Design a 4 bit Counter that displays even numbers when a switch
on, and odd when the switch off . using multisim (explain in
details and information of how you do it in multisim) show steps of
multisim and which gates numbers you used.
Design a 4-bit up/down counter which displays its output on the
the 7-led segment using the decoder used in Lab 2.
In this lab, you will design a 4-bit up/down counter which
displays its output on the 7-segment LED using the decoder that you
designed in Lab 2.
The 4-bit up/down counter module has 4 inputs, Clk_1Hz, Reset,
Pause, and Up; and a 4-bit output Count. If Reset is 1, the counter
should reset its count value to zero (0000)....
1) You are asked to design 4-bit Odd Number Count-Down BCD
Counter making use of ONLY Falling Edge JK-flipflop(s) and logic
2) Based on the requirements,write down: (i) state diagram (ii)
excitation table (iii) input equations
You are to design an 4 bit counter that takes as input a clock
and a reset signal and outputs a 4-bit count When the clock is
asserted and the reset is high, the clock increments. When it
increments at 1111,it resets to 0000
Create a schematic diagram of your design using either Xilinx
ISE or a drawing tool of your choice or a neatly hand-drawn
Create a Verilog module within Xilinx.
Verify your design is syntactically correct.
Design 4-bit odd number synchronous count-down counter showing
BCD output through a 7-segment display using J-K flip flop and
logic gates with Active LOW RESET pin to the existing circuit so
that when RESET pin is enabled, the counter counts from the
Using JK flipflopDesign a multisim schematic for a 4 bit
synchronous counter that counts numbers in Gray code. 4 bit Gray
code is as follows: 0000 0001 0011 0010 0110 0111 0101 0100 1100
1101 1111 1110 1010 1001 1000