In: Computer Science
Write a shell script that will create a new password-type file that contains user information. The file should contain information about the last five users added to the system with each line describing a single user. This information is contained in the last five lines of both the /etc/shadow and the /etc/passwd files. Specifically, you should produce a file where each line for a user contains the following fields: user name, encrypted password, and shell. The fields should be separated using the colon (:) character.
Please find the below shell script for the given scenario. Please copy paste the below script in a file with extension .sh( for example and change the permission of the file(add execute permission) using chamod command as shown below and execute the filr as ./
chmod 755
Sample entry of the /etc/passwd files is as follows( here the first column is the user name and the seventh column is users shell )
tom1:x:1000:1000:Vivek Gite:/home/vivek:/bin/bash
Sample entry in /etc/shadow file is as follows( here the first column is the user name and the second column is encrrypted password)
So to get the desired output as mentioned in the question, ie 'username:encrypted password:shell of the user' we need to extract the first column(user name [-f 2]) from /etc/passwd using cut command and delimiter as colon (-d:). Then extract the second column(encrypted password [-f 2]) from the /etc/shadow using cut command and delimiter as colon (-d:) . Then extract the 7th column (user shell [-f 7]) from /etc/passwd using cut command and delimiter as colon (-d:).
After extracting each columns, the concatenate all these fileds together using the 'paste' command with colon(:) as delimiter to get the final output. Then write this output to a file with name 'newpass.txt'
The 'tail -n' command is used to get the last 'n' lines from a file. So 'tail -5 /etc/passwd' gives the last 5 lined of the file /etc/passwd.
Please provide your feedback.
Thanks, Happy Learning!
paste --delimiter=':' <(tail -5 /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f 1) <(tail -5 /etc/shadow | cut -d: -f 2) <(tail -5 /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f 7) > newpass.txt