In: Civil Engineering
Assume you are conducting a parking study in your University. You need to explain the processes/tasks that you will undertake to complete this study. You need to explain how you will do different tasks and how you will present the collected data.
Parking problem of vehicles is becoming more and more acute day by day. When vehicles are parked on the road side for short duration while there are restrictions to other vehicles passing by, resulting in congestion and accidents. In unversities and localities with offices there is shortage of parking facilites. Proper design parking facilities are required there. As per study, students in the universities doesn't care of parking facilities, they park thete vehicles wherever they want and this will cause a big congestion of road. So if we design proper parking facilities and parking places on the road sides, any apply rules and regulation to parking norms then this problem can be handled.
Parking facilities may be broadly classified into two types:
1. On- street kerb parking,
2. Off- street parking
On-street kerb parking :- In thos type of parking vehicles are parked on the kerb which may be designed for parking. Kerb parking is quite convenient for those who could find a space to park their vehicles near they wish to stop; but for others who could not find a parking space it is a problem and often they may have to park their vehicle at a far off place and walk down to their destination.unless kerb parking facility has been adequately designed in advace while planning a raods and towns, it might lead to a lot of inconvenience and congestion due to decreased road capacity as well as increase in accidents. kerb parking facility may be either unrestricted or restricted type. The restricted kerb parking may be either controlled by police or by meters and a certain fee is collected from those who park their vehicles for a short duration.
Various parking patterns of kerb parking as shown in the figures attached in the images.
Angles parking and parallel parking may be allowed in the kerb parking.Angle parking accomodates more vehicles per unit length of kerb and maximum vehicles that can be parked is with an angle of 90 degree. The width of road required for parking and unparking manoeuvre also is more with angle parking and it increases with the parking angle up to a maximum at 90 degree angle.Angle parking is more convenient for the motorists than the parallel parking, but it produces much more obstruction to the through traffic resulting in more accidents than the parallel parking. out of various angles used in angle parking, 45 degree angle is considered the best from all consideration discussed above.
Parallel parking is generally prefered when the width of kerb parking space and the width of the street are limited. but parking and unparking operations are more difficult needing a few forward and reverse movements before parking properly or before taking out. parallel parking may be equal spacing, facing the same direction or may be two cars placed closely with open intercals between two-car units as shown in fig.
Off-street parking
when parking facility is provided at a seperate place away from the kerb, it is known as off-street parking, The main advantage of this method is that there is no undue congestion and delay on the road.But the main draw back is some of the owners will have to walk a greater distance after paking the vehicle. Two basic types of this parking facilities are surface parking lots and multi-floor parking garages.