
In: Computer Science

Write a python program to display a menu with the following options: (1) add, (2) subtract,...

Write a python program to display a menu with the following options: (1) add, (2) subtract, (3) multiply, (4) divide (5) mod, and (6) do nothing. I

f the user enters something else (except 1-6), the program should display an error message.

Otherwise, it should ask the user for two numbers, perform the calculation, and display the result.


Expert Solution

while True:
    print("\n1.Add\n2.Subtract\n3.Multiply\n4.Divide\n5.Mod\n6.Do nothing\n")
    num=int(input("Enter (1-6):"))
    if 1<=num<=6:
        num1=int(input("Enter 1st number:"))
        num2=int(input("Enter 2nd number:"))
        if num==1:
            print("sum is : "+str(num1+num2))
        elif num==2:
            print("Difference is : "+str(num1-num2))
        elif num==3:
            print("Product is : "+str(num1*num2))
        elif num==4:
            print("Division is : "+str(num1//num2))
        elif num==5:
            print("Mod vlaue is : "+str(num1%num2))
        elif num==6:
        print("you had entered invalid number")



If you have any queries..please comment..Thank you...

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