In: Nursing
What methods have been used throughout human history to ease the birth process, that are no longer routinely utilized in U.S. hospitals? Were there any aspects of the typical birth process in the U.S. that you assumed were normal and natural, that you are now reconsidering? If you were pregnant, or the partner of a pregnant woman, what would you envision as the ideal birth?
One has to plan for giving birth should decide about whether in the hospital or at home and natural or planned caesarian. Today, giving birth in the U.S is entirely different when compared to 100 years back. But every time the ultimate goal of the delivery is the healthy baby and healthy mother. Many changes happened in the associated things of birth process nowadays. But still, the baby born in the same way.
Women's Expectations:
Today, the women expectations have changed a lot as they expecting happy journey throughout the pregnancy and delivery. Although the technology has developed a lot, still women are fearful of delivery. Women concentrate more on pain management. The socioeconomic status also influences the way of childbirth. women satisfy with preplanning of day and place for delivery.
Birth process in the Past:
During the 18th century, labor is a very dangerous process. Later in the late 18th and 19th century, dramatical changes occur in the labor process such as the use of forceps, anesthesia, and other new medical interventions. Women were attained of seven live births during the lifetime period. Until the 20th century, the major U.S births occur at home. women's learned through other's birth experiences. The anesthesia was introduced during the 19th century. They used the combination of scopolamine-morphine called ' twilight sleep' for the childbirth. But women's faces a lot of problems in the regain of consciousness.
During and before 1950's the women were afraid of associated problems with the anesthesia. They felt that the anesthesia will affect their health negatively. And also, they willing to take care of the baby by themselves. Another thing is there is an increased number of the male physician which are all reasons women are most preferred for home deliveries than the hospital. They also practiced by making women sit upright in the chair and catch babies on the leaves.
That the reasons I will reconsider for natural childbirth movement. Instead of pain using of alternative therapies such as relaxation techniques, breathing pattern, and water immersion. I want to reconsider the autonomy of women in the past to take care of the baby on their own immediately after delivery. This brings a great bonding between the mother and baby. So, in my opinion, the early practice of natural birth without lacerations and without pain medication is best forever unless there is no risk. Advanced childbirth technology and pain management have improved a lot and safer but still it is not risk-free.