
In: Computer Science

Create a menu in Java. A menu is a presentation of options for you to select....

Create a menu in Java. A menu is a presentation of options for you to select.

You can do this in the main() method.

1. Create a String variable named menuChoice.

2. Display 3 options for your program. I recommend using 3 System.out.println statements and a 4th System.out.print to show "Enter your Selection:".

This needs to be inside the do -- while loop.

A. Buy Stock.

B. Sell Stock

X. Exit

Enter your Selection:

3. Prompt for the value menuChoice.

4. If menuChoice is "A", display "Buy Stock" and redisplay the menu. If menuChoice is "B", display "Sell Stock" and redisplay the menu. If menuChoice is "X", the loop needs to terminate. If any other choice is given, display "Invalid selection" and redisplay the menu.

5 point bonus - Convert the menuChoice to an upper case String after input or as part of the input but before any processing is done. This will allow me to enter 'a' but process as 'A'. You can Google for "Java string uppercase" to see how this is done.

5 point bonus - For Task 4 - Create 2 void methods - 1 for option A to call, and another for option B to call. Do the display work only inside these methods and call these methods for these options.


Expert Solution

Program code:

import java.util.Scanner;                     //Importing Scanner class

public class menuChoice
public static void main(String [] args)
String menuChoice;                           //Creating string variable to store user's choice
boolean i=true;                                  //Creating boolean variable for loop iteration
Scanner read=new Scanner(;        //Creating scanner variable to read user's choice
while(i)                     //loop for displaying menu until user want to exit.
     System.out.println("\nMenu...");                      //Displaying menu
     System.out.println("A.Buy Stock");
     System.out.println("B.Sell Stock");
     System.out.print("\nEnter your choice : ");;                                   //Reading user value
     if(menuChoice.equals("a")|| menuChoice.equals("A"))            //Checking whether he entered 'A' or 'a'
          menuChoice=menuChoice.toUpperCase();             //Converting input into upper case.
          choiceA();                                                                //Calling method to display option A value
   else if(menuChoice.equals("b")|| menuChoice.equals("B"))
          menuChoice=menuChoice.toUpperCase();             //Converting input into upper case.
          choiceB();                                                               //Calling method to display option B value
    else if(menuChoice.equals("x")|| menuChoice.equals("X"))
          i=false;                                                                     //Making i=false to exit from the loop
          menuChoice=menuChoice.toUpperCase();             //Converting input into upper case.
       System.out.println("Invalid selection.....Please select one from the above.");

static void choiceA()                         //Method to print BUY STOCK
System.out.println("BUY STOCK");

static void choiceB()                         //Method to print SELL STOCK
System.out.println("SELL STOCK");



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