
In: Operations Management

Outline the objectives of Human Resource Management in an organization

Outline the objectives of Human Resource Management in an organization


Expert Solution

Human resource management is the backbone of any organisation. It provide all type of resources which is needed by the organisation for its proper functionings in all areas. Human resources management oversees all the work related to hiring, recruitment, leave section, discipline, transfer and promotions, performance monitoring of employees, welfare section of the organisation, training and development section, etc.

Some of the objectives of Human resources Management are as follows -

  • Ethical and social responsibility of organisation which include the minimisation of any negative impact of any product and services of the organisation on anyone or anybody.
  • Bringing out all the organisational effectiveness for its effective work and production.
  • Maintaining the contribution level of the department towards any type of need related to the organisation and it's workings.
  • Ensuring growth of employees and organisation both.
  • Proving effective and efficient man power to the organisation.
  • Always involve in the enhancement of the organisation.
  • Providing best working culture and working environment to its employees so that they can work with more focus and interest.
  • Always enhancing the competency and skills of employees.
  • Cope up with changing market trends and technologies.
  • Motivate everyone towards innovation and creativity.

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