Topic:As engineers, we should design our built environment to include all people; young and old, abled and disabled. Do you agree, and how can we do it?
based on engineer and society subject,please elaborate the topic in between 5 pages.thank you.please include the reference as well.
In: Civil Engineering
What is the importance of providing hierarchy of roads in Sultanate of Oman? Explain the features of the following roads in Salalah.
a) Primary street
c) Secondary street
b) Local street d) Access street
In: Civil Engineering
Draw the flow chart of the extra neutral ethyl alcohol to be produced for use in the production of acetic acid, detailing the pretreatments to be applied on the raw material you choose. Process the feed, product, by-product and waste lines entering and leaving the boxes and the elements they contain. Show the processes where by-products and wastes are processed on the flow chart. In the box-laying, enter the process name and the list of equipment to be used for this purpose in the boxes.
In: Civil Engineering
Briefly explain the reason for bird migration with vee-formation.
In: Civil Engineering
Please answer no more than 3 sentences for descriptive questions.
Q : How does the consolidation process affect the coefficient of consolidation of saturated clayey soil deposit?
Q: What is the similarity between saturated clay and rubber?
Question 3: Can a soil swell during shearing? List two field examples where this can be observed?
Question 4: During the site investigation for a highway project,
you observed a wet clayey soil deposit.
How can you check scientifically the saturation condition of soil
in terms of saturated/unsaturated state?
Question 5: Compute the mechanical energy input in kJ/m3 for
heavy compaction as per AS1289.5.2.1.
Include all the calculation steps.
In: Civil Engineering
Discuss acid rain. Sketch the flow of acid rain proceed. Relate with greenhouse gasses and the impact to human and environment. [10 marks]
subject:enviromental engineering
In: Civil Engineering
A highway being designed to AASHTO guidelines with a 70 mph design speed, and at one section, an equal tangent vertical curve must be designed to connect grades of +1% and -2%. If the grades intersect at station 100+00, determine the stationing of the PVC, PVT and curve high point for the minimum curve length based pn SSD requirements.
In: Civil Engineering
Please define superelevation by referring the forces acting on a vehicle while travelling on the curvature. List the methods of implementation of superelevation and draw cross sections and profiles of each application showing the inside edge, centerline and outside edge of the carriageway.
In: Civil Engineering
Draw a typical cross section for a two-lane highway and explain the principal components.
In: Civil Engineering
There is many types of compactors and rollers used in the construction of flexible pavement. mention all the types of those rollers and compactor and what are the differences between them and why each type is used for. Take in consideration the effect of changing in the bitumen viscosity with the decrease in the mix temperature during construction.
I need new answer please
In: Civil Engineering
Vehicles begin to arrive at a parking lot at 6:00am at a rate of 8 per minute. Due to an
accident on the access highway, no vehicles arrive from 6:20 to 6:30am. From
6:30am on, vehicles arrive at the rate of two per minute. The parking lot attendant
processes incoming vehicles (collects parking fees) at the rate of four per minute
throughout the day. Assuming D/D/1 queuing, draw a queuing (arrival-departure)
diagram to present the events described and determine total vehicle delay.
Can you write more clearly? If it is not clear, some symbols I may not know.
Thank you!
In: Civil Engineering
4. The Los Angles abrasion test is applied to natural aggregate particles used in construction of pavements. Is it true? Justify your answer.
5. Discuss the effect of the number of revolutions of the rotating drum used in the Los Angeles abrasion test on the Los Angeles value.
6. A test group A used 11 steel balls while another test group B used 9 steel balls for conducting the Los Angeles abrasion test of aggregates. Compare the Los Angles values obtained by these two groups in terms of percentage difference
In: Civil Engineering
In: Civil Engineering
Write about the risk management plan which includes identification of risk, analysis, prioritization, mitigation and avoidance, monitoring, reporting. Also prepare the risk register.(According to PMBOK) Risk management plan should be regarding the project of "supplying off-grid power energy to the local farms for the agricultural cultivation."
In: Civil Engineering
A GC needs to fill and compact a trench that has the following dimensions 150 x 50 x 1.5 ft. The sub is going to use a dump truck that can carry 12 CY, and travels at an average speed of 40 mph. The borrow pit is located 45 miles from the construction site. The truck driver makes $50/hr and works 8 hours per day. Loading time for the truck is 30 minutes and unloading time is 5 minutes. The sub has to rent the truck at $500 per day + a driver @ $50/hour. The cost of soil $20 per BCY. The soil has a swell factor of 18% and a compaction factor of 12%.
How much will the driver cost?
In: Civil Engineering