
In: Psychology

In 300 words Throughout history, humans have expressed biases and prejudices against others without reason or...

In 300 words Throughout history, humans have expressed biases and prejudices against others without reason or personal experience. While some people may view America as a country of culturally diverse and proud people, others may think of America as a prejudice and xenophobic nation. In your opinion, is nationalism a form of prejudice? Why or why not?


Expert Solution

America was not a nation of the Whites nor the Blacks but it belonged to the indigenous people. It was a vast land of resources which was occupied by different tribes who took care of the land for a very long time. When White people had depleted all the resources in Europe and when Europe had become overcrowded, it became necessary for the Europeans to discover new lands. Thus the navigation age started and the Europeans were advanced in technology and not actually were very brave compared to the natives. They captured all the lands and people using the weapon and brought people from Africa as slaves.

For a very long time, the tribes and Africans suffered in the hands of the White people due to their technological advancement and ignorance. In order to keep them slaves, White people attributed intelligence and civilization to body colour, thus White became superior and others became barbarians. Even after long struggle, people of colour remained inferior to the White people. There were long struggle for freedom, equality, women’s rights to education, property, employment etc. Even when some of the rights were guaranteed, White people were very reluctant to give the rights which people of colour deserved.

Today, it’s has taken a different shape as institutional racism through which people of colour are rejected and neglected in the society in terms of education, employment, housing and medical facilities. People from other countries who settled in the USA has less opportunities when compared to their White counterparts. In the name of patriotism, the government even supports these discrimination. According to me, if someone had to be patriotic about the society, it should be the tribal people who are the sons of the soil and even the white people do not deserve to be the owners of the land.

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