You are the chief of police of a suburban agency of 50,000 residents. The former chief...

You are the chief of police of a suburban agency of 50,000 residents. The former chief had been in the position for nearly twenty years and believed that appropriate communication with the community was via the community’s elected representatives—the city council. You see a need to broaden the range of community contact. List and briefly describe at least five programs that you might consider that would accomplish this purpose.  Instructor’s note: feel free to customize this question to the area in which you live or work. There are differences between large, medium and small agencies; your responses make for interesting Discussion Board postings.

In: Operations Management

Group Media is an independent publishing house that sells Men’s Health and Women’s Health magazines. Explain...

Group Media is an independent publishing house that sells Men’s Health and Women’s Health magazines. Explain briefly segmentation and targeting strategies of Group Media. Discuss the company’s segmentation and targeting strategies.

In: Operations Management

Lisa started her laundry business 20 years already, but now she face a lower sales and...

Lisa started her laundry business 20 years already, but now she face a lower sales and did not gain profit. So she think she need to change her business model that is provide drive thru and delievery service. Discuss specific steps to re-organize Lisa's business. (Step by step)


In: Operations Management

For the purposes of this assignment, you must select a real-life organisation for analysis. The chosen...

For the purposes of this assignment, you must select a real-life organisation for analysis. The
chosen company should be known to you and having access to the required information to
complete the assignment is a must. The chosen field is a banking industry-Nedbank to be precise

Imagine that you have successfully completed the value based management module and you
are approached by the leadership of the selected company to assist them in creating new
value for their target market. Your assignment brief is to:
1. Construct a detailed Position Map or Customer Matrix for its leading product or service.

2. Identify innovation strategic moves and competitive positioning open to the organisation
and propose how the organisation can ensure sustained competitive advantage? (20

3. Determine what type of innovation and value-creation the organisation is capable of
undertaking. Is it incremental or disruptive? Please explain fully and support your choice.

4. Based on the findings of the preceding analyses and evaluation, recommend how the
organisation should proceed to deliver on the value proposition in the market place by:

4.1 Identifying the required value-added competencies
4.2 Proposing how the organisation should configure these competencies in its capital
4.3 Proposing how the organisation should align and leverage these value-added
competencies to achieve its innovation strategy or goals
4.4 Identify the relevant internal organisational arrangements and suggest how these
should be addressed to sustain innovation and value creation

You are required to present to the leadership a formal report detailing the following: a suitable
cover page, signed declaration of own work, an executive summary, a table of contents, a
brief introduction and background of the company, its leading product or service, the target
market, the approach and methods used, the findings generated, the recommendations and
conclusion, as well as a list of references.

In: Operations Management

a marketing researcher is trying to investigate how consumers perceive new technologies in the hospitality industry....

a marketing researcher is trying to investigate how consumers perceive new technologies in the hospitality industry. Please study possible theories the marketing researcher can apply in determining research objectives. Then, choose one most suitable theory and formulate the relevant hypotheses based on the chosen theory.

In: Operations Management

Read the Blumberg v. Ambrose case that begins on page 597 of the text (Chapter 17)....

Read the Blumberg v. Ambrose case that begins on page 597 of the text (Chapter 17).

answer this question according to Blumberg Ambrose case.

Miscommunication is often the basis for litigation - what should the parties have done in this case?

How do you define a partnership? What should you do before engaging in a business operation?

In: Operations Management

1- Ahmed is working as a project engineer at a newly established company. His company has...

1- Ahmed is working as a project engineer at a newly established company. His company has completed 2 projects, has 5 engineers and 10 technicians. Ahmed’s manager assigned him to contact Ashghal and register the company as a potential bidder for their project. However, the company’s profile does not meet Asghal Policy to be a potential bidder as their minimum requirement is: 5 completed projects, 10 registered engineers, 15 technicians. Even though Ahmed informed his manager about the policy, he insisted Ahmed on declaring that the company has completed 6 projects, has 12 registered engineers and 20 technicians. (a) Identify the ethical situation in this case (if any) (b) Explain what Ahmed should do (c) Mention the relevant Rule of Practice or Professional Obligation (if any)

2-John is a mechanical engineer with two years of experience in designing automobile engines. He is a hard worker and has been very successful. Considering John’s achievements, the department manager promoted him as a “chief design engineer”. As he is now the “chief design engineer”, John was assigned to design and work on automotive electrical circuits by his manager. (a) Identify the ethical situation in this case (if any) (b) Explain what John should do (c) Mention the relevant Rule of Practice or Professional Obligation (if any)

3- Ali is a junior chemical engineer working for a leading engineering firm. Their firm was assigned to design and develop a large new chemical processing unit. During the course of the project, Ali suggested to the project designer an alteration to the design that considerably improved efficiency of the processing unit. After Ali's suggestion has been successfully implemented, Ali was offered a very nice trip to Europe by his upper manager for his suggestion. (a) Identify the ethical situation in this case (if any) (b) Explain what Ali should do (c) Mention the relevant Rule of Practice or Professional Obligation (if any)

4- Tom is a civil engineer and working in a large construction project. Tom was assigned by his manager to look for steel suppliers for the project. Tom placed a newspaper advertisement for potential suppliers to bid. Tom’s brother-in-law is also a steel supplier and he also responded to the newspaper advertisement. Although Tom’s brother-in-law’s price is higher, Tom was thinking to recommend his brother-in-law as the supplier to the manager. (a) Identify the ethical situation in this case (if any) (b) Explain what Tom should do (c) Mention the relevant Rule of Practice or Professional Obligation (if any)

In: Operations Management

How to introduce a product with line extension to the market? ( Mention 10 ways with...

How to introduce a product with line extension to the market? ( Mention 10 ways with details)

please answer the question

In: Operations Management

Principles and Practice of Sport Management - a) Explain how a sports communications professional should prepare...

Principles and Practice of Sport Management


a) Explain how a sports communications professional should prepare an interviewee for an interview.

b) Develop guidelines for the preparation of a press conference.

c) Define a crisis.


d) Explain the contribution of Alvin "Pete" Rozelle to Sports Broadcasting.

e) Explain the contribution of Roone Arledge to Sports Broadcasting.

f) Identify and explain the career opportunities in Sports Broadcasting field.

In: Operations Management

What is retaliatory demotion? Should an HR professional always recommend demoting an employee as a punishment?

  1. What is retaliatory demotion?
  2. Should an HR professional always recommend demoting an employee as a punishment?

In: Operations Management

Murray Manufacturing Corp. has the process displayed below. The drilling operation occurs separately from and simultaneously...

Murray Manufacturing Corp. has the process displayed below. The drilling operation occurs separately from and simultaneously with the sawing and sanding operations. The product only needs to go through one of the three assembly operations (the assembly operations are “parallel”).

sawing 15 min/unit
sanding 15 min/unit
drilling 27 min/unit
welding 25 min/unit
assembly 78 min/unit

a) Which operation is the bottleneck? (2.5 marks)
b) What is the throughput time for the overall system? (2.5 marks)
c) If the firm operates 8 hours per day, 22 days per month, what is the monthly capacity of the manufacturing process?
d) Suppose that a second drilling machine is added, and it takes the same time as the original drilling machine. What is the new bottleneck time of the system?
e) Suppose that a second drilling machine is added, and it takes the same time as the original drilling machine. What is the new throughput time?

In: Operations Management

examples and how does that relate to your personal life .analyze how technology is likely to...

examples and how does that relate to your personal life .analyze how technology is likely to affect the industry structure and competition?

In: Operations Management

What are the principles to be followed while designing an effective mentoring program in organisations? Answer...

What are the principles to be followed while designing an effective mentoring program in
organisations? Answer in 250-300 words.

In: Operations Management

List and describe three disadvantages MNC’s (Multinational Corporations Article Reflection) have on Developing countries

List and describe three disadvantages MNC’s (Multinational Corporations Article Reflection) have on Developing countries

In: Operations Management

identify key success factors within mature industries and formulate strategies directed toward their exploitation.

identify key success factors within mature industries and formulate strategies directed toward their exploitation.

In: Operations Management