mm thick, undisturbed sample taken from the center of the clay layer. The time and dial gauge readings obtained from an increase in pressure on the specimen from 200 to 400 kN/m2 are given in Table 1. Use the "logarithm of time" method (i.e., Casagrande procedure) to determine the coefficient of consolidation (cv) in mm2/min.
    5. Using Terzaghi's 1D consolidation theorem, calculate and plot the predicted settlement of the footing as a function of time (i.e., ΔH(t) vs. time), where ΔH(t) is in mm and time is in days. [Compute ΔH(t) at enough times so that you can reasonably construct the requested plot. Also, compute ΔH(t) for times long enough that ΔHfinalis reached.]
    6. Based on the inherent assumptions in Terzaghi's 1D consolidation theorem and those made above versus actual field conditions, would you expect the footing in Figure 1 to settle faster or slower than predicted in (e), why?

    7. Time (t) from the application of pressure increment (min)

      Dial gauge reading (mm)































      Table 1. Time vs. deformation readings for a stress increase from 200 to 400 N/m2.

In: Civil Engineering

For an intersection with signal control, explain what’s included in the total lost time and the...

For an intersection with signal control, explain what’s included in the total lost time and the reasons.

In: Civil Engineering

[HCM for Basic Freeway Segments] A four-lane freeway (two lanes in each direction) has an observed...

[HCM for Basic Freeway Segments] A four-lane freeway (two lanes in each direction) has an observed demand volume of 2400 veh/h (one direction) during the peak hour. The freeway is on rolling terrain and the traffic stream consists of passenger cars and trucks only. The peak-hour factor is 0.75 and the traffic is all commuters. If the peak 15-min demand flow rate under equivalent base conditions is estimated to be 2000 pc/h/ln, what is the percentage of trucks in this traffic stream?

In: Civil Engineering

Explain why the UU triaxial shear test would be the most appropriate test for simulating the...

Explain why the UU triaxial shear test would be the most appropriate test for simulating the strength of clay below an embankment at the end-of-construction.

In: Civil Engineering

A 3 diameter biotower has been designed to treat sewage from 22,000 PE.Influent BOD = 250mg/l...

A 3 diameter biotower has been designed to treat sewage from 22,000 PE.Influent BOD = 250mg/l and wastewater flow through the primary clarifier removes 35 percent of the BOD and the flows into the biotower the constant r andom media n= 0.44, recycle ratio = 2 and operating temperature =2500c.

a determine the reaction rate constant k25 if the existing BOD =50mg/l

b what would be the biotower effluent at 200c if the recycle ratio is increase to 4

In: Civil Engineering