
In: Operations Management

For your organization, identify two core strategies and the appropriate assumptions used to establish those strategies....

For your organization, identify two core strategies and the appropriate assumptions used to establish those strategies. please elaborate and references.


Expert Solution

1. Customer-driven strategies- it is an approach to meet the needs and demands of the target market. When evaluating market environments, a company should monitor market trends to take an advantage of opportunities which company get and can avoid possible threats.

Assumptions are-

(1) Great product will find its customers

(2) It is all about analyzing customers needs only

(3) Not generally focus on customer feedbacks

2. Developing core competencies- it is the SWOT analysis of the company. It can also include well trained employees, optimal business location and finance & marketing expertise. It also helps in building relationships with stakeholders.

Assumptions are-

(1) Adopt common in strategy research will be useful

(2) According to it, strong evidence of a firm’s competencies will be found in documents


Harvard Business Review article, “The Theory of the Business” by Peter F. Drucker (September-October 1994 issue)

Jofre, S. (2011). Strategic Management: The theory and practice of strategy in (business) organizations. Kgs. Lyngby: DTU Management 2011, No. 1

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