
In: Computer Science

please complete the header file that contains a class template for ADT Queue and complete all...

please complete the header file that contains a class template for ADT Queue and complete all the member functions in the class template. Submit the header file only, but please write a source file that tests all the member functions to make sure they are working correctly.


#ifndef _QUEUE
#define _QUEUE


template<class ItemType>
class Queue
   Node<ItemType> *backPtr;
   Node<ItemType> *frontPtr;

   Queue(); //Default constructor
   Queue(const Queue<ItemType> &aQueue);

   bool isEmpty() const;
   bool enqueue(const ItemType &newEntry);
   bool dequeue();
   ItemType peekFront() const;
   void display();

template<class ItemType>
template<class ItemType>
Queue<ItemType>::Queue(const Queue<ItemType>& aQueue)
   Node<ItemType> *originalNodePtr=aQueue.frontPtr;
       frontPtr=new Node<ItemType>;
           ItemType nextItem=originalNodePtr->getItem();
           Node<ItemType> *newNode=new Node<ItemType>(nextItem);
template<class ItemType>
bool Queue<ItemType>::isEmpty() const
template<class ItemType>
bool Queue<ItemType>::enqueue(const ItemType &newEntry)
template<class ItemType>
bool Queue<ItemType>::dequeue()
template<class ItemType>
ItemType Queue<ItemType>::peekFront() const
template<class ItemType>
void Queue<ItemType>::display() const



Expert Solution

The queue can be implemented as follows in C++ using templates:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

// define default capacity of the queue
#define SIZE 10

// Class for queue
template <class X>
class queue
   X *arr;        // array to store queue elements
   int capacity; // maximum capacity of the queue
   int front;     // front points to front element in the queue (if any)
   int rear;    // rear points to last element in the queue
   int count;     // current size of the queue

   queue(int size = SIZE);       // constructor

   void dequeue();
   void enqueue(X x);
   X peek();
   int size();
   bool isEmpty();
   bool isFull();

// Constructor to initialize queue
template <class X>
queue<X>::queue(int size)
   arr = new X[size];
   capacity = size;
   front = 0;
   rear = -1;
   count = 0;

// Utility function to remove front element from the queue
template <class X>
void queue<X>::dequeue()
   // check for queue underflow
   if (isEmpty())
       cout << "UnderFlow\nProgram Terminated\n";

   cout << "Removing " << arr[front] << '\n';

   front = (front + 1) % capacity;

// Utility function to add an item to the queue
template <class X>
void queue<X>::enqueue(X item)
   // check for queue overflow
   if (isFull())
       cout << "OverFlow\nProgram Terminated\n";

   cout << "Inserting " << item << '\n';

   rear = (rear + 1) % capacity;
   arr[rear] = item;

// Utility function to return front element in the queue
template <class X>
X queue<X>::peek()
   if (isEmpty())
       cout << "UnderFlow\nProgram Terminated\n";
   return arr[front];

// Utility function to return the size of the queue
template <class X>
int queue<X>::size()
   return count;

// Utility function to check if the queue is empty or not
template <class X>
bool queue<X>::isEmpty()
   return (size() == 0);

// Utility function to check if the queue is full or not
template <class X>
bool queue<X>::isFull()
   return (size() == capacity);

int main()
   // create a queue of capacity 4
   queue<string> q(4);

   cout << "Front element is: " << q.peek() << endl;

   cout << "Queue size is " << q.size() << endl;

   if (q.isEmpty())
       cout << "Queue Is Empty\n";
       cout << "Queue Is Not Empty\n";

   return 0;

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