
In: Computer Science

In a header file Record.h, create a Record structure that contains the following information: recordID, firstName,...

  1. In a header file Record.h, create a Record structure that contains the following information: recordID, firstName, lastName, startYear. recordID is an integer.

  2. In testRecord, first create a record (record1) using “normal” pointers. Set the values to 1001, Fred, Flintstone, 1995

  3. In testRecord, create a new record (record2) using a unique smart pointer. Set the values to 1002, Barney, Rubble, 2000

  4. Create a function (or functions) that will print the records to any output stream. Since the print function does not need to change the record, pass record2 as a constant. Print the records.

  5. Create a function (or functions) that will set the year value of an already created record1 or record2 to the current value minus 10. Print the records.


Expert Solution

1). ANSWER :



#include <string>
struct Record
int recordID,startYear;
std::string firstName,lastName;


#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include "Record.h"
using namespace std;

unique_ptr<Record> print(unique_ptr<Record> r) //function to print details of unique pointer of Record
cout << "ID: " << r->recordID << endl;
cout << "First Name: " << r->firstName << endl;
cout << "Last Name: " << r->lastName << endl;
cout << "Starting Year: " << r->startYear << endl;
return r;

void print(Record *r) //function to print details of normal pointer of Record
cout << "ID: " << r->recordID << endl;
cout << "First Name: " << r->firstName << endl;
cout << "Last Name: " << r->lastName << endl;
cout << "Starting Year: " << r->startYear << endl;

unique_ptr<Record> change(unique_ptr<Record> r) //function to change year of unique pointer of Record
return r;

void change(Record *r) //function to change year of normal pointer of Record

int main()
//testing the functions
Record *r1=new Record; //dynamically allocating pointer
unique_ptr<Record> r2(new Record); //dynamically allocating unique pointer
cout << "Normal pointer before changing: " << endl;
cout << "Normal pointer after changing: " << endl;
cout << "Smart Unique pointer before changing: " << endl;
cout << "Smart Unique pointer after changing: " << endl;
return 0;

The above program Output:

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