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in java Write a Java Program that displays a menu with five different options: 1. Lab...

in java

Write a Java Program that displays a menu with five different options:

1. Lab Test Average Calculator

2. Dice Roll

3. Circle Area Calculator

4. Compute Distance

5. Quit The program will display a menu with each of the options above, and then ask the user to enter their choice. There is also a fifth option to quit, in which case, the program will simply display a goodbye message. Based on the user’s choice, one of the options will be shown. Make sure to include proper output in all cases (such as instructions, questions to the user, or directions telling the user to input something specific). Lab Test Average Calculator: Prompts the user to enter the grades for three Lab Tests. The program then calculates the average of all 3 lab tests and displays the result. Note: For example, if the user inputs: 80, 60, 95 the result should be 78.33 and not 78.0. Be sure to use the appropriate data types for this option. Dice Roll: The program simulates a dice roll by generating a random integer between 1 and 6. The user is then prompted to guess whether the dice value is even or odd. If the user guess matches the evenness/oddness of the dice, a victory message is displayed, otherwise, a loss message is displayed. Circle Area Calculator: Prompts the user to enter the radius, then calculates the circle’s area using the formula (3.14*radius2 πr ). 2 Compute Distance: The user is prompted to enter the x and y coordinates for two points (x1 , y1 and x2 , y2 ). The program then computes and displays the distance between the two user-inputted points. The formula for computing the distance is √(x ) (y ) . 2 − x 1 2 + 2 − y 1 2 Note that you can use Math.pow(a, 0.5) to compute √a . Make sure your code is well commented with well defined steps. You cannot use any sort of Java API methods other than the Scanner for this program.


Expert Solution



import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;
*MenuProgram class will perform different functionalities
*based on user input choice.
public class MenuProgram {
   //decimalFormat to format decimal number to 2 decimal places
   private DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00");
   //main program starts here
   public static void main(String[] args){
       Scanner sc = new Scanner(; //instantiate scanner
       //create a MenuProgram instance
       MenuProgram mp = new MenuProgram();
       //this will be used to check when the inifinite loop should end
       boolean isFinish = false;
           mp.printMenu();//print menu
           //and read user choice
           int userChoice = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());
               case 1: //call labTestAvgCalculator method
               case 2: //call diceRoll method
               case 3: //call circleAreaCalculator method
               case 4: //call computeDistance method
               case 5: //good bye and set isFinish to true
                       System.out.println("Good Bye!");
                       isFinish = true;
               default: System.out.println("Invalid Choice. Try Again..");
           //if isFinish True, then breaks out of inifinite do-while loop
   * print the menu
   private void printMenu(){
       System.out.println("1. Lab Test Average Calculator");
       System.out.println("2. Dice Roll");
       System.out.println("3. Circle Area Calculator");
       System.out.println("4. Compute Distance");
       System.out.println("5. Quit");
       System.out.println("\nPlease enter your choice:");
   * prompt user for the 3 grades o lab tests
   * and calculate average
   * @param sc
   private void labTestAvgCalculator(Scanner sc){
       double[] grades = new double[3];
       double sumOfGrades = 0;
       for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++){
           System.out.println("Please enter grade for lab test "+(i+1)+" : ");
           //read the data and convert to double
           grades[i] = Double.parseDouble(sc.nextLine());
           sumOfGrades = sumOfGrades + grades[i];//calculate running sum
       //calculate avergae
       double average = sumOfGrades/grades.length;
       System.out.println("LAb test average is: "+ df.format(average));
   * Generate a random integer (dice value) between 1 and 6
   * Checks if it is odd/even
   * Prompt for use guess of even/odd
   * Display victory/loss based on correctness of user
   * @param sc
   private void diceRoll(Scanner sc){
       //generate random integer between 1 and 6
       int randomInt = 1 + (int)Math.random()*6;
       //If randomInt%2 == 0 then it is even else odd
       boolean isEven = (randomInt%2 == 0);
       System.out.println("Guess the dice value (Type E for Even O for Odd): ");
       String userInput = sc.nextLine();//read user input
       if(userInput.equalsIgnoreCase("E")){//if user guess is for even
       }else if(userInput.equalsIgnoreCase("O")){//else if guess is odd
           System.out.println("Invalid Entry!");
   * calculate area of circle given radius
   * @param sc
   private void circleAreaCalculator(Scanner sc){
       System.out.println("Please enter the radius:");
       double radius = Double.parseDouble(sc.nextLine());//read radius as double
       final double PI = 3.14;//value of pi
       double area = PI*radius*radius;//calculate area
       //format to 2 decimal places and print area
       System.out.println("Area of the circle is: "+ df.format(area));
   * computer distance between 2 user input points
   * @param sc
   private void computeDistance(Scanner sc){
       System.out.println("Enter x-coordinate for Point1: ");
       int x1 = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());
       System.out.println("Enter y-coordinate for Point1: ");
       int y1 = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());
       System.out.println("Enter x-coordinate for Point2: ");
       int x2 = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());
       System.out.println("Enter y-coordinate for Point2: ");
       int y2 = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());
       int d1 = x2-x1;
       int d2 = y2-y1;
       double distance = Math.pow((d1*d1+d2*d2), 0.5);
       System.out.println("Distance between point1 and point 2 is: "+ df.format(distance));





1. Lab Test Average Calculator
2. Dice Roll
3. Circle Area Calculator
4. Compute Distance
5. Quit

Please enter your choice:
Please enter grade for lab test 1 :
Please enter grade for lab test 2 :
Please enter grade for lab test 3 :
LAb test average is: 9.33

1. Lab Test Average Calculator
2. Dice Roll
3. Circle Area Calculator
4. Compute Distance
5. Quit

Please enter your choice:
Guess the dice value (Type E for Even O for Odd):

1. Lab Test Average Calculator
2. Dice Roll
3. Circle Area Calculator
4. Compute Distance
5. Quit

Please enter your choice:
Please enter the radius:
Area of the circle is: 97.07

1. Lab Test Average Calculator
2. Dice Roll
3. Circle Area Calculator
4. Compute Distance
5. Quit

Please enter your choice:
Enter x-coordinate for Point1:
Enter y-coordinate for Point1:
Enter x-coordinate for Point2:
Enter y-coordinate for Point2:
Distance between point1 and point 2 is: 26.63

1. Lab Test Average Calculator
2. Dice Roll
3. Circle Area Calculator
4. Compute Distance
5. Quit

Please enter your choice:
Good Bye!

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