
In: Physics

You use a rope of length ℓ to tie the front of a 1500-kg truck to...

You use a rope of length ℓ to tie the front of a 1500-kg truck to the rear of a 1000-kg car and then use an identical rope of length ℓ to tie the front of the car to the rear of a 500 kg trailer. Each rope will break if its tension exceeds 1200 N . You attach a strong cable to the rear of the truck and use a winch to pull it with a force of magnitude F.

a- What is the acceleration of the three-vehicle system in terms of F, where F is in N?

Express your answer in terms of F.

b- What is the maximum pulling force you can exert on the truck before a rope breaks?

Express your answer with the appropriate units.

c- If you now attach the cable to the front of the trailer and again pull the system, what is the maximum force with which you can pull it without snapping a rope?

Express your answer with the appropriate units.


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