
In: Psychology

How do systems of subordination (gender, race, poverty, etc.) combine to make manifestations of violence more...

How do systems of subordination (gender, race, poverty, etc.) combine to make

manifestations of violence more likely and does the state have any responsibility in these manifestations?


Expert Solution

Systems of subordination has its basis on power and inequality.

Gender related violence is often aimed at women and then it is maintained through gender socialization, gender stereotyping and a persistent threat of violence. All such acts identify women as the inferior gender which influences the actions of both men and women. Such forms of violence soon become a part of the social order. Women are either coerced into sex, physically beaten or otherwise abused. Males can also be victims of such violence especially if they do not conform to tradition expectation of "masculine" behaviour. Subordination is a life long process of discrimination and stereotyping.

Not only gender, even poverty manifests into many forms of violence especially among adolescents and young adults. They are at risks of anti social behaviour. As they grow up they even face forms of violence such as unemployment and other forms of inquality. This leads to criminal behaviour such as theft, robbery, hacking, forging or even killing.

Racial discriminations lead to forms of violence such as homicides, shootings, aggravated assaults and others. There is a very thin line between smaller violence and the more dangerous ones. Any sensitive issue can get escalated.

The bad news is, these systems of subordination does not exist in isolation of each other. A person could be belonging to two or three minority groups at the same time and this increases their chances of getting cornered in such kinds of inequality.

These forms of violence hampers subordinated groups not only physically but also psychologically. Inequality is directly related to stress. Chronic stress impacts people's health leading to health disparity in population and chronic diseases.

Yes, the state has major responsibilites in these manifestations. Better risk assessment approaches should be adopted by the state which are rational and can recognize the instability of organized and powerful social violence.

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