Strassel Investors buys real estate, develops it, and resells it for a profit. A new property...

Strassel Investors buys real estate, develops it, and resells it for a profit. A new property is available, and Bud Strassel, the president and owner of Strassel Investors, believes if he purchases and develops this property it can then be sold for $165000. The current property owner has asked for bids and stated that the property will be sold for the highest bid in excess of $100000. Two competitors will be submitting bids for the property. Strassel does not know what the competitors will bid, but he assumes for planning purposes that the amount bid by each competitor will be uniformly distributed between $100000 and $155000.

  1. Develop a worksheet that can be used to simulate the bids made by the two competitors. Strassel is considering a bid of $135000 for the property. Using a simulation of 1000 trials, what is the estimate of the probability Strassel will be able to obtain the property using a bid of $135000? Round your answer to 1 decimal place. Enter your answer as a percent.

  2. How much does Strassel need to bid to be assured of obtaining the property?


    What is the profit associated with this bid?

  3. Use the simulation model to compute the profit for each trial of the simulation run. With maximization of profit as Strassel’s objective, use simulation to evaluate Strassel’s bid alternatives of $135000, $145000, or $155000. What is the recommended bid, and what is the expected profit?

    A bid of $145000  results in the largest mean profit of $  .

In: Operations Management

To assess your understanding for E- Supply Chain / E- Logistic Management. Q. What are the...

To assess your understanding for E- Supply Chain / E- Logistic Management.

Q. What are the dynamics followed to satisfy the customer needs?

(Min. 250 words)
No Plagiarism (copying) please.

In: Operations Management

1. Identify two people you would consider to be excellent leaders. A. What type(s) of the...

1. Identify two people you would consider to be excellent leaders.

A. What type(s) of the leader are they?

B. Are those leaders right person for his/her position?

C. Explain why you feel that way about each person.


2. Discuss how diversification of work force contributes to performances of a firm positively and/or negatively.

In: Operations Management

Enrique, service manager at El Carmen, has been noticing a downward trend in sales during the...

Enrique, service manager at El Carmen, has been noticing a downward trend in sales during the night shift on weekends. Enrique also noticed that the amount of steaks and chicken sold had decreased drastically. Enrique checked the customer count for the past four weekends, and realized that the number of customers actually increased.

El Carmen does not have an electronic system to record orders and instead uses a duplicate check system where one copy remains with the server and the second copy goes to the kitchen for production. Two of the servers are close friends with the cooks and Enrique suspected that cooks prepared food without requiring a copy of the guest check.

1. How would cooks not requiring tickets present an opportunity for the servers to mishandle cash?

2. What are the disadvantages of using a paper duplicate check system?

3. How can Enrique make sure that every guest order is recorded?

In: Operations Management

- Identify how BMW are organized and why this organizational structure is used (explain a bit...

- Identify how BMW are organized and why this organizational structure is used (explain a bit if you can what it looks like in that organization and why it is working (or not working) ).

In: Operations Management

How does relationship-oriented selling differ from transaction-oriented selling? What are the benefits of each? Give an...

How does relationship-oriented selling differ from transaction-oriented selling? What are the benefits of each? Give an example for each.

In: Operations Management

BUSINESS LAW: Please identify all potential issues in this fact pattern and analyze whether there are...


Please identify all potential issues in this fact pattern and analyze whether there are successful causes of action by the various parties. Use the IRAC method described above.

Andrew owns a car manufactured by Zord Manufacturing company.  

Andrew takes the car to Bob’s repair shop and directs Bob to change the oil and align the steering. While doing the repairs, bob notices an important steel pin the brakes of the car is nearly worn through and could fail at any time. The pin appears to be made of an inappropriate metal. Bob says nothing to Andrew about noticing the Pin because he wasn’t working on it.

Several days later, Andrew was driving at a high rate of speed on the highway in excess of the speed limit.   About 100 feet ahead of him, standing on the side of the road is peter. Peter is staring at his cell phone and is about to walk into traffic. However, at this moment, Andrew is daydreaming and not watching the road. If he had been watching the road, he would have had time to stop.   Two seconds later, Andrew looks up and sees peter in the road in front of him.    He slams on his brakes with great force, the defective pin breaks and the brakes fail to work after a moment. Peter looks up and it is too late to jump out of the way and peter is struck by the car, and is seriously injured.  

Evaluate what claims Peter might have against Andrew, and any claims that might exist between Andrew, Bob, and Zord Auto. Please use the IRAC format discussed.

In: Operations Management

.Is the customer, always right? Give an example to substantiate your answer.

.Is the customer, always right? Give an example to substantiate your answer.

In: Operations Management

Part 1: Case study analysis These questions relate to the case study and should be answered...

Part 1: Case study analysis

These questions relate to the case study and should be answered in the context of the information provided.

Case 1:

A midsized biopharmaceutical (ALFA) company with hundreds of employees worldwide recently faced a crossroads. The company was growing rapidly, but its internal contract management process wasn’t equipped to keep up with the demands of a larger company. Because the company relied on paper-based manual processes, it encountered inefficiency across departments. End users submitted paper forms for contract requests, but often experienced confusion about which information was required for different types of agreements. This led to time-consuming back-and-forth with the legal team. Once they submitted their requests, end users lacked visibility into progress. As a result, they frequently made phone calls to check on status, and typically had the false perception that the legal department was causing bottlenecks. Meanwhile, the legal team faced efficiency challenges of its own. Attorneys and paralegals spent long hours filling in missing information on contract request forms, and handled all manual workflow themselves. Lacking a single system of record, they were forced to perform redundant data entry into multiple back-end business systems. In addition, the legal department’s interaction with the procurement team was inefficient. Legal’s handoff of completed contracts to Procurement—a critical step for the creation of purchase orders (POs)— remained an uncoordinated process. End users had no way of checking the main clauses of contracts with suppliers and checking the requirements for purchasing items. The company’s general counsel recognized the impact of these problems on the entire legal function. The lack of visibility into the current legal workload made it very difficult to plan (or justify) legal resources —and nearly impossible to generate any meaningful business intelligence about the department’s functions. In addition, ensuring compliance with the organization’s financial policies was extremely difficult, exposing the firm to serious financial risk and decreasing negotiating power with vendors.

AQ(1) What is the problem for ALFA company?

AQ(2) How do you evaluate the company contract management performance?

AQ(3) What are the recommendations that the ALFA company need to follow and apply to improve their contract performance (with examples)?

In: Operations Management

Explain why don’t companies seek full partnerships with all of their suppliers?

Explain why don’t companies seek full partnerships with all of their suppliers?

In: Operations Management

Response and Contingency Planning: What is the difference between response planning and contingency planning? Why are...

Response and Contingency Planning:

What is the difference between response planning and contingency planning? Why are both valuable to project risk management?

Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Analysis:

What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative risk assessment? Why do we use both and when it is appropriate to use each of these methods of assessment?

In: Operations Management

Case: Barwa Bank has announced the formal completion of its legal merger with Qatar International Bank...


Barwa Bank has announced the formal completion of its legal merger with Qatar International Bank (IBQ). This merger will lead to the union of two of the most dynamic and dynamic financial institutions in Qatar and the formation of a strong banking entity in compliance with Islamic Sharia law at the local and regional levels, supported by high levels of liquidity and solvency. In light of the first banking merger in the history of Qatar, the joint entity will enjoy a solid financial position with a total assets of more than 80 billion riyals and a strong shareholder base and customers, Barwa Bank will be able to expand the scope of its operational activities and develop its products and services in line with the growing expectations of customers and shareholders alike. .
Consequently, Barwa Bank will provide a variety of products and services that meet the needs of the customers of both banks, while adhering to strict quality control and ensuring that they are always achieved based on the latest banking technologies and innovations. The joint entity will also continue to operate through the network of existing branches of the two banks during the transitional period, where employees will provide clients with services that are in compliance with Islamic Sharia.
Source: Islamic Securities Company

Answer all questions please:
1. What are the desired goals for each of the banks participating in this process? What are the positive and negative aspects of each bank?
2. Explain the factors that must be considered in order to ensure the successful implementation of the merger?
3. What kind of change has occurred in the participating banks?
4. Assuming that you are the CEO of Barwa Bank, Qatar International Bank, what change could be more effective for increasing the market share of the two banks compared to the merger that was implemented?

In: Operations Management

Review the discussion question and answer below. Do you agree with the answer? why or why...

Review the discussion question and answer below. Do you agree with the answer? why or why not? Give your opinion.

Discussion Question: In today’s economy, it is inevitable to layoff or communicate negative information with employees. Is it ethical to fire by email and/or text messages? What is your strategy to convey negative messages to employees?

Answer: In today's economy layoffs are indeed an inevitable event. Nobody wants to be laid off from a job that they need to pay their bills because of the uncertainty that follows. Because of this, how a business goes about conducting their layoffs is just as important as making the decision to lay workers off.

Once a business decides that they must conduct layoffs they have to then communicate the decision. As we move forward into the future we acquire more and more ways to communicate. Some of these methods are very impersonal, such as texting, email, and social media. With this in mind I do not think it is ethical in most cases to layoff workers using methods such as text messages or email. Employees deserve to learn this information in person because they are going to have questions about the process and the options that are available to them. Impersonal methods of communication are notorious for having long wait times in between responses and these people need answers now. In certain extreme circumstances it could be appropriate to conduct layoff in an impersonal way. An example would be the COVID-19 pandemic that we are currently experiencing because the importance of avoiding contact people would outweigh other considerations. In this situation it would be important for a business to be able to quickly answer inevitable questions through the method that they chose, whether text or email. A business also needs a strategy on how to proceed. They need to know when layoffs will take effect, how they will go about separation packages, and what resources will be available to employees during the transition. When the layoffs take effect is an important consideration because there could be legal implications. For example, the Worker's Adjustment Retraining and Notification Act requires companies employing more than 100 people give 60 day notice if impending layoffs will affect 50 or more employees. In a position to announce layoffs I would make sure that I'm informing employees in person. I would let them know at a minimum 60 days in advance so that they can start their search for other work as soon as possible. We would offer the affected employees outplacement counseling if they wanted it and would write recommendation letters is asked to assist in the job hunting process. Layoffs are a tough time for employees but with these steps a company can mitigate anxieties and assist employees in their transitions.

In: Operations Management

Review the discussion question and answer below. Do you agree with the answer? why or why...

Review the discussion question and answer below. Do you agree with the answer? why or why not? Give your opinion.

Discussion Question: In today’s economy, it is inevitable to layoff or communicate negative information with employees. Is it ethical to fire by email and/or text messages? What is your strategy to convey negative messages to employees?

Answer: With what is happening around the world, layoffs are bound to happen but there is a way to do it in the right format. It might not be illegal for a company to fire their employees by email and text messages but using electronic means to do it is definitely at the lowest end of the best ethical guideline and no employees are expecting such an act coming their way. Thus, the choice to layoff with email or text message by the companies can have a negative impact in their employees’ mind. First of all, this process can affect them on their way to find another job or more affected them in terms of self-esteem in real life in general. This is mainly because the employees will not have an opportunity to get necessary feedback. There are several strategies to deliver negative messages to employees one of them being to call them and explained to them the problem that the company is facing at that moment and explained to them company’s decision to lay-offs them. A face-to-face interaction, also on the simulated modes of contact or in person phone call and recorded can be a good way too. This process of phone call can lead to an appeasement for employees as they might get some of their question answered even though they might not be able to avoid being laid-off. Oral communications support the written formal modes of communications. It helps in availing instant feedback and accordingly designing the written form of the formal communication to support such serious actions. Of course, a face-to-face interaction is the best approach someone can use in this case but with new technological advances people can now have video calls in case in person meeting is not available or possible. In any cases, this shall be my preferred strategy that is to orally communicate and discuss with the employees about the grounds on which the layoffs because that is essential before formally sending away mails to them. Furthermore, even thought my preferences strategies is the phone call or face-to face meeting to lay-off employees but with this actual situation around the world, companies don’t have the necessary time to do the phone call or face-to-face lay-off because of the volume of people that needs to be let go. Also, the lay-off process should be a whole process before a company can do it which is at the first to determine the potential number of layoffs required and HR will determine the specific individuals to be laid off. The HR determines who receives layoff notices and provides the official notice to units/supervisors to give to the affected individuals. They should inform your staff about the layoffs to be made and any related changes in job assignments. HR will schedule informational meetings with those individuals being laid off. The informational meetings will cover. HR will also inform the unit of needed documentation, the status of various payments, the status of laid off employees, bypass arrangements for laid off employees for withdrawn.

In: Operations Management

Please typing if you can i will appreciate had my answers but i need to compare...

Please typing if you can i will appreciate had my answers but i need to compare my solution .
o changes you have had to personally make due to the Any Personality things
o how you feel about those changes; how you are coping
o economic impacts for you, friends, and/or family
o educational impacts for you, friends or family

Typing please it is help me for grammar

In: Operations Management