
In: Psychology

1. What do you consider your strongest ethical behavior as a technical group manager? 2. What...

1. What do you consider your strongest ethical behavior as a technical group manager?

2. What ethical behaviors do you need to improve on, and how will you accomplish this?

3. What other key development areas do you have to address to be successful as a technical group manager?


Expert Solution

1. The strongest ethical behavior as a technical group manager is making colleagues understand the exact motto and business principle behind the company's success and ways in which time in office can be handled wisely as to give maximum productivity.

2. The one associated in lifting up the capabilities of team members who perform below average is the one that must be improved on. Having a busy schedule throughout while in office, it is difficult to spend time in understanding the actual issue of these employees. However, efforts shall be made in overcoming the same by spending more time with them in finding out issues faced by them and must train them differently from others as to expect them to work above average.

3. Other key development areas include the introduction of programs that would help increase the overall productivity of team by introducing logical incentive schemes. Next area is constant interaction with higher management in getting a clear picture of their future expectation on my team and working towards it by encouraging individual capacity of team members and encouraging overall team spirit.

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