
In: Psychology

1). Offering Support: how have you supported friends or family who were struggling? What seemed to...

1). Offering Support: how have you supported friends or family who were struggling? What seemed to come naturally and what was difficult? Write a paragraph or two (150-200 words) about your experience. While this isn't formal writing, be sure to review your work for grammar, spelling, and full sentences


Expert Solution

The meaning of support is to maintain, sustain,uphold all mean to hold up and to preserve.Support can be practical or emotional.Research has proved that having a support has many positive benefits such as higher levels of well being, better coping skills and a longer and healthier life.

In our everyday lives we often have opportunities to provide support to friends , family members or co workers but it can be hard to know how to do it in an effective way.Social support can reduce depression  anxiety, and stress.

Natuaral support giving to friends include sharing notes with them when they are absent in the class, teaching them the portions which you thoroughly know, offering them a lift in your vehicle to reach the college etc. Example for offering a natuaral support to your relatives , family members or neighbours include  bringing  a dinner to the hospitalized ., taking care of their children at the time of need, collecting a letter from the post office for them etc.

But one can face some difficulties in certain situations while offering social support. It may be close friend or distant relative,may be your sister,daughter,classmate,neice or neighbour. He /she may be struggling with anxiety or depression.We can support in many ways.

Eg :- A pnone call, taking them out for dinner or fun,simply asking "Are you ok?" showing affection, bringing them favourite treat, encouraging them,showing interest in their matters to express your love and care etc.

In some cases they will experiece greater stress relatively ,when they know they are recieving support in their personal problem.Eg:- When you are asking "Are you ok.",may be they will say "I am fine". You may know that they are not.Here is a hint they don't want to talk about it in that moment, or share with you,or with anyone.Don,t press the issue and can leave them alone for sometime unless there is a sign of suicidal or drug abuse.You can give a hug to show affection and tell them something generic " I am not sure what is going on, but I hope things get better soon".

When we uses indirect methods must not over empasize giver/reciever distinction.Example could be telling someone ,you admire the way they handled a difficult situation. It makes them feel good about themselves and inspire them to face the situation without fear.

It is not compassion for hardships, but communicate respect  for their strength and show that you genuinely want to be with them.Putting yourself in someone's shoes requires learning about the person,s unique perspective, by asking questions, listening attentively and without judgement.You must have the capacity to imagine how you might feel if you were in that situation.

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