9) Congratulations, you have graduated and scored a job at one of the Charleston area’s largest...

9) Congratulations, you have graduated and scored a job at one of the Charleston area’s largest consulting firms. You have just finished typical first day stuff (choosing your screensaver, arranging your cubicle, etc) when your new supervisor walks in. “Listen –new person, I have to go to a company shareholders pat ourselves on the back meeting this afternoon that just came up three months ago. I scheduled a meeting with a new client today and you need to brief the client on what regulations apply to their site. They own a large industrial/agricultural facility on a few hundred acres. They want to redevelop part of it and keep part of it operating as is; part has existing contamination; part has new chemical and biotechnology operations; part has day to day operations that result in hazardous as well as municipal solid waste. You need to brief them on what three (3) major federal regulations apply to their site and what those regulations mean. Youalso need to let them know specifically which regulations apply to their different on site problems and operations–here is a list of those operations or problems.” Thedescriptions of the specific regulations need to be very detailed.

The list: •Developing a genetically engineered strain of soybeans to resist cold and draught

•Groundwater contamination on a closed parcel of land from TCE contamination in 1945

•Soil contamination from 1980 –all carcinogens –wants to redevelop the site for new use

•Solid waste from the buildings, machine shop, and motor pool

•Hazardous waste (generated daily) from three ethylene crackers

•Low level hazardous waste from two ammonia production facilities

•Final research and development of a novel agricultural pesticide that willlikely hit the market next year•Production of a new food additive/preservative

•Production of a new cosmeticoThe company also wants to know under what act they can be fined if their production disposal practices and storage practices are not appropriate

In: Civil Engineering

Compare the three types of legal structure: proprietorship, partnership and corporation.

Compare the three types of legal structure: proprietorship, partnership and corporation.

In: Civil Engineering

A Normally Consolidated 10 Ft. clay layer is surcharged, which causes a decrease in thickness. The...

A Normally Consolidated 10 Ft. clay layer is surcharged, which causes a decrease in thickness. The coefficient of consolidation is 0.16 ft^2/day and the time factor is 1.2 for U=50%. The clay layer is confined between 2 layers of dense sand. The time (days) required for 50% consolidation is most nearly?

This is a question from a practice FE exam. The reference book and the solution to this leaves out some information. The equation is Tv=Cv(t)/Hdr^2)

The solution has Hdr=5 ft. Why is that?

In: Civil Engineering

A wastewater plant with the activated sludge process received 5 × 106 L/day of wastewater with...

  1. A wastewater plant with the activated sludge process received 5 × 106 L/day of wastewater with a BOD5 of 500 mg/L. The primary clarifier removes 30% of the BOD and primary clarify effluent has no biomass (Xi=0 mg/L). Recycle (Qr) and waste sludge (Qw) flows are 25% and 2% of Qin, respectively. Effluent BOD5 from secondary clarifier and waste sludge is 20 mg/L. Microorganism concentration in the waste sludge (Xw) is 6,000 mg/L. Soluble BOD5 is biologically converted into CO2 and Y (yield coefficient) is 0.5 mgVSS /mgBOD
    1. Calculate the value of X and the volume of the tank

In: Civil Engineering

By sketching the stress-strain curves for concrete and reinforcement steel, explain the philosophy of idealization the...

By sketching the stress-strain curves for concrete and reinforcement steel, explain the philosophy of idealization the characteristic strength for concrete and reinforcement steel so to be used in reinforced concrete design. Elaborate the importance of such idealization in design.

In: Civil Engineering

A trapezoidal channel has a bottom width of 3.25 m and sides with a slope of...

A trapezoidal channel has a bottom width of 3.25 m and sides with a slope of 1 vertical

to 1.5 horizontal. The slope of the bed is 1 in 2000 and the depth of water is 1.2 m.
a) Using the Manning Formula with n = 0.025, calculate the velocity and

the discharge rate of the flow.

  1. b) Calculate the Chezy number for the channel and use that to re- calculate the velocity and the discharge rate of the flow.

  2. c) If the channel had a Chezy number of 42 state the effect on the velocity and discharge and explain why this would occur.

In: Civil Engineering

A pontoon is used on a river to transfer materials to a barge. The pontoon is...

A pontoon is used on a river to transfer materials to a barge. The pontoon is constructed from high density polyethylene and has a mass of 40 tonnes. The dimensions of the pontoon are 19 m long x 10m wide x 0.75m high.

a) What is the freeboard of the pontoon when it is floating in the river?

b) What additional mass (tonnes) can the pontoon carry if a maximum draught of 0.45m is available?

c) If the additional mass is to be carried as sand (density 1600kg/m3) in a container 6 m long and 5m wide, how deep a layer of sand can be carried? If instead of sand, the pontoon is to carry bentonite at a density of 2600kg/m3, what depth can be carried?

In: Civil Engineering

Literature review on floods - find recent high impact journal papers Background of study area -...

Literature review on floods - find recent high impact journal papers

Background of study area - include images or photos (if available

  1. History of floods
  2. Causes and effects of flood
    1. Identification of flood area
    1. Propose flood mitigation plan
    1. Structural approach
    1. Non-structural approach

In: Civil Engineering

Describe 3 different risks involved with costing systems when undertaking building and construction projects and a...

Describe 3 different risks involved with costing systems when undertaking building and construction projects and a suggestion against each on how to mitigate that risk

In: Civil Engineering

Discuss the four serviceability limit states (excessive vibration, excessive cracking, excessive drift or sway, excessive expansion)...

Discuss the four serviceability limit states (excessive vibration, excessive cracking, excessive drift or sway, excessive expansion) for a parking area

In: Civil Engineering

What is the best way for senior project managers to ensure that all the financial aspects...

What is the best way for senior project managers to ensure that all the financial aspects of a project are completed and documented

In: Civil Engineering

(A) What Type of Analysis (e.g. Consolidated-Drained (CD), or Consolidated-Undrained(CU) or Unconsolidated-Undrained (UU))? BRIEFLY EXPLAIN WHY...

(A) What Type of Analysis (e.g. Consolidated-Drained (CD), or Consolidated-Undrained(CU) or Unconsolidated-Undrained (UU))? BRIEFLY EXPLAIN WHY and(B) What Type of Failure Envelope would you pick for the Cases (a) and (b) shown below? BRIEFLY EXPLAIN WHY
Case (a): A new footing is founded in Unsaturated Loose Sand (Contractive Soil).Case (b): An existing dam is founded on Dense Silt (Dilative Soil). Then the dam is
suddenly shaken and sheared by an Earthquake.

In: Civil Engineering

Velocity potential function in the velocity field is given asØ=1axyt:a-Is the flow compressible ?(3p)b-Show the flow...

Velocity potential function in the velocity field is given asØ=1axyt:a-Is the flow compressible ?(3p)b-Show the flow is steady ornot?(3p)c-In this flow field, find the resultant velocity and acceleration and their components at point A(8,8) at time t=1.(5p)d-Find the stream function for this flow.(7p)e-If the particle passing through the point (x0, y0)=(8, 8) is marked at time t=0, determine the location of the particle at time t=4s.(7p)

In: Civil Engineering

General properties of discontinuity planes and their effects on rock mass quality also explain by specifying...

General properties of discontinuity planes and their effects on rock mass quality
also explain by specifying (such as the frequency of discontinuity and the effect of the number of sets on the block size).
please don't write in handwriting or let me read it.

In: Civil Engineering

Explain how to assess the benefits of using geosynthetics in road pavement.

Explain how to assess the benefits of using geosynthetics in road pavement.

In: Civil Engineering