In: Biology
Subject; Nutrition (NS -101)
Question; Virus that causes food poisoning and write full
details about the Virus.
1. Write cover page
2. Introduction, 1 1/2 page
3. Main body , 3-4 .Each part has to be labeled. Cause, Symptoms, & Treatment.
4. Conclusion, 1/2- 1 page
5. 8 - References.
As per the guidelines, i answer the key points to construct these paper presentation. Reference won't be added.
Norovirus otherwise called Norwalk virus is the common virus that cause food poisoning in humans. There are about 19 million cases are reported every year. It can be fatal and most common. Symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea. There are no age preference for this virus. This virus spread easily. It can be affect others via few particles. Mild fever and chills, headache, stomach pain and body aches are other examples of this disease.
Changing diapers, touching contaminated surfaces, shaking hands, touching mouth, and taking care can cause virus spread. It also cause inflammation in stomach and small intestine. Acute gastoenteritis is the condition called. By the symptoms we can diagnose this virus. This affect fecal oral route and spreads.
Proper sanitization, hand washing and avoid contaminated surfaces to prevent the disease. There is no specific vaccines or treatment for this virus. Supportive care and drinking intravenous fluids are best management to cure the disease.
Norwalk virus, hawai virus, mexico virus , lordswale virus etc.. are serology types invented. They are classified into seven genogroups. GI to GIV are the groups classified till now. Gl and Gll are most common in human. They have no envelope for capsid .
Their genome consists of linear, non segmented, positive sense RNA basepairs. They are usually 7.5 kilobases.