
In: Physics

... Instead of two blocks and one pulley, let

... Instead of two blocks and one pulley, let


Expert Solution

(a) Draw a complete free-body diagrams as shown in figure 2 below ::

(b) equation(s) that come from the free-body diagrams is given as ::

1. First, for mass m1 :               FNet, 1 = T1 - Ff1 = m1 a

2. tensions at T1 and T2 :          net = R T2 - R T1 = I

3. forces on m2, the mass on the incline :         Fnet = w2 sin 30o - Ff2 - T2 = m2 a

4. equations with three unknowns, T1, T2, and a : T1 - m1 g = m1 a

5. T2 - T1 = ( I / R) = ( I / R ) ( a / R ) = ( I / R2 ) a

6. T1 - (0.36) (2.0 kg) (9.8 m/s2) = (2.0 kg) a

7. T2 - T1 = [ 0.3125 kg m2 / (0.25 m)2 ] a = 5 kg a

(c) equations that relate the various accelerations to each other is given as ::

1. FNet, 1 = T1 - Ff1 = m1 a

2. linear acceleration of the blocks is closely related to angular acceleration of the pulley : a = r

3. T1 - m1 g = m1 a

4. angular acceleration is related with acceleration :       = a /r

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