In: Computer Science
Using swap.s as a starting point and conforming to the stack frame structure explained above, provide MINIMAL MIPS assembly codes which EXACTLY match the desired behavior of C program below. Note that the selection function does not return value, instead it stores the outcome into the address (*list, a pointer of the array data, means the beginning address of the array data) provided by the caller. Hence, the caller needs to allocate a local variable, temp, in the stack.
void main()
{ int data[10] = {55, 44, 22, 33, 77, 0, 11, 99, 88, 44};
int size = 10, i;
selection(data, 0, 0, size, 1);
printf("The sorted list in ascending order is\n");
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
{ printf("%d ", data[i]);
} } void selection(int *list, int i, int j, int size, int flag)
int temp;
if (i < size - 1)
if (flag)
j = i + 1;
if (j < size)
if (list[i] > list[j])
temp = list[i];
list[i] = list[j];
list[j] = temp;
selection(list, i, j + 1, size, 0);
selection(list, i + 1, 0, size, 1);
.MODEL SMALL .STACK 100H .DATA PROMPT_1 DB 'The contents of the array before sorting : $' PROMPT_2 DB 0DH,0AH,'The contents of the array after sorting : $' ARRAY DB 55,44,22,33,77,0,11,99,88,44 .CODE MAIN PROC MOV AX, @DATA ; initialize DS MOV DS, AX MOV BX, 10 ; set BX=10 LEA DX, PROMPT_1 ; load and display the string PROMPT_1 MOV AH, 9 INT 21H LEA SI, ARRAY ; set SI=offset address of ARRAY CALL PRINT_ARRAY ; call the procedure PRINT_ARRAY LEA SI, ARRAY ; set SI=offset address of the ARRAY CALL SELECT_SORT ; call the procedure SELECT_SORT LEA DX, PROMPT_2 ; load and display the string PROMPT_2 MOV AH, 9 INT 21H LEA SI, ARRAY ; set SI=offset address of ARRAY CALL PRINT_ARRAY ; call the procedure PRINT_ARRAY MOV AH, 4CH ; return control to DOS INT 21H MAIN ENDP PRINT_ARRAY PROC ; this procedure will print the elements of a given array ; input : SI=offset address of the array ; : BX=size of the array ; output : none PUSH AX ; push AX onto the STACK PUSH CX ; push CX onto the STACK PUSH DX ; push DX onto the STACK MOV CX, BX ; set CX=BX @PRINT_ARRAY: ; loop label XOR AH, AH ; clear AH MOV AL, [SI] ; set AL=[SI] CALL OUTDEC ; call the procedure OUTDEC MOV AH, 2 ; set output function MOV DL, 20H ; set DL=20H INT 21H ; print a character INC SI ; set SI=SI+1 LOOP @PRINT_ARRAY ; jump to label @PRINT_ARRAY while CX!=0 POP DX ; pop a value from STACK into DX POP CX ; pop a value from STACK into CX POP AX ; pop a value from STACK into AX RET ; return control to the calling procedure PRINT_ARRAY ENDP SELECT_SORT PROC ; this procedure will sort the array in ascending order ; input : SI=offset address of the array ; : BX=array size ; output :none PUSH AX ; push AX onto the STACK PUSH BX ; push BX onto the STACK PUSH CX ; push CX onto the STACK PUSH DX ; push DX onto the STACK PUSH DI ; push DI onto the STACK CMP BX, 1 ; compare BX with 1 JLE @SKIP_SORTING ; jump to label @SKIP_SORTING if BX<=1 DEC BX ; set BX=BX-1 MOV CX, BX ; set CX=BX MOV AX, SI ; set AX=SI @OUTER_LOOP: ; loop label MOV BX, CX ; set BX=CX MOV SI, AX ; set SI=AX MOV DI, AX ; set DI=AX MOV DL, [DI] ; set DL=[DI] @INNER_LOOP: ; loop label INC SI ; set SI=SI+1 CMP [SI], DL ; compare [SI] with DL JNG @SKIP ; jump to label @SKIP if [SI]<=DL MOV DI, SI ; set DI=SI MOV DL, [DI] ; set DL=[DI] @SKIP: ; jump label DEC BX ; set BX=BX-1 JNZ @INNER_LOOP ; jump to label @INNER_LOOP if BX!=0 MOV DL, [SI] ; set DL=[SI] XCHG DL, [DI] ; set DL=[DI] , [DI]=DL MOV [SI], DL ; set [SI]=DL LOOP @OUTER_LOOP ; jump to label @OUTER_LOOP while CX!=0 @SKIP_SORTING: ; jump label POP DI ; pop a value from STACK into DI POP DX ; pop a value from STACK into DX POP CX ; pop a value from STACK into CX POP BX ; pop a value from STACK into BX POP AX ; pop a value from STACK into AX RET ; return control to the calling procedure SELECT_SORT ENDP OUTDEC PROC ; this procedure will display a decimal number ; input : AX ; output : none PUSH BX ; push BX onto the STACK PUSH CX ; push CX onto the STACK PUSH DX ; push DX onto the STACK XOR CX, CX ; clear CX MOV BX, 10 ; set BX=10 @OUTPUT: ; loop label XOR DX, DX ; clear DX DIV BX ; divide AX by BX PUSH DX ; push DX onto the STACK INC CX ; increment CX OR AX, AX ; take OR of Ax with AX JNE @OUTPUT ; jump to label @OUTPUT if ZF=0 MOV AH, 2 ; set output function @DISPLAY: ; loop label POP DX ; pop a value from STACK to DX OR DL, 30H ; convert decimal to ascii code INT 21H ; print a character LOOP @DISPLAY ; jump to label @DISPLAY if CX!=0 POP DX ; pop a value from STACK into DX POP CX ; pop a value from STACK into CX POP BX ; pop a value from STACK into BX RET ; return control to the calling procedure OUTDEC ENDP END MAIN