
In: Physics

Think about our current and possible future uses of nuclear power and answer the following questions....

Think about our current and possible future uses of nuclear power and answer the following questions. Please provide a link to any source you used.

1. What do you see as potential problems?

2. What do you see as the dangers today and in the future?

3. If you were in the position to make decisions about the output of nuclear power production, what would you do and why?


Expert Solution


Currently we are facing many problem due to high power consumption but low power generation.

As we know that currently we are more dependent on thermal power only. but by the estimation it was found that after 150 yrs we will suffer the shortage of coal and than automatically there will no way to generate the power from coal. Hence as mention above we are facing the potential.

So we have second option that is power generation through the nuclear.


Now there are many problem with the generation of power throgh nuclear energy.

Nuclear energy is the energy released by a chain reaction, specifically by the process of nuclear fission or fusion in the reactor. The source of fuel used to generate nuclear energy is mined and processed uranium (enriched uranium), which is utilized to generate steam and produce electricity.

These are the dangers point regarding the nuclear power-

1. Nuclear Waste

After the uranium splits to generate heat, the resulting byproducts are radioactive, which means they need to be removed in a safe way. Even though power plants have undergone recycling efforts of this waste product in recent years, storing the byproduct can lead to contamination through various containment failures.

2. Nuclear Leaks

The design of a nuclear reactor is created with several safety systems in mind that will contain the radiation emitted in the fission process. But these safety systems function adequately only when they are properly installed and maintained. When they come with structural flaws or are improperly installed, nuclear reactors could leak harmful amounts of radiation into the environment. For example, if a containment field were to break suddenly, the radiation leak could be catastrophic.

3. Impact on Human Life

The nuclear disaster at Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused during the Second World War is an everlasting memo of what nuclear energy and nuclear bombs can do. Even though more than five decades have passed since, many children are still born with physical and neurological defects. The nuclear effect is often mentioned as a primary cause. The sad news is that we still have no remedy for these cases.

4. National Risk

When we discovered nuclear energy, we found the power to produce more weapons. Even though nuclear energy can help us make the world a better place, it can also be the spark that starts another world war. Using nuclear energy more responsible is mandatory to avoid any sort of major accidents. Power plants are hot targets for terrorist organizations and extremist militants, which makes security a major concern.


If i were in the postion to make the decsion than i would agree to nuclear power production due to flowing core advantages..while we insure the public and goverment that high level safty will be used to avoid any dangers hazard through the nuclear power production.

1. The nuclear power plant is more economical compared with thermal in areas where coal field is far away.
2. There is no problem of fuel transportation, storage and handling and ash handling as in thermal power plants.
3. Man power required for the operation of nuclear power plant is less. Therefore the cost of operation is reduced.
4. Nuclear plant occupies less space than thermal power plants, which reduces the cost of civil construction.
5. The capital cost in structural materials, piping and storage are less than thermal plants of the same capacity.

Hope my explanation will help you to improve the knowledge about nuclear power.

Please rate the answer.

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