
In: Mechanical Engineering

Create a structure array that contains the following information fields concerning the road bridges in a town

Create a structure array that contains the following information fields concerning the road bridges in a town: bridge location, maximum load (tons), year built, year due for maintenance. Then enter the following data into the array:

Location Max. load Year built Due for maintenance Smith St. Hope Ave. Clark St. North Rd. 80 90 85 100 1928 1950 1933 1960 2011 2013 2012 2012


Expert Solution

Array structure:


%You can create this array by typing the following either in interactive mode or in a script
%file and running it.
A(1,1)={\'bridge location\'};
A(1,3)={\'year built\'};
A(1,4)={\'due of maintanance\'};
A{2,1} = {\'SmitSt\';\'HopeAve\';\'ClarkSt\';\'NorthRd\'};
A{2,2} = {[80;90;95;100]};
A{2,3} = {[1928;1950;1933;1960]};
A{2,4} = {[2011;2013;2012;2012]};
%Type A at the command line. You will see
%You can use the celldisp function to display the full contents. For example, typing

Array structure:


%You can create this array by typing the following either in interactive mode or in a script

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