Discuss how Best's constructionist perspective on defiance chapter 11 applies to the definition and treatment of...

Discuss how Best's constructionist perspective on defiance chapter 11 applies to the definition and treatment of a diction in Americans society

constructions of Deviance : social power, context snd interaction 8th edition by adler and adler

In: Operations Management

Choose either EMTALA, Anti-Kickback, or the STARK Law. Discuss why following these laws are necessary and...

Choose either EMTALA, Anti-Kickback, or the STARK Law. Discuss why following these laws are necessary and the challenges health care professionals face in upholding these laws. Provide an example of an organization that violated one of these laws and the consequences they faced.

In: Operations Management

Write an essay on why I want to be an educator. What I believe I have...

Write an essay on why I want to be an educator. What I believe I have to offer the students of our future?

In: Operations Management

"Sustaining change evaluating and ending the engagement " CHP14 (looking for definitions and examples) what is...

"Sustaining change evaluating and ending the engagement " CHP14

(looking for definitions and examples)

what is Sustaining Change After Intervention? (5-6 sentences)

Dangerous of sustaining change .-

The mechanism to sustain change .-

1.- periodic team meeting.-

2.- organization sensing meeting.-

3.- periodic intergroup meeting .-

4.- renewal conferences .-

5.- goal-directed performance review .-

6.- periodic visits from outside consultant .-

In: Operations Management

The rising popularity of bubble and squeak as a breakfast item on the menu has resulted...

The rising popularity of bubble and squeak as a breakfast item on the menu has resulted in a
steady demand for peas. Over the course of the past week, 228 customers have ordered the hearty
breakfast containing a cup of English peas. It costs $0.04 to hold a cup of peas in inventory for a
year and $3 to place an order. It takes two weeks to ship a container from England loaded with
peas. Assume that each year has 52 weeks.

What is the optimal order quantity?
A) 2670 cups
B) 17.8 cups
C) 1334 cups
D) 8.9 cups

What will be the average inventory if they order 1330 units each time?
A) 2660 cups
B) 1330 cups
C) 665 cups
D)333 cups

How many orders per year does the diner have to place if they order 1317 cups each time?
A) 18
B) 9
C) 5
D) 14

What is the cost of the inventory policy (holding cost + ordering cost) if the diner orders 8
times per year?
A) $53.64
B) $106.80
C) $26.70
D) $80.10

What is the average flow time if the diner orders 1334?
A) 8.76 weeks
B) 5.84 weeks
C) 2.93 weeks
D) 11.68 weeks

In: Operations Management

Explain the differences in Culture at the workplace. Please do not copy from the internet.

Explain the differences in Culture at the workplace.

Please do not copy from the internet.

In: Operations Management

Did you have an opinion about unionized labor prior to taking this course? If so, how...

  1. Did you have an opinion about unionized labor prior to taking this course? If so, how has the opinion changed or been reinforced? If not, what is your current opinion of unionized labor?
  2. What takeaways from this module will be important three years from now?
  3. What specific actions can you take to apply the information you learned about unions in your current or future roles as a professional?

In: Operations Management

The Evanstonian is an upscale independent hotel that caters to both business and leisure travelers. When...

The Evanstonian is an upscale independent hotel that caters to both business and leisure travelers. When a guest calls room service at The Evanstonian, the room-service manager takes down the order. The service manager then submits an order ticket to the kitchen to begin preparing the food. She also gives an order to the sommelier (i.e., the wine waiter) to fetch wine from the cellar and to prepare any other alcoholic beverages. Finally, she assigns the order to a waiter.

  It takes 6 minutes to take down the order and to assign the work to the kitchen, sommelier, and waiter. It takes the kitchen 16 minutes to prepare the typical order. It takes the sommelier 8 minutes to prepare the drinks for the order. While the kitchen and the sommelier are doing their tasks, the waiter readies a cart (i.e., puts a tablecloth on the cart and gathers silverware). This takes 8 minutes per order.

  Once the food, wine, and cart are ready, the waiter delivers it to the guest’s room. It takes the waiter 14 minutes to deliver the meal to the customer. It takes the waiter additional 2 minutes to return to the station and debit the guest’ account. All the times mentioned represent flow time at the various activities, an include the effects of waiting.

Activity Time and Visit


Activity Time


to take down the order and to assign the work to the kitchen

to prepare the typical order

to prepare the drinks for the order

waiter readies a cart

to deliver the meal to the customer

to return to the station and debit the guest’ account













a. Draw a process map for the room-service process: from receipt of order to delivery of food

b. What is the critical path and theoretical flow time of the process?

c. What is the effect on the process flow time if the waiter could prepare the cart in 6 minutes, instead of 8?

d. Computes the waste time due to rework?

e. The hotel wants to reduce its theoretical flow time by 4 minutes. Give an example of using elimination approach to reduce the theoretical flow time. (Show which activity or activities should be reduced and by how many minutes).

In: Operations Management

Marketing department I need long answer /short answer is not working I need unique answer please...

Marketing department

I need long answer /short answer is not working

I need unique answer please don't copy

I need references, use APA style

If answer without references I will hit you dislike


Which strategies in Huawei company should make regarding its portfolio of current and future products. What are the dimensions upon which a company manages its product portfolio?

Instructions: Good and clear explanation of the various dimensions upon which a company manages its product portfolio (product mix width, product mix length and product mix depth).

In: Operations Management

Global sourcing, as well as the global transportation associated with it, is more challenging than sourcing...

Global sourcing, as well as the global transportation associated with it, is more challenging than sourcing within the U.S.   Suppose that your employer, an aircraft manufacturer, purchases jet engines from a supplier in Russia. You have been tasked with the responsibility of arranging transportation of the engines from their factory in St. Petersburg, Russia, to your manufacturing facility in St. Louis, Missouri.   In one paragraph, identify and describe specific, unique procurement and transportation difficulties that might arise when planning this particular transport. Consider issues such as proper packaging, ancillary services, and port capabilities. Utilize knowledge you gained while reading Chapter 11, but also brainstorm and come up with your own ideas concerning this issue.  Think geographically, economically, politically, and etc.

Use proper paragraph format to answer, which includes a topic sentence which addresses the question to be addressed, body sentences which answer the question and explain, and a closing statement which repeats or reflects key words from the topic sentence. The assignment will be graded with the Discussion Question Rubric.

In: Operations Management

Find a healthcare organization’s description of how it utilizes big data. Review their description of this...

Find a healthcare organization’s description of how it utilizes big data. Review their description of this usage: For what purpose? Who performs the actual analysis? Can you tell whether the analysis is done internally or externally? Are the results current? Are the results useful in some way, and is that usefulness described?

In: Operations Management

The fact that effective Human Resource Management (HRM) means that “a company has the right number...

The fact that effective Human Resource Management (HRM) means that “a company has the right number of employees and that these employees are qualified to do their jobs.” Tap into your knowledge about HRM activities to explain how a company ensures that these two requirements are met.

In: Operations Management

Angelica Augustine has successfully completed the culinary program at Niagara College. She has an intense desire...

Angelica Augustine has successfully completed the culinary program at Niagara College. She has an intense desire to open a restaurant somewhere in Ontario in order to showcase her exceptional cooking talent. Your task is to share with Angelica some basic principles of managing a business by convincing her that she will need to wear two hats: a chef’s hat and a manager’s hat! In your properly formatted emailed response to her, explain the functions of management, the types of basic skills that managers need, the importance of conducting a SWOT analysis and the need to understand contingency planning and crisis management. Be sure to format your response using proper business email etiquette and provide examples in your answer that will allow Angelica to understand the concepts.

In: Operations Management

What is the study of motivation and how does it relate to the workplace? Select any...

What is the study of motivation and how does it relate to the workplace? Select any three of the six common motivational strategies that can be used to enhance employee motivation. Besides explaining how these motivational strategies work, explain why you chose these strategies. Be sure to use specific examples to help with your explanation

In: Operations Management

Choose a proprietary or non-proprietary Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system used by an industry or a...

Choose a proprietary or non-proprietary Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system used by an industry or a business entity in Malaysia, analyse and evaluate the relevant operational; analytic; and collaborative functions of the chosen CRM and highlight their benefits to that particular industry or a business entity.
[30 marks]

- With APA citation

In: Operations Management