
In: Computer Science

Write a menu program to have the above options for the polynomials. Your menu program should...

Write a menu program to have the above options for the polynomials.
Your menu program should not use global data;

data should be allowed to be read in and stored dynamically.

Test your output with the data below.

Poly #1: {{2, 1/1}, {1, 3/4}, {0, 5/12}}

Poly #2: {{4, 1/1}, {2, -3/7}, {1, 4/9}, {0, 2/11}}

provide a C code (only C please) that gives the output below:

*         Menu HW #4 *
* 1. Creating polynomials *
* 2. Adding polynomials *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials. *
* 4. Displaying polynomials *
* 5. Clearing polynomials. *
* 6. Quit. *


Select the option (1 through 6): 7

You should not be in this class!

*         Menu HW #4 *
* 1. Creating polynomials *
* 2. Adding polynomials *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials.   *
* 5. Clearing polynomials *
* 6. Quit *


Select the option (1 through 6): 4

Left Poly Pointer: 0

Right Poly Pointer: 0

Resulting Poly Pointer: 0

*         Menu HW #4 *
* 1. Creating polynomials *
* 2. Adding polynomials *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials. *
* 5. Clearing polynomials *
* 6. Quit *


Select the option (1 through 6): 1

/* Performing the required task(s) and your code must ALSO print

1. Description/explanation of the method or approach that you

use to create 2 polynomials; and
2. The listing of all functions involved in the process.


*         Menu HW #4 *
* 1. Creating polynomials *
* 2. Adding polynomials *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials. *
* 5. Clearing polynomials *
* 6. Quit *


Select the option (1 through 6): 4

Left Poly Pointer: SOME NONE ZERO ADDRESS and DISPLAYING Poly 1/1x2 + 3/4x + 5/12

Right Poly Pointer: SOME NONE ZERO ADDRESS and DISPLAYING Poly 1/1x4 – 3/7x2 + 4/9x + 2/11

Resulting Poly Pointer: 0

*         Menu HW #4 *
* 1. Creating polynomials *
* 2. Adding polynomials *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials. *
* 5. Clearing polynomials *
* 6. Quit *


Select the option (1 through 6): 2

/* Performing the required task(s) and your code must ALSO print

1. Description/explanation of the method or approach that you

use to add 2 polynomials; and
2. The listing of all functions involved in the process.


*         Menu HW #4 *
* 1. Creating polynomials *
* 2. Adding polynomials *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials. *
* 5. Clearing polynomials *
* 6. Quit *



Select the option (1 through 6): 4

Left Poly Pointer: SOME NONE ZERO ADDRESS and DISPLAYING Poly 1/1x2 + 3/4x + 5/12

Right Poly Pointer: SOME NONE ZERO ADDRESS and DISPLAYING Poly 1/1x4 – 3/7x2 + 4/9x + 2/11

Resulting Poly Pointer: SOME NONE ZERO ADDRESS and DISPLAYING Poly 1/1x4 – 3/7x2 + 43/36x + 79/132

*         Menu HW #4 *
* 1. Creating polynomials *
* 2. Adding polynomials *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials. *
* 5. Clearing polynomials *
* 6. Quit *


Select the option (1 through 6): 3

/* Performing the required task(s) and your code must ALSO print

1. Description/explanation of the method or approach that you

use to multiply 2 polynomials; and
2. The listing of all functions involved in the process.


*         Menu HW #4 *
* 1. Creating polynomials *
* 2. Adding polynomials *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials. *
* 5. Clearing polynomials *
* 6. Quit *


Select the option (1 through 6): 4

Left Poly Pointer: SOME NONE ZERO ADDRESS and DISPLAYING Poly 1/1x2 + 3/4x + 5/12

Right Poly Pointer: SOME NONE ZERO ADDRESS and DISPLAYING Poly 1/1x4 – 3/7x2 + 4/9x + 2/11

Resulting Poly Pointer: SOME NONE ZERO ADDRESS and DISPLAYING Poly 1/1x6 + 3/4x5 – 1/84x4 + 31/252x3 + 871/924x2 + 191/594x + 5/66

*         Menu HW #4 *
* 1. Creating polynomials *
* 2. Adding polynomials *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials. *
* 5. Clearing polynomials *
* 6. Quit *


Select the option (1 through 6): 5

/* Releasing selected polynomial(s)
For example, clearing and releasing left polynomial


*         Menu HW #4 *
* 1. Creating polynomials *
* 2. Adding polynomials *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials. *
* 5. Clearing polynomials *
* 6. Quit *


Select the option (1 through 6): 4

Left Poly Pointer: 0

1/1x4 – 3/7x2 + 4/9x + 2/11

Resulting Poly Pointer: 0

*         Menu HW #4 *
* 1. Creating polynomials *
* 2. Adding polynomials *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials. *
* 5. Clearing polynomials *
* 6. Quit *


Select the option (1 through 6): 5

/* Releasing selected polynomial(s)
For example, clearing and releasing right polynomial


*         Menu HW #4 *
* 1. Creating polynomials *
* 2. Adding polynomials *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials. *
* 5. Clearing polynomials *
* 6. Quit *


Select the option (1 through 6): 4

Left Poly Pointer: 0

Right Poly Pointer: 0

Resulting Poly Pointer: 0

*         Menu HW #4 *
* 1. Creating polynomials *
* 2. Adding polynomials *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials. *
* 5. Clearing polynomials *
* 6. Quit *


Select the option (1 through 6): 6

Polynomials -- Having Fun!


Expert Solution

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct FractionNhatH {
   int num;
   int denom;

struct PolyTermNhatH {
   int exp;
   struct FractionNhatH* coePtr;

struct PolyNodeNhatH {
   struct PolyTermNhatH* ptPtr;
   struct PolyNodeNhatH* next;

typedef struct FractionNhatH FractionNhat;
typedef struct PolyTermNhatH PolyTermNhat;
typedef struct PolyNodeNhatH PolyNodeNhat;
typedef FractionNhat* FractionPtrNhat;
typedef PolyNodeNhat* PolyListNhat;
typedef PolyListNhat* PolyListPtrNhat;

PolyNodeNhat* createPolyNodeNhatH(void);
PolyNodeNhat* createPolyNode02NhatH(FractionNhat*, int);
PolyTermNhat* createPolyTermNhatH(void);
PolyTermNhat* createPolyTerm02NhatH(FractionNhat*, int);
PolyListNhat* addPolyNhatH(PolyListNhat, PolyListNhat);
PolyListNhat* multiplyPolyNhatH(PolyListNhat, PolyListNhat);
PolyListNhat combineLikeTermsNhatH(PolyListNhat);
int insertPolyNodeNhatH(PolyListNhat*, PolyNodeNhat*);
int removePolyNodeNhatH(PolyListNhat*, int);
int isEmptyNhatH(PolyListNhat*);
int getLengthNhatH(PolyListNhat);
int createExponentNhatH(void);
int getGCDNhatH(int, int);
void removeFirstPolyNodeNhatH(PolyListNhat*);
void removeLastPolyNodeNhatH(PolyListNhat*);
void displayPolyListNhatH(PolyListNhat);
void sortByDegreeNhatH(PolyListNhat);
void reduceNhatH(FractionNhat*);
void freePolyNodeNhatH(PolyNodeNhat*);
void freePolyListNhatH(PolyListNhat*);
FractionNhat* createFractionNhatH(void);
FractionNhat* addFractionNhatHo(FractionNhat*, FractionNhat*);
FractionNhat* multiplyFractionNhatHo(FractionNhat*, FractionNhat*);
void menu01NhatH();
void creationMenuNhatH(PolyListNhat*, PolyListNhat*);
void deletionMenuNhatH(PolyListNhat*, PolyListNhat*, PolyListNhat*);
void displayClassInfoNhatH(void);

int main() {

   return 0;

void displayClassInfoNhatH() {
   printf("C Programming\n");


void menu01NhatH() {
   PolyListNhat* result = (PolyListNhat*)calloc(1, sizeof(PolyListNhat));
   PolyListNhat poly1 = NULL;
   PolyListNhat poly2 = NULL;
   int option;

   do {
           "*    POLYNOMIAL OPERATIONS   *\n"
           "* 1. Creating polynomials    *\n"
           "* 2. Adding polynomials      *\n"
           "* 3. Multiplying polynomials *\n"
           "* 4. Displaying polynomials *\n"
           "* 5. Clearing polynomials    *\n"
           "* 6. Quit                    *\n"
           "Select the option(1 through 6): ");
       scanf_s("%d", &option);

       switch (option) {
       case 1:
               "\n My logic for the creation of two polynomials were to first\n gather the number of"
               " terms the user wanted. After, I went on\n to use a simple for loop to"
               "iterate through the number of terms,\n allowing the user to enter in values, creating a node,"
               " and then\n inserting each node at the end of the list. Once creation was finished,"
               "\n I simply sorted the list so that it will be sorted in acending order\n"
               " based on the degrees of each term in the polynomial.\n\n"
               " Functions used:\n"
               "    createPolyNodeNhatH() - Allows the user to create a node\n"
               "    sortByDegreeNhatH() - Sorts a list in acending order\n"
               "    insertPolyNodeNhatH() - To insert a node to the end of the list\n");
           creationMenuNhatH(&poly1, &poly2);
       case 2:
               "\n My logic for the addition of the polynomial were to first\n sort each list in acending order"
               " based on their degrees. \n To accomplish this, I created a function called sortByDegree(),\n"
               " using a modified bubble sort, I traversed the list comparing\n each term to the next term,"
               " and swapping these terms if one\n exponent was greater than the other. I then sent both lists\n"
               " into addPoly(), which uses a nested while loop to traverse\n the list, making comparisons"
               " on each exponent. Once a condition\n was met, I created a new node, and inserted it into"
               " the resulting list.\n I repeated this same process until both lists were exhaused.\n\n"

               " Functions used:\n"
               "    addFractionNhatHo() - Adds two coefficients of Fractions\n"
               "    sortByDegreeNhatH() - Sorts a list in acending order\n"
               "    createPolyNode02NhatH() - To create a new polynode with two arguments\n"
               "    insertPolyNodeNhatH() - To insert a node to the end of the list\n"
               "    addPolyNhatH() - Adds two polylists and returns the address\n");
           if (poly1 && poly2 != NULL) {
               if (result != NULL) {
               result = addPolyNhatH(poly1, poly2);
               printf("\n Left Poly Pointer: %p\n    ", poly1);
               printf("\n Right Poly Pointer %p\n    ", poly2);
               printf("\n Resulting Poly Pointer: %p\n    ", *result);
           } else {
               printf("\n Please create BOTH Polynomials first!\n\n");
       case 3:
               "\n My logic for the multiplication of polynomials were to first\n sort"
               " both lists. After the lists were sorted, I used a nested\n while"
               " loop to traverse both lists, multiplying each term,\n creating a new"
               " node, and inserting the newly created node into\n the end of the"
               " resulting list. I did this until both lists were\n exhausted. This left me"
               " with a resulting polynomial that still\n included like terms. I then created"
               "a function called combineLikeTerms,\n which traverses the resulting list,"
               " checking if each terms' exponents\n were the same, and adding them together if they were."
               " I went on to\n sort the resulting polynomial and then returning the address.\n\n"
               " Functions used:\n"
               "    multiplyFractionNhatHo() - Multiply two coeffients of Fractions\n"
               "    addFractionNhatHo() - Adds two coefficients of Fractions\n"
               "    sortByDegreeNhatH() - Sorts a list in acending order\n"
               "    createNode02NhatH() - To create a new polynode with two arguments\n"
               "    insertPolyNodeNhatH() - To insert a node to the end of the list\n"
               "    combineLikeTermsNhatH() - Traverses a list to combine the like terms\n"
               "    multiplyPolyNhatH() - Multiplys two polylists and returns the address\n");
           if (poly1 && poly2 != NULL) {
               if (result != NULL) {
               result = multiplyPolyNhatH(poly1, poly2);
               printf("\n Left Poly Pointer: %p\n    ", poly1);
               printf("\n Right Poly Pointer %p\n    ", poly2);
               printf("\n Resulting Poly Pointer: %p\n    ", *result);
           } else {
               printf("\n Please create BOTH Polynomials first!\n\n");
       case 4:
           printf("\n Left Poly Pointer: %p\n    ", poly1);
           printf("\n Right Poly Pointer: %p\n    ", poly2);
           printf("\n Resulting Poly Pointer: %p\n    ", *result);
       case 5:
           deletionMenuNhatH(&poly1, &poly2, result);
       case 6:
           printf("\n Having Fun!\n\n");
           printf("\n You should not be in this class!\n\n");
   } while (option != 6);



void creationMenuNhatH(PolyListNhat* poly1, PolyListNhat* poly2) {
   int option;
   int terms;

   do {
       printf("\n ******************************\n"
           " *    POLYNOMIAL CREATION     *\n"
           " * 1. Create Left Polynomial *\n"
           " * 2. Create Right Polynomial *\n"
           " * 3. Return to previous menu *\n"
           " ******************************\n"
           " Select the option(1 through 3): ");
       scanf_s("%d", &option);

       switch (option) {
       case 1:
           if (*poly1 != NULL)

           printf("\n    Creating Left Polynomial --\n");
           printf("      How many terms? ");
           scanf_s("%d", &terms);

           for (int i = 0; i < terms; i++) {
               printf("\n    Term #%d", i + 1);
               insertPolyNodeNhatH(poly1, createPolyNodeNhatH());

           printf("\n    Left-Polynomial: ");
       case 2:
           if (*poly2 != NULL)

           printf("\n    Creating Right Polynomial --\n");
           printf("      How many terms? ");
           scanf_s("%d", &terms);

           for (int i = 0; i < terms; i++) {
               printf("\n    Term #%d", i + 1);
               insertPolyNodeNhatH(poly2, createPolyNodeNhatH());

           printf("\n    Right-Polynomial: ");
       case 3:
           printf("\n    You should not be in this class!\n");
   } while (option != 3);


void deletionMenuNhatH(PolyListNhat* poly1, PolyListNhat* poly2, PolyListNhat* result) {
   int option;

   do {
       printf("\n ******************************\n"
           " *    POLYNOMIAL DELETION     *\n"
           " * 1. Release Left Poly       *\n"
           " * 2. Release Right Poly      *\n"
           " * 3. Release Resulting Poly *\n"
           " * 4. Return to previous menu *\n"
           " ******************************\n"
           " Select the option(1 through 3): ");
       scanf_s("%d", &option);

       switch (option) {
       case 1:
           if (*poly1 != NULL) {
               printf("\n    Releasing Left Polynomial -\n");
               printf("      Sucessfully released Right Polynomial.\n");
           } else {
               printf("\n    There are no Polynomials to release!\n");
       case 2:
           if (*poly2 != NULL) {
               printf("\n    Releasing Right Polynomial -\n");
               printf("      Sucessfully released Right Polynomial.\n");
           } else {
               printf("\n    There are no Polynomials to release!\n");
       case 3:
           if (*result != NULL) {
               printf("\n    Releasing Resulting Polynomial -\n");
               printf("      Sucessfully released Resulting Polynomial.\n");
           } else {
               printf("\n    There are no Polynomials to release!\n");
       case 4:
           printf("\n    You should not be in this class!\n");
   } while (option != 4);


PolyNodeNhat* createPolyNodeNhatH() {
   PolyNodeNhat* node;

   node = (PolyNodeNhat*)malloc(sizeof(PolyNodeNhat));
   node->ptPtr = createPolyTermNhatH();
   node->next = NULL;

   return node;

PolyNodeNhat* createPolyNode02NhatH(FractionNhat* coe, int exp) {
   PolyNodeNhat* node;

   node = (PolyNodeNhat*)malloc(sizeof(PolyNodeNhat));
   node->ptPtr = createPolyTerm02NhatH(coe, exp);
   node->next = NULL;

   return node;

PolyTermNhat* createPolyTermNhatH() {
   PolyTermNhat* term;

   term = (PolyTermNhat*)malloc(sizeof(PolyTermNhat));
   term->exp = createExponentNhatH();
   term->coePtr = createFractionNhatH();

   return term;

PolyTermNhat* createPolyTerm02NhatH(FractionNhat* c, int e) {
   PolyTermNhat* term;

   term = (PolyTermNhat*)malloc(sizeof(PolyTermNhat));
   term->exp = e;
   term->coePtr = c;

   return term;

PolyListNhat* addPolyNhatH(PolyListNhat poly1, PolyListNhat poly2) {
   PolyListNhat* result = (PolyListNhat*)calloc(1, sizeof(PolyListNhat));
   PolyListNhat tempPoly1 = poly1;
   PolyListNhat tempPoly2 = poly2;
   PolyNodeNhat* node = NULL;

   while ((tempPoly1 != NULL) && (tempPoly2 != NULL)) {
       if ((tempPoly1->ptPtr->exp) > (tempPoly2->ptPtr->exp)) {
           node = createPolyNode02NhatH(tempPoly1->ptPtr->coePtr, tempPoly1->ptPtr->exp);
           insertPolyNodeNhatH(result, node);
           tempPoly1 = tempPoly1->next;
       } else if ((tempPoly1->ptPtr->exp) < (tempPoly2->ptPtr->exp)) {
           node = createPolyNode02NhatH(tempPoly2->ptPtr->coePtr, tempPoly2->ptPtr->exp);
           insertPolyNodeNhatH(result, node);
           tempPoly2 = tempPoly2->next;
       } else {
           node = createPolyNode02NhatH(addFractionNhatHo(tempPoly1->ptPtr->coePtr, tempPoly2->ptPtr->coePtr), tempPoly2->ptPtr->exp);
           insertPolyNodeNhatH(result, node);
           tempPoly1 = tempPoly1->next;
           tempPoly2 = tempPoly2->next;

   if (tempPoly1 == NULL) {
       while (tempPoly2 != NULL) {
           node = createPolyNode02NhatH(tempPoly2->ptPtr->coePtr, tempPoly2->ptPtr->exp);
           insertPolyNodeNhatH(result, node);
           tempPoly2 = tempPoly2->next;
   } else {
       while (tempPoly1 != NULL) {
           node = createPolyNode02NhatH(tempPoly1->ptPtr->coePtr, tempPoly1->ptPtr->exp);
           insertPolyNodeNhatH(result, node);
           tempPoly1 = tempPoly1->next;

   return result;


PolyListNhat* multiplyPolyNhatH(PolyListNhat poly1, PolyListNhat poly2) {
   PolyListNhat* result = (PolyListNhat*)calloc(1, sizeof(PolyListNhat));
   PolyListNhat tempList = poly2;
   PolyNodeNhat* tempNode = NULL;

   while (poly1 != NULL) {
       poly2 = tempList;
       while (poly2 != NULL) {
           tempNode = createPolyNode02NhatH(multiplyFractionNhatHo(poly1->ptPtr->coePtr, poly2->ptPtr->coePtr), poly1->ptPtr->exp + poly2->ptPtr->exp);
           insertPolyNodeNhatH(result, tempNode);
           poly2 = poly2->next;
       poly1 = poly1->next;

   *result = combineLikeTermsNhatH(*result);

   return result;

PolyListNhat combineLikeTermsNhatH(PolyListNhat polyList) {
   PolyNodeNhat* temp1 = polyList;
   PolyNodeNhat* temp3;
   PolyNodeNhat* temp2;

   while (temp1 != NULL) {
       temp3 = temp1;
       temp2 = temp3->next;
       while (temp2 != NULL) {
           if (temp1->ptPtr->exp == temp2->ptPtr->exp) {
               temp1->ptPtr->coePtr = addFractionNhatHo(temp1->ptPtr->coePtr, temp2->ptPtr->coePtr);
               temp3->next = temp2->next;
           temp3 = temp3->next;
           temp2 = temp3->next;
       temp1 = temp1->next;

   return polyList;

int insertPolyNodeNhatH(PolyListNhat* list, PolyNodeNhat* node) {
   PolyNodeNhat* tempNode = *list;

   if (tempNode == NULL) {
       *list = node;
   } else {
       while (tempNode->next != NULL) {
           tempNode = tempNode->next;
       tempNode->next = node;

   return 1;

int removePolyNodeNhatH(PolyListNhat* list, int n) {
   PolyNodeNhat* prev;
   PolyNodeNhat* curr;
   int count;

   if (n >= getLengthNhatH(*list)) {
   } else if (n <= 1) {
   } else {
       prev = NULL;
       curr = *list;
       count = 1;
       while (count < n) {
           prev = curr;
           curr = curr->next;
       prev->next = curr->next;

   return 1;

int isEmptyNhatH(PolyListNhat* list) {
   return (*list) == NULL ? 1 : 0;

int getLengthNhatH(PolyListNhat list) {
   int length = 0;

   while (list != NULL) {
       list = (list)->next;

   return length;

int createExponentNhatH() {
   int exp;

   printf("\n      Enter the exponent: ");
   scanf_s("%d", &exp);

   return exp;

int getGCDNhatH(int num, int denom) {
   return (denom != 0) ? getGCDNhatH(denom, num % denom) : num;

void removeFirstPolyNodeNhatH(PolyListNhat* list) {
   PolyNodeNhat* tempNode;

   if (*list != 0) {
       tempNode = *list;
       *list = (*list)->next;


void removeLastPolyNodeNhatH(PolyListNhat* list) {
   PolyNodeNhat* curr = *list;
   PolyNodeNhat* prev = NULL;

   if ((*list)->next == 0) {
       *list = NULL;
   } else {
       while (curr->next != NULL) {
           prev = curr;
           curr = curr->next;
       prev->next = NULL;


void displayPolyListNhatH(PolyListNhat list) {
   if (isEmptyNhatH(&list)) {
   } else {
       while ((list) != NULL) {
           if ((list)->ptPtr->exp == 0) {
           } else if ((list)->ptPtr->exp == 1) {
           } else {
           list = (list)->next;
           if (list != NULL) {
               printf(" + ");


void sortByDegreeNhatH(PolyListNhat list) {
   PolyTermNhat* tempTerm = NULL;
   PolyListNhat tempList;
   int sorted;

   if (list != NULL) {
       for (sorted = 0; sorted != 1; tempList = list) {
           sorted = 1;
           for (tempList = list; tempList->next != NULL; tempList = tempList->next) {
               if (tempList->ptPtr->exp < tempList->next->ptPtr->exp) {
                   tempTerm = tempList->ptPtr;
                   tempList->ptPtr = tempList->next->ptPtr;
                   tempList->next->ptPtr = tempTerm;
                   sorted = 0;


void reduceNhatH(FractionNhat* fraction) {
   int gcd;

   if (fraction->denom < 0) {
       fraction->num = -(fraction)->num;
       fraction->denom = -(fraction)->denom;

   if (fraction->num == 0) {
       fraction->denom = 1;
   } else {
       gcd = getGCDNhatH(fraction->num, fraction->denom);
       if (gcd < 0) {
           gcd = -gcd;
       fraction->num /= gcd;
       fraction->denom /= gcd;


void freePolyNodeNhatH(PolyNodeNhat* node) {

void freePolyListNhatH(PolyListNhat* list) {
   PolyNodeNhat* tempNode;

   while ((*list) != NULL) {
       tempNode = *list;
       *list = (*list)->next;


FractionNhat* createFractionNhatH() {
   FractionNhat* fraction = NULL;
   int tmp;

   fraction = (FractionNhat*)malloc(sizeof(FractionNhat));

   printf("      Enter the numberator: ");
   scanf_s("%d", &tmp);
   fraction->num = tmp;

   printf("      Enter the denominator: ");
   scanf_s("%d", &tmp);
   fraction->denom = tmp;

   while (tmp == 0) {
       printf("      Can't set to zero! Enter a new denominator: ");
       scanf_s("%d", &tmp);
       fraction->denom = tmp;


   return fraction;

FractionNhat* addFractionNhatHo(FractionNhat* leftOp, FractionNhat* rightOp) {
   FractionNhat* result = (FractionNhat*)malloc(sizeof(FractionNhat));

   (result)->num = ((leftOp)->num * (rightOp)->denom) + ((rightOp)->num * (leftOp)->denom);
   (result)->denom = (leftOp)->denom * (rightOp)->denom;

   return result;

FractionNhat* multiplyFractionNhatHo(FractionNhat* leftOp, FractionNhat* rightOp) {
   FractionNhat* result = (FractionNhat*)malloc(sizeof(FractionNhat));

   result->num = (leftOp)->num * (rightOp)->num;
   result->denom = (leftOp)->denom * (rightOp)->denom;

   return result;


C Programming

* 1. Creating polynomials    *
* 2. Adding polynomials      *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials *
* 5. Clearing polynomials    *
* 6. Quit                    *
Select the option(1 through 6): 7

You should not be in this class!

* 1. Creating polynomials    *
* 2. Adding polynomials      *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials *
* 5. Clearing polynomials    *
* 6. Quit                    *
Select the option(1 through 6): 4

Left Poly Pointer: 00000000
Right Poly Pointer: 00000000
Resulting Poly Pointer: 00000000

* 1. Creating polynomials    *
* 2. Adding polynomials      *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials *
* 5. Clearing polynomials    *
* 6. Quit                    *
Select the option(1 through 6): 1

My logic for the creation of two polynomials were to first
gather the number of terms the user wanted. After, I went on
to use a simple for loop toiterate through the number of terms,
allowing the user to enter in values, creating a node, and then
inserting each node at the end of the list. Once creation was finished,
I simply sorted the list so that it will be sorted in acending order
based on the degrees of each term in the polynomial.

Functions used:
    createPolyNodeNhatH() - Allows the user to create a node
    sortByDegreeNhatH() - Sorts a list in acending order
    insertPolyNodeNhatH() - To insert a node to the end of the list

* 1. Create Left Polynomial *
* 2. Create Right Polynomial *
* 3. Return to previous menu *
Select the option(1 through 3): 1

    Creating Left Polynomial --
      How many terms? 3

    Term #1
      Enter the exponent: 2
      Enter the numberator: 1
      Enter the denominator: 1

    Term #2
      Enter the exponent: 1
      Enter the numberator: 3
      Enter the denominator: 4

    Term #3
      Enter the exponent: 0
      Enter the numberator: 5
      Enter the denominator: 12

    Left-Polynomial: 1/1x^2 + 3/4x + 5/12

* 1. Create Left Polynomial *
* 2. Create Right Polynomial *
* 3. Return to previous menu *
Select the option(1 through 3): 2

    Creating Right Polynomial --
      How many terms? 4

    Term #1
      Enter the exponent: 4
      Enter the numberator: 1
      Enter the denominator: 1

    Term #2
      Enter the exponent: 2
      Enter the numberator: -3
      Enter the denominator: 7

    Term #3
      Enter the exponent: 1
      Enter the numberator: 4
      Enter the denominator: 9

    Term #4
      Enter the exponent: 0
      Enter the numberator: 2
      Enter the denominator: 11

    Right-Polynomial: 1/1x^4 + -3/7x^2 + 4/9x + 2/11

* 1. Create Left Polynomial *
* 2. Create Right Polynomial *
* 3. Return to previous menu *
Select the option(1 through 3): 3

* 1. Creating polynomials    *
* 2. Adding polynomials      *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials *
* 5. Clearing polynomials    *
* 6. Quit                    *
Select the option(1 through 6): 4

Left Poly Pointer: 007125E0
    1/1x^2 + 3/4x + 5/12
Right Poly Pointer: 007127D8
    1/1x^4 + -3/7x^2 + 4/9x + 2/11
Resulting Poly Pointer: 00000000

* 1. Creating polynomials    *
* 2. Adding polynomials      *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials *
* 5. Clearing polynomials    *
* 6. Quit                    *
Select the option(1 through 6): 2

My logic for the addition of the polynomial were to first
sort each list in acending order based on their degrees.
To accomplish this, I created a function called sortByDegree(),
using a modified bubble sort, I traversed the list comparing
each term to the next term, and swapping these terms if one
exponent was greater than the other. I then sent both lists
into addPoly(), which uses a nested while loop to traverse
the list, making comparisons on each exponent. Once a condition
was met, I created a new node, and inserted it into the resulting list.
I repeated this same process until both lists were exhaused.

Functions used:
    addFractionNhatHo() - Adds two coefficients of Fractions
    sortByDegreeNhatH() - Sorts a list in acending order
    createPolyNode02NhatH() - To create a new polynode with two arguments
    insertPolyNodeNhatH() - To insert a node to the end of the list
    addPolyNhatH() - Adds two polylists and returns the address

Left Poly Pointer: 007125E0
    1/1x^2 + 3/4x + 5/12
Right Poly Pointer 007127D8
    1/1x^4 + -3/7x^2 + 4/9x + 2/11
Resulting Poly Pointer: 00712A90
    1/1x^4 + 4/7x^2 + 43/36x + 79/132

* 1. Creating polynomials    *
* 2. Adding polynomials      *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials *
* 5. Clearing polynomials    *
* 6. Quit                    *
Select the option(1 through 6): 4

Left Poly Pointer: 007125E0
    1/1x^2 + 3/4x + 5/12
Right Poly Pointer: 007127D8
    1/1x^4 + -3/7x^2 + 4/9x + 2/11
Resulting Poly Pointer: 00712A90
    1/1x^4 + 4/7x^2 + 43/36x + 79/132

* 1. Creating polynomials    *
* 2. Adding polynomials      *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials *
* 5. Clearing polynomials    *
* 6. Quit                    *
Select the option(1 through 6): 3

My logic for the multiplication of polynomials were to first
sort both lists. After the lists were sorted, I used a nested
while loop to traverse both lists, multiplying each term,
creating a new node, and inserting the newly created node into
the end of the resulting list. I did this until both lists were
exhausted. This left me with a resulting polynomial that still
included like terms. I then createda function called combineLikeTerms,
which traverses the resulting list, checking if each terms' exponents
were the same, and adding them together if they were. I went on to
sort the resulting polynomial and then returning the address.

Functions used:
    multiplyFractionNhatHo() - Multiply two coeffients of Fractions
    addFractionNhatHo() - Adds two coefficients of Fractions
    sortByDegreeNhatH() - Sorts a list in acending order
    createNode02NhatH() - To create a new polynode with two arguments
    insertPolyNodeNhatH() - To insert a node to the end of the list
    combineLikeTermsNhatH() - Traverses a list to combine the like terms
    multiplyPolyNhatH() - Multiplys two polylists and returns the address

Left Poly Pointer: 007125E0
    1/1x^2 + 3/4x + 5/12
Right Poly Pointer 007127D8
    1/1x^4 + -3/7x^2 + 4/9x + 2/11
Resulting Poly Pointer: 00712BE0
    1/1x^6 + 3/4x^5 + -1/84x^4 + 31/252x^3 + 311/924x^2 + 191/594x + 5/66

* 1. Creating polynomials    *
* 2. Adding polynomials      *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials *
* 5. Clearing polynomials    *
* 6. Quit                    *
Select the option(1 through 6): 5

* 1. Release Left Poly       *
* 2. Release Right Poly      *
* 3. Release Resulting Poly *
* 4. Return to previous menu *
Select the option(1 through 3): 1

    Releasing Left Polynomial -
      Sucessfully released Right Polynomial.

* 1. Release Left Poly       *
* 2. Release Right Poly      *
* 3. Release Resulting Poly *
* 4. Return to previous menu *
Select the option(1 through 3): 4

* 1. Creating polynomials    *
* 2. Adding polynomials      *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials *
* 5. Clearing polynomials    *
* 6. Quit                    *
Select the option(1 through 6): 4

Left Poly Pointer: 00000000
Right Poly Pointer: 007127D8
    1/1x^4 + -3/7x^2 + 4/9x + 2/11
Resulting Poly Pointer: 00712BE0
    1/1x^6 + 3/4x^5 + -1/84x^4 + 31/252x^3 + 311/924x^2 + 191/594x + 5/66

* 1. Creating polynomials    *
* 2. Adding polynomials      *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials *
* 5. Clearing polynomials    *
* 6. Quit                    *
Select the option(1 through 6): 5

* 1. Release Left Poly       *
* 2. Release Right Poly      *
* 3. Release Resulting Poly *
* 4. Return to previous menu *
Select the option(1 through 3): 2

    Releasing Right Polynomial -
      Sucessfully released Right Polynomial.

* 1. Release Left Poly       *
* 2. Release Right Poly      *
* 3. Release Resulting Poly *
* 4. Return to previous menu *
Select the option(1 through 3): 3

    Releasing Resulting Polynomial -
      Sucessfully released Resulting Polynomial.

* 1. Release Left Poly       *
* 2. Release Right Poly      *
* 3. Release Resulting Poly *
* 4. Return to previous menu *
Select the option(1 through 3): 4

* 1. Creating polynomials    *
* 2. Adding polynomials      *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials *
* 5. Clearing polynomials    *
* 6. Quit                    *
Select the option(1 through 6): 4

Left Poly Pointer: 00000000
Right Poly Pointer: 00000000
Resulting Poly Pointer: 00000000

* 1. Creating polynomials    *
* 2. Adding polynomials      *
* 3. Multiplying polynomials *
* 4. Displaying polynomials *
* 5. Clearing polynomials    *
* 6. Quit                    *
Select the option(1 through 6): 6

Having Fun!



Fun! Looking forward to the Klotski project!


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